Leandro Melo authored
This is basically a continuation of the commits which refactor code out of the base text editor. For instance, 36fa1de4 and 3a684586. Also removed the doXXXX() forwarding methods.
Leandro Melo authoredThis is basically a continuation of the commits which refactor code out of the base text editor. For instance, 36fa1de4 and 3a684586. Also removed the doXXXX() forwarding methods.
basetexteditor.h 18.02 KiB
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#include "itexteditable.h"
#include <find/ifindsupport.h>
#include <coreplugin/editormanager/editormanager.h>
#include <QtGui/QPlainTextEdit>
class QToolBar;
class QTimeLine;
namespace Utils {
class LineColumnLabel;
class ChangeSet;
namespace TextEditor {
class TabSettings;
class RefactorOverlay;
struct RefactorMarker;
namespace Internal {
class BaseTextEditorPrivate;
class TextEditorOverlay;
typedef QList<RefactorMarker> RefactorMarkers;
class ITextMarkable;
class BaseTextDocument;
class BaseTextEditorEditable;
class FontSettings;
class BehaviorSettings;
class CompletionSettings;
class DisplaySettings;
class StorageSettings;
class Indenter;
class AutoCompleter;
class TEXTEDITOR_EXPORT BaseTextEditorAnimator : public QObject
BaseTextEditorAnimator(QObject *parent);
inline void setPosition(int position) { m_position = position; }
inline int position() const { return m_position; }
void setData(QFont f, QPalette pal, const QString &text);
void draw(QPainter *p, const QPointF &pos);
QRectF rect() const;
inline qreal value() const { return m_value; }
inline QPointF lastDrawPos() const { return m_lastDrawPos; }
void finish();
bool isRunning() const;
void updateRequest(int position, QPointF lastPos, QRectF rect);
private slots:
void step(qreal v);
QTimeLine *m_timeline;
qreal m_value;
int m_position;
QPointF m_lastDrawPos;
QFont m_font;
QPalette m_palette;
QString m_text;
QSizeF m_size;
class TEXTEDITOR_EXPORT BaseTextEditor : public QPlainTextEdit
Q_PROPERTY(int verticalBlockSelectionFirstColumn READ verticalBlockSelectionFirstColumn)
Q_PROPERTY(int verticalBlockSelectionLastColumn READ verticalBlockSelectionLastColumn)
BaseTextEditor(QWidget *parent);
static ITextEditor *openEditorAt(const QString &fileName, int line, int column = 0,
const QString &editorId = QString(),
Core::EditorManager::OpenEditorFlags flags = Core::EditorManager::IgnoreNavigationHistory,
bool *newEditor = 0);
const Utils::ChangeSet &changeSet() const;
void setChangeSet(const Utils::ChangeSet &changeSet);
// EditorInterface
Core::IFile * file();
bool createNew(const QString &contents);
virtual bool open(const QString &fileName = QString());
QByteArray saveState() const;
bool restoreState(const QByteArray &state);
QString displayName() const;
// ITextEditor
void gotoLine(int line, int column = 0);
int position(
ITextEditor::PositionOperation posOp = ITextEditor::Current
, int at = -1) const;
void convertPosition(int pos, int *line, int *column) const;
BaseTextEditorEditable *editableInterface() const;
ITextMarkable *markableInterface() const;
virtual void triggerCompletions();
virtual void triggerQuickFix();
QChar characterAt(int pos) const;
void print(QPrinter *);
void setSuggestedFileName(const QString &suggestedFileName);
QString mimeType() const;
virtual void setMimeType(const QString &mt);
void appendStandardContextMenuActions(QMenu *menu);
// Works only in conjunction with a syntax highlighter that puts
// parentheses into text block user data
void setParenthesesMatchingEnabled(bool b);
bool isParenthesesMatchingEnabled() const;
void setHighlightCurrentLine(bool b);
bool highlightCurrentLine() const;
void setLineNumbersVisible(bool b);
bool lineNumbersVisible() const;
void setMarksVisible(bool b);
bool marksVisible() const;
void setRequestMarkEnabled(bool b);
bool requestMarkEnabled() const;
void setLineSeparatorsAllowed(bool b);
bool lineSeparatorsAllowed() const;
void updateCodeFoldingVisible();
bool codeFoldingVisible() const;
void setCodeFoldingSupported(bool b);
bool codeFoldingSupported() const;
void setMouseNavigationEnabled(bool b);
bool mouseNavigationEnabled() const;
void setScrollWheelZoomingEnabled(bool b);
bool scrollWheelZoomingEnabled() const;
void setRevisionsVisible(bool b);
bool revisionsVisible() const;
void setVisibleWrapColumn(int column);
int visibleWrapColumn() const;
void setActionHack(QObject *);
QObject *actionHack() const;
void setTextCodec(QTextCodec *codec);
QTextCodec *textCodec() const;
void setReadOnly(bool b);
void setTextCursor(const QTextCursor &cursor);
void insertCodeSnippet(const QTextCursor &cursor, const QString &snippet);
void setBlockSelection(bool on);
bool hasBlockSelection() const;
int verticalBlockSelectionFirstColumn() const;
int verticalBlockSelectionLastColumn() const;
QRegion translatedLineRegion(int lineStart, int lineEnd) const;
void setIndenter(Indenter *indenter);
Indenter *indenter() const;
void setAutoCompleter(AutoCompleter *autoCompleter);
AutoCompleter *autoCompleter() const;
public slots:
void setDisplayName(const QString &title);
virtual void paste();
virtual void cut();
void zoomIn(int range = 1);
void zoomOut(int range = 1);
void zoomReset();
void cutLine();
void deleteLine();
void unfoldAll();
void fold();
void unfold();
void selectEncoding();
void gotoBlockStart();
void gotoBlockEnd();
void gotoBlockStartWithSelection();
void gotoBlockEndWithSelection();
void gotoLineStart();
void gotoLineStartWithSelection();
void gotoLineEnd();
void gotoLineEndWithSelection();
void gotoNextLine();
void gotoNextLineWithSelection();
void gotoPreviousLine();
void gotoPreviousLineWithSelection();
void gotoPreviousCharacter();
void gotoPreviousCharacterWithSelection();
void gotoNextCharacter();
void gotoNextCharacterWithSelection();
void gotoPreviousWord();
void gotoPreviousWordWithSelection();
void gotoNextWord();
void gotoNextWordWithSelection();
void gotoPreviousWordCamelCase();
void gotoPreviousWordCamelCaseWithSelection();
void gotoNextWordCamelCase();
void gotoNextWordCamelCaseWithSelection();
void selectBlockUp();
void selectBlockDown();
void moveLineUp();
void moveLineDown();
void copyLineUp();
void copyLineDown();
void joinLines();
void insertLineAbove();
void insertLineBelow();
void cleanWhitespace();
void changed();
// ITextEditor
void contentsChanged();
bool event(QEvent *e);
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e);
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e);
void changeEvent(QEvent *e);
void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e);
void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *e);
void showEvent(QShowEvent *);
// reimplemented to support block selection
QMimeData *createMimeDataFromSelection() const;
bool canInsertFromMimeData(const QMimeData *source) const;
void insertFromMimeData(const QMimeData *source);
static QString msgTextTooLarge(quint64 size);
void maybeSelectLine();
void duplicateFrom(BaseTextEditor *editor);
BaseTextDocument *baseTextDocument() const;
void setBaseTextDocument(BaseTextDocument *doc);
void setDefaultPath(const QString &defaultPath);
virtual BaseTextEditorEditable *createEditableInterface() = 0;
private slots:
void editorContentsChange(int position, int charsRemoved, int charsAdded);
void documentAboutToBeReloaded();
void documentReloaded();
void highlightSearchResults(const QString &txt, Find::FindFlags findFlags);
void setFindScope(const QTextCursor &start, const QTextCursor &end, int, int);
bool inFindScope(const QTextCursor &cursor);
bool inFindScope(int selectionStart, int selectionEnd);
void currentEditorChanged(Core::IEditor *editor);
Internal::BaseTextEditorPrivate *d;
friend class Internal::BaseTextEditorPrivate;
friend class Internal::TextEditorOverlay;
friend class RefactorOverlay;
QWidget *extraArea() const;
virtual int extraAreaWidth(int *markWidthPtr = 0) const;
virtual void extraAreaPaintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
virtual void extraAreaLeaveEvent(QEvent *);
virtual void extraAreaMouseEvent(QMouseEvent *);
const TabSettings &tabSettings() const;
const DisplaySettings &displaySettings() const;
void markBlocksAsChanged(QList<int> blockNumbers);
void ensureCursorVisible();
enum ExtraSelectionKind {
void setExtraSelections(ExtraSelectionKind kind, const QList<QTextEdit::ExtraSelection> &selections);
QList<QTextEdit::ExtraSelection> extraSelections(ExtraSelectionKind kind) const;
QString extraSelectionTooltip(int pos) const;
void setRefactorMarkers(const Internal::RefactorMarkers &markers);
void refactorMarkerClicked(const TextEditor::RefactorMarker &marker);
struct BlockRange
BlockRange() : first(0), last(-1) {}
BlockRange(int first_position, int last_position)
: first(first_position), last(last_position)
int first;
int last;
inline bool isNull() const { return last < first; }
// the blocks list must be sorted
void setIfdefedOutBlocks(const QList<BlockRange> &blocks);
public slots:
virtual void format();
virtual void rewrapParagraph();
virtual void unCommentSelection();
virtual void setFontSettings(const TextEditor::FontSettings &);
void setFontSettingsIfVisible(const TextEditor::FontSettings &);
virtual void setTabSettings(const TextEditor::TabSettings &);
virtual void setDisplaySettings(const TextEditor::DisplaySettings &);
virtual void setBehaviorSettings(const TextEditor::BehaviorSettings &);
virtual void setStorageSettings(const TextEditor::StorageSettings &);
virtual void setCompletionSettings(const TextEditor::CompletionSettings &);
bool viewportEvent(QEvent *event);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *);
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *);
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *);
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *);
void leaveEvent(QEvent *);
void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *);
void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e);
void indentInsertedText(const QTextCursor &tc);
void indent(QTextDocument *doc, const QTextCursor &cursor, QChar typedChar);
void reindent(QTextDocument *doc, const QTextCursor &cursor);
struct Link
Link(const QString &fileName = QString(),
int line = 0,
int column = 0)
: begin(-1)
, end(-1)
, fileName(fileName)
, line(line)
, column(column)
bool isValid() const
{ return begin != end; }
bool operator==(const Link &other) const
{ return begin == other.begin && end == other.end; }
int begin; // Link position
int end; // Link end position
QString fileName; // Target file
int line; // Target line
int column; // Target column
Reimplement this function to enable code navigation.
\a resolveTarget is set to true when the target of the link is relevant
(it isn't until the link is used).
virtual Link findLinkAt(const QTextCursor &, bool resolveTarget = true);
Reimplement this function if you want to customize the way a link is
opened. Returns whether the link was opened successfully.
virtual bool openLink(const Link &link);
void maybeClearSomeExtraSelections(const QTextCursor &cursor);
protected slots:
virtual void slotUpdateExtraAreaWidth();
virtual void slotModificationChanged(bool);
virtual void slotUpdateRequest(const QRect &r, int dy);
virtual void slotCursorPositionChanged();
virtual void slotUpdateBlockNotify(const QTextBlock &);
void requestFontZoom(int zoom);
void requestZoomReset();
void requestBlockUpdate(const QTextBlock &);
void requestAutoCompletion(TextEditor::ITextEditable *editor, bool forced);
void requestQuickFix(TextEditor::ITextEditable *editor);
void maybeRequestAutoCompletion(const QChar &ch);
void indentOrUnindent(bool doIndent);
void handleHomeKey(bool anchor);
void handleBackspaceKey();
void moveLineUpDown(bool up);
void copyLineUpDown(bool up);
void saveCurrentCursorPositionForNavigation();
void updateHighlights();
void updateCurrentLineHighlight();
void drawFoldingMarker(QPainter *painter, const QPalette &pal,
const QRect &rect,
bool expanded,
bool active,
bool hovered) const;
void drawCollapsedBlockPopup(QPainter &painter,
const QTextBlock &block,
QPointF offset,
const QRect &clip);
void toggleBlockVisible(const QTextBlock &block);
QRect foldBox();
QTextBlock foldedBlockAt(const QPoint &pos, QRect *box = 0) const;
void updateLink(QMouseEvent *e);
void showLink(const Link &);
void clearLink();
void universalHelper(); // test function for development
bool cursorMoveKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *e);
bool camelCaseRight(QTextCursor &cursor, QTextCursor::MoveMode mode);
bool camelCaseLeft(QTextCursor &cursor, QTextCursor::MoveMode mode);
private slots:
// auto completion
void _q_requestAutoCompletion();
void handleBlockSelection(int diff_row, int diff_col);
// parentheses matcher
void _q_matchParentheses();
void _q_highlightBlocks();
void slotSelectionChanged();
void _q_animateUpdate(int position, QPointF lastPos, QRectF rect);
void doFoo();
class TEXTEDITOR_EXPORT BaseTextEditorEditable : public ITextEditable
friend class BaseTextEditor;
BaseTextEditorEditable(BaseTextEditor *editor);
inline BaseTextEditor *editor() const { return e; }
// EditorInterface
inline QWidget *widget() { return e; }
inline Core::IFile * file() { return e->file(); }
inline bool createNew(const QString &contents) { return e->createNew(contents); }
inline bool open(const QString &fileName = QString())
return e->open(fileName);
inline QString displayName() const { return e->displayName(); }
inline void setDisplayName(const QString &title) { e->setDisplayName(title); emit changed(); }
inline QByteArray saveState() const { return e->saveState(); }
inline bool restoreState(const QByteArray &state) { return e->restoreState(state); }
virtual QWidget *toolBar();
// ITextEditor
int find(const QString &string) const;
int currentLine() const;
int currentColumn() const;
void gotoLine(int line, int column = 0) { e->gotoLine(line, column); }
inline int position(
ITextEditor::PositionOperation posOp = ITextEditor::Current
, int at = -1) const { return e->position(posOp, at); }
inline void convertPosition(int pos, int *line, int *column) const { e->convertPosition(pos, line, column); }
QRect cursorRect(int pos = -1) const;
QString contents() const;
QString selectedText() const;
QString textAt(int pos, int length) const;
inline QChar characterAt(int pos) const { return e->characterAt(pos); }
inline void triggerCompletions() { e->triggerCompletions(); } // slot?
inline void triggerQuickFix() { e->triggerQuickFix(); } // slot?
inline ITextMarkable *markableInterface() { return e->markableInterface(); }
void setContextHelpId(const QString &id) { m_contextHelpId = id; }
QString contextHelpId() const; // from IContext
inline void setTextCodec(QTextCodec *codec) { e->setTextCodec(codec); }
inline QTextCodec *textCodec() const { return e->textCodec(); }
// ITextEditable
void remove(int length);
void insert(const QString &string);
void replace(int length, const QString &string);
void setCurPos(int pos);
void select(int toPos);
private slots:
void updateCursorPosition();
BaseTextEditor *e;
mutable QString m_contextHelpId;
QToolBar *m_toolBar;
Utils::LineColumnLabel *m_cursorPositionLabel;
} // namespace TextEditor