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  • Frantisek Vacek's avatar
    Qnx: Cascades project template is obsolete · ac71bee0
    Frantisek Vacek authored and Nicolas Arnaud-Cormos's avatar Nicolas Arnaud-Cormos committed
    Qt Creator QTCREATORBUG-10375
    The old Cascades template application was more sample than template
    and it was simplified.
    The application UI object name doesn't follow the project name anymore.
    This change was introduced because C++ class name rules are more
    restrictive than the project ones. More than that, it is harder
    to start with some test project and then refractor it to some real one.
    There is no gain to have UI object class name same as the enclosing
    project one.
    The application icon added to the bar-descriptor.xml
    Change-Id: I198f61a631fa2c758f3e8ac377c06ce7560cc911
    Reviewed-by: default avatarNicolas Arnaud-Cormos <>