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  • Nikolai Kosjar's avatar
    CppEditor: Rearrange toolbar widgets · dce4f03f
    Nikolai Kosjar authored
    Move the parse context switcher and the additional preprocessor dialog
    button to the left. Thus, the new order is:
            minimized info bar buttons (not always there)
            additional preprocessor directives button ('#')
            parse context switcher (not always there)
            outline widget
    This is better for splits and makes logically also more sense since the
    outline widget depends on the additional preprocessor directives and/or
    the parse context.
    Change-Id: I3378885a44938072e6a496ce1573d1675499c498
    Reviewed-by: default avatarChristian Stenger <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarDavid Schulz <>