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  • Eike Ziller's avatar
    Fix reload issues for files with multiple registered documents · e0639d06
    Eike Ziller authored
    If a file is removed, the file system watcher can loose its watch
    on it (e.g. on Linux, inode-based).
    Saving files does so "safely" by writing a temporary file, moving
    the original, and moving the new file in its place, which is
    triggering the issue above. That is why we need to re-register
    the path in the file system watcher.
    This broke in the refactoring done
    by 05485071
    Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-18892
    Change-Id: I3b216d614b9f82e308da63c07d990e5911193655
    Reviewed-by: default avatarTobias Hunger <>