qt-faststart: speedup
qt-faststart is terribly slow when the input file and the output file
are on a slow disk like a SD card. By increasing the copy_buffer from
1K to 32M I decreased the processing time on a sample file from
1600 seconds to 4 seconds. The timing difference is during 'copying
rest of file'.
S:\SD_VIDEO\PRG001>e:\utils\qt-faststart 00005.mp4 5.mp4
ftyp 0 32
free 32 8
mdat 40 13744391
moov 13744431 141848
patching stco atom...
patching stco atom...
writing ftyp atom...
writing moov atom...
copying rest of file...
Execution time: 1576.259 s
S:\SD_VIDEO\PRG001>s:\utils\qt-faststart 00005.mp4 5.mp4
ftyp 0 32
free 32 8
mdat 40 13744391
moov 13744431 141848
patching stco atom...
patching stco atom...
writing ftyp atom...
writing moov atom...
copying rest of file...
Execution time: 3.846 s
Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
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