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** This file is part of Qt Creator
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#include "breakhandler.h"
#include "breakpointmarker.h"
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#include "debuggeractions.h"
#include "debuggercore.h"
#include "debuggerstringutils.h"
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#include <utils/qtcassert.h>
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#include <QtCore/QDir>
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#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
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#include <QtCore/QTimerEvent>
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// BreakHandler

namespace Debugger {
namespace Internal {

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QIcon BreakHandler::breakpointIcon()
    static QIcon icon(_(":/debugger/images/breakpoint_16.png"));
    return icon;

QIcon BreakHandler::disabledBreakpointIcon()
    static QIcon icon(_(":/debugger/images/breakpoint_disabled_16.png"));
    return icon;

QIcon BreakHandler::pendingBreakPointIcon()
    static QIcon icon(_(":/debugger/images/breakpoint_pending_16.png"));
    return icon;

QIcon BreakHandler::emptyIcon()
    static QIcon icon(_(":/debugger/images/breakpoint_pending_16.png"));
    //static QIcon icon(_(":/debugger/images/watchpoint.png"));
    //static QIcon icon(_(":/debugger/images/debugger_empty_14.png"));
    return icon;

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int BreakHandler::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
    return parent.isValid() ? 0 : 8;
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int BreakHandler::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
    return parent.isValid() ? 0 : m_storage.size();
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static inline bool fileNameMatch(const QString &f1, const QString &f2)
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#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    return, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0;
    return f1 == f2;
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static bool isSimilarTo(const BreakpointParameters &data, const BreakpointResponse &needle)
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    // Clear hit.
    // Clear miss.
    if (needle.type != UnknownType && data.type != UnknownType
            && data.type != needle.type)
        return false;
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    // Clear hit.
    if (data.address && data.address == needle.address)
        return true;

    // At least at a position we were looking for.
    // FIXME: breaks multiple breakpoints at the same location
    if (!data.fileName.isEmpty()
            && fileNameMatch(data.fileName, needle.fileName)
            && data.lineNumber == needle.lineNumber)
        return true;

    // At least at a position we were looking for.
    // FIXME: breaks multiple breakpoints at the same location
    if (!data.fileName.isEmpty()
            && fileNameMatch(data.fileName, needle.fileName)
            && data.lineNumber == needle.lineNumber)
        return true;

    return false;
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BreakpointId BreakHandler::findSimilarBreakpoint(const BreakpointResponse &needle) const
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    // Search a breakpoint we might refer to.
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.constBegin(), et = m_storage.constEnd();
    for ( ; it != et; ++it) {
        const BreakpointId id = it.key();
        const BreakpointParameters &data = it->data;
        const BreakpointResponse &response = it->response;
        qDebug() << "COMPARING " << data.toString() << " WITH " << needle.toString();
        if (response.number && response.number == needle.number)
            return id;

        if (isSimilarTo(data, needle))
            return id;
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    return BreakpointId(-1);
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BreakpointId BreakHandler::findBreakpointByNumber(int bpNumber) const
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    ConstIterator it = m_storage.constBegin(), et = m_storage.constEnd();
    for ( ; it != et; ++it)
        if (it->response.number == bpNumber)
            return it.key();
    return BreakpointId(-1);
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BreakpointId BreakHandler::findBreakpointByFunction(const QString &functionName) const
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.constBegin(), et = m_storage.constEnd();
    for ( ; it != et; ++it)
        if (it->data.functionName == functionName)
            return it.key();
    return BreakpointId(-1);

BreakpointId BreakHandler::findBreakpointByAddress(quint64 address) const
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.constBegin(), et = m_storage.constEnd();
    for ( ; it != et; ++it)
        if (it->data.address == address)
            return it.key();
    return BreakpointId(-1);

BreakpointId BreakHandler::findBreakpointByFileAndLine(const QString &fileName,
    int lineNumber, bool useMarkerPosition)
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.constBegin(), et = m_storage.constEnd();
    for ( ; it != et; ++it)
        if (it->isLocatedAt(fileName, lineNumber, useMarkerPosition))
            return it.key();
    return BreakpointId(-1);

const BreakpointParameters &BreakHandler::breakpointData(BreakpointId id) const
    static BreakpointParameters dummy;
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return dummy);

BreakpointId BreakHandler::findWatchpointByAddress(quint64 address) const
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.constBegin(), et = m_storage.constEnd();
    for ( ; it != et; ++it)
        if (it->data.isWatchpoint() && it->data.address == address)
            return it.key();
    return BreakpointId(-1);

void BreakHandler::setWatchpointByAddress(quint64 address)
    const int id = findWatchpointByAddress(address);
    if (id == -1) {
        BreakpointParameters data(Watchpoint);
        data.address = address;
    } else {
        qDebug() << "WATCHPOINT EXISTS";
     //   removeBreakpoint(index);
bool BreakHandler::hasWatchpointAt(quint64 address) const
    return findWatchpointByAddress(address) != BreakpointId(-1);
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void BreakHandler::saveBreakpoints()
    //qDebug() << "SAVING BREAKPOINTS...";
    QTC_ASSERT(debuggerCore(), return);
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    QList<QVariant> list;
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.constBegin(), et = m_storage.constEnd();
    for ( ; it != et; ++it) {
        const BreakpointParameters &data = it->data;
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        QMap<QString, QVariant> map;
        // Do not persist Watchpoints.
        if (data.isWatchpoint())
        if (data.type != BreakpointByFileAndLine)
            map.insert(_("type"), data.type);
        if (!data.fileName.isEmpty())
            map.insert(_("filename"), data.fileName);
        if (data.lineNumber)
            map.insert(_("linenumber"), data.lineNumber);
        if (!data.functionName.isEmpty())
            map.insert(_("funcname"), data.functionName);
        if (data.address)
            map.insert(_("address"), data.address);
        if (!data.condition.isEmpty())
            map.insert(_("condition"), data.condition);
        if (data.ignoreCount)
            map.insert(_("ignorecount"), data.ignoreCount);
        if (!data.threadSpec.isEmpty())
            map.insert(_("threadspec"), data.threadSpec);
        if (!data.enabled)
            map.insert(_("disabled"), _("1"));
        if (data.useFullPath)
            map.insert(_("usefullpath"), _("1"));
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    debuggerCore()->setSessionValue("Breakpoints", list);
    //qDebug() << "SAVED BREAKPOINTS" << this << list.size();
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void BreakHandler::loadBreakpoints()
    QTC_ASSERT(debuggerCore(), return);
    //qDebug() << "LOADING BREAKPOINTS...";
    QVariant value = debuggerCore()->sessionValue("Breakpoints");
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    QList<QVariant> list = value.toList();
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    foreach (const QVariant &var, list) {
        const QMap<QString, QVariant> map = var.toMap();
        BreakpointParameters data(BreakpointByFileAndLine);
        QVariant v = map.value(_("filename"));
            data.fileName = v.toString();
        v = map.value(_("linenumber"));
            data.lineNumber = v.toString().toInt();
        v = map.value(_("condition"));
            data.condition = v.toString().toLatin1();
        v = map.value(_("address"));
        if (v.isValid())
            data.address = v.toString().toULongLong();
        v = map.value(_("ignorecount"));
            data.ignoreCount = v.toString().toInt();
        v = map.value(_("threadspec"));
        if (v.isValid())
            data.threadSpec = v.toString().toLatin1();
        v = map.value(_("funcname"));
            data.functionName = v.toString();
        v = map.value(_("disabled"));
            data.enabled = !v.toInt();
        v = map.value(_("usefullpath"));
            data.useFullPath = bool(v.toInt());
        v = map.value(_("type"));
        if (v.isValid() && v.toInt() != UnknownType)
            data.type = BreakpointType(v.toInt());
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    //qDebug() << "LOADED BREAKPOINTS" << this << list.size();
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void BreakHandler::updateMarkers()
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.constBegin(), et = m_storage.constEnd();
    for ( ; it != et; ++it)
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void BreakHandler::updateMarker(BreakpointId id)
    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    QString markerFileName = it->markerFileName();
    int markerLineNumber = it->markerLineNumber();
    if (it->marker && (markerFileName != it->marker->fileName()
                || markerLineNumber != it->marker->lineNumber()))
    if (!it->marker && !markerFileName.isEmpty() && markerLineNumber > 0)
        it->marker = new BreakpointMarker(id, markerFileName, markerLineNumber);
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QVariant BreakHandler::headerData(int section,
    Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
    if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
        static QString headers[] = {
            tr("Number"),  tr("Function"), tr("File"), tr("Line"),
            tr("Condition"), tr("Ignore"), tr("Threads"), tr("Address")
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        return headers[section];
    return QVariant();

BreakpointId BreakHandler::findBreakpointByIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const
    int r = index.row();
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.constBegin(), et = m_storage.constEnd();
    for (int i = 0; it != et; ++it, ++i)
        if (i == r)
            return it.key();
    return BreakpointId(-1);

BreakpointIds BreakHandler::findBreakpointsByIndex(const QList<QModelIndex> &list) const
    BreakpointIds ids;
    foreach (const QModelIndex &index, list)
    return ids;

Qt::ItemFlags BreakHandler::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
//    switch (index.column()) {
//        //case 0:
//        //    return Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
//        default:
            return QAbstractTableModel::flags(index);
//    }

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QVariant BreakHandler::data(const QModelIndex &mi, int role) const
    static const QString empty = QString(QLatin1Char('-'));

    if (!mi.isValid())
        return QVariant();

    BreakpointId id = findBreakpointByIndex(mi);
    //qDebug() << "DATA: " << id << role << mi.column();
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return QVariant());
    const BreakpointParameters &data = it->data;
    const BreakpointResponse &response = it->response;
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    switch (mi.column()) {
        case 0:
            if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
                return QString::number(id);
                //return QString("%1 - %2").arg(id).arg(response.number);
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            if (role == Qt::DecorationRole)
                return it->icon();
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        case 1:
            if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
                if (!response.functionName.isEmpty())
                    return response.functionName;
                if (!data.functionName.isEmpty())
                    return data.functionName;
                return empty;
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        case 2:
            if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
                QString str;
                if (!response.fileName.isEmpty())
                    str = response.fileName;
                if (str.isEmpty() && !data.fileName.isEmpty())
                    str = data.fileName;
                if (str.isEmpty()) {
                    QString s = QFileInfo(str).fileName();
                    if (!s.isEmpty())
                        str = s;
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                // FIXME: better?
                //if (data.multiple && str.isEmpty() && !response.fileName.isEmpty())
                //    str = response.fileName;
                if (!str.isEmpty())
                    return str;
                return empty;
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        case 3:
            if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
                if (response.lineNumber > 0)
                    return response.lineNumber;
                if (data.lineNumber > 0)
                    return data.lineNumber;
                return empty;
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            if (role == Qt::UserRole + 1)
                return data.lineNumber;
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        case 4:
            if (role == Qt::DisplayRole)
                return it->isPending() ? data.condition : response.condition;
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            if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
                return tr("Breakpoint will only be hit if this condition is met.");
            if (role == Qt::UserRole + 1)
                return data.condition;
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        case 5:
            if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
                const int ignoreCount =
                    it->isPending() ? data.ignoreCount : response.ignoreCount;
                return ignoreCount ? QVariant(ignoreCount) : QVariant(QString());
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            if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
                return tr("Breakpoint will only be hit after being ignored so many times.");
            if (role == Qt::UserRole + 1)
                return data.ignoreCount;
            if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
                    return !data.threadSpec.isEmpty() ? data.threadSpec : tr("(all)");
                    return !response.threadSpec.isEmpty() ? response.threadSpec : tr("(all)");
            if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
                return tr("Breakpoint will only be hit in the specified thread(s).");
            if (role == Qt::UserRole + 1)
                return data.threadSpec;
            if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
                const quint64 address =
                    data.isWatchpoint() ? data.address : response.address;
                if (address)
                    displayValue += QString::fromAscii("0x%1").arg(address, 0, 16);
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                if (!response.extra.isEmpty()) {
                    if (!displayValue.isEmpty())
                        displayValue += QLatin1Char(' ');
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                    displayValue += QString::fromAscii(response.extra);
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    if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
        return debuggerCore()->boolSetting(UseToolTipsInBreakpointsView)
                ? QVariant(it->toToolTip()) : QVariant();
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    return QVariant();

#define GETTER(type, getter) \
type BreakHandler::getter(BreakpointId id) const \
{ \
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.find(id); \
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), \
        qDebug() << "ID" << id << "NOT KNOWN"; \
        return type()); \
    return it->data.getter; \
#define SETTER(type, getter, setter) \
void BreakHandler::setter(BreakpointId id, const type &value) \
{ \
    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id); \
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), \
        qDebug() << "ID" << id << "NOT KNOWN"; return); \
    if (it->data.getter == value) \
    it->data.getter = value; \
    it->state = BreakpointChangeRequested; \
    scheduleSynchronization(); \
#define PROPERTY(type, getter, setter) \
    GETTER(type, getter) \
    SETTER(type, getter, setter)
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PROPERTY(bool, useFullPath, setUseFullPath)
PROPERTY(QString, fileName, setFileName)
PROPERTY(QString, functionName, setFunctionName)
PROPERTY(BreakpointType, type, setType)
PROPERTY(QByteArray, threadSpec, setThreadSpec)
PROPERTY(QByteArray, condition, setCondition)
PROPERTY(int, lineNumber, setLineNumber)
PROPERTY(quint64, address, setAddress)
PROPERTY(int, ignoreCount, setIgnoreCount)
bool BreakHandler::isEnabled(BreakpointId id) const
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return false);
    return it->data.enabled;

void BreakHandler::setEnabled(BreakpointId id, bool on)
    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    //qDebug() << "SET ENABLED: " << id << it->data.isEnabled() << on;
    if (it->data.enabled == on)
    it->data.enabled = on;
    it->state = BreakpointChangeRequested;
void BreakHandler::setMarkerFileAndLine(BreakpointId id,
    const QString &fileName, int lineNumber)
    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    if (it->response.fileName == fileName && it->response.lineNumber == lineNumber)
    it->response.fileName = fileName;
    it->response.lineNumber = lineNumber;
BreakpointState BreakHandler::state(BreakpointId id) const
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return BreakpointDead);
    return it->state;

DebuggerEngine *BreakHandler::engine(BreakpointId id) const
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return 0);
    return it->engine;

void BreakHandler::setEngine(BreakpointId id, DebuggerEngine *value)
    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    QTC_ASSERT(it->state == BreakpointNew, /**/);
    QTC_ASSERT(!it->engine, return);
    it->engine = value;
    it->state = BreakpointInsertRequested;
    it->response = BreakpointResponse();
    it->response.fileName = it->data.fileName;

static bool isAllowedTransition(BreakpointState from, BreakpointState to)
    switch (from) {
    case BreakpointNew:
        return to == BreakpointInsertRequested;
    case BreakpointInsertRequested:
        return to == BreakpointInsertProceeding;
    case BreakpointInsertProceeding:
        return to == BreakpointInserted
            || to == BreakpointDead
            || to == BreakpointChangeRequested;
    case BreakpointChangeRequested:
        return to == BreakpointChangeProceeding;
    case BreakpointChangeProceeding:
        return to == BreakpointInserted
            || to == BreakpointDead;
    case BreakpointInserted:
        return to == BreakpointChangeRequested
            || to == BreakpointRemoveRequested;
    case BreakpointRemoveRequested:
        return to == BreakpointRemoveProceeding;
    case BreakpointRemoveProceeding:
        return to == BreakpointDead;
    case BreakpointDead:
        return false;
    qDebug() << "UNKNOWN BREAKPOINT STATE:" << from;
    return false;

void BreakHandler::setState(BreakpointId id, BreakpointState state)
    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    //qDebug() << "BREAKPOINT STATE TRANSITION" << id << it->state << state;
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    QTC_ASSERT(isAllowedTransition(it->state, state),
            << it->state << state);

    if (it->state == state) {
        qDebug() << "STATE UNCHANGED: " << id << state;
void BreakHandler::notifyBreakpointInsertProceeding(BreakpointId id)
    QTC_ASSERT(state(id) == BreakpointInsertRequested, /**/);
    setState(id, BreakpointInsertProceeding);
void BreakHandler::notifyBreakpointInsertOk(BreakpointId id)
    QTC_ASSERT(state(id) == BreakpointInsertProceeding, /**/);
    setState(id, BreakpointInserted);
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    //if (it0->needsChange(it->data, it->response)) {
    //    setState(id, BreakpointChangeRequested);
    //    scheduleSynchronization();

void BreakHandler::notifyBreakpointInsertFailed(BreakpointId id)
    QTC_ASSERT(state(id) == BreakpointInsertProceeding, /**/);
    setState(id, BreakpointDead);

void BreakHandler::notifyBreakpointRemoveProceeding(BreakpointId id)
    QTC_ASSERT(state(id) == BreakpointRemoveRequested, /**/);
    setState(id, BreakpointRemoveProceeding);

void BreakHandler::notifyBreakpointRemoveOk(BreakpointId id)
    QTC_ASSERT(state(id) == BreakpointRemoveProceeding, /**/);
    setState(id, BreakpointDead);

void BreakHandler::notifyBreakpointRemoveFailed(BreakpointId id)
    QTC_ASSERT(state(id) == BreakpointRemoveProceeding, /**/);
    setState(id, BreakpointDead);

void BreakHandler::notifyBreakpointChangeOk(BreakpointId id)
    QTC_ASSERT(state(id) == BreakpointChangeProceeding, /**/);
    setState(id, BreakpointInserted);

void BreakHandler::notifyBreakpointChangeFailed(BreakpointId id)
    QTC_ASSERT(state(id) == BreakpointChangeProceeding, /**/);
    setState(id, BreakpointDead);

void BreakHandler::notifyBreakpointReleased(BreakpointId id)
    //QTC_ASSERT(state(id) == BreakpointChangeProceeding, /**/);
    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    it->state = BreakpointNew;
    it->engine = 0;
    it->response = BreakpointResponse();
    delete it->marker;
    it->marker = 0;
void BreakHandler::notifyBreakpointAdjusted(BreakpointId id,
        const BreakpointParameters &data)
    QTC_ASSERT(state(id) == BreakpointInserted, /**/);
    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    it->data = data;
    if (it->needsChange())
        setState(id, BreakpointChangeRequested);

void BreakHandler::ackCondition(BreakpointId id)
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    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    it->response.condition = it->data.condition;
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void BreakHandler::ackIgnoreCount(BreakpointId id)
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    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    it->response.ignoreCount = it->data.ignoreCount;
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void BreakHandler::ackEnabled(BreakpointId id)
    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    it->response.enabled = it->data.enabled;
void BreakHandler::removeBreakpoint(BreakpointId id)
    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    if (it->state == BreakpointInserted) {
        setState(id, BreakpointRemoveRequested);
    } else if (it->state == BreakpointNew) {
        it->state = BreakpointDead;
        qDebug() << "CANNOT REMOVE IN STATE " << it->state;
        it->state = BreakpointRemoveRequested;
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void BreakHandler::appendBreakpoint(const BreakpointParameters &data)
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    QTC_ASSERT(data.type != UnknownType, return);
    // Ok to be not thread-safe. The order does not matter and only the gui
    // produces authoritative ids.
    static quint64 currentId = 0;
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    BreakpointId id(++currentId);
    BreakpointItem item;
    item.response.fileName = data.fileName;
    item.response.lineNumber = data.lineNumber;
    m_storage.insert(id, item);
void BreakHandler::toggleBreakpoint(const QString &fileName, int lineNumber,
                                    quint64 address /* = 0 */)
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    BreakpointId id(-1);
        id = findBreakpointByAddress(address);
        id = findBreakpointByFileAndLine(fileName, lineNumber, true);
        if (id == BreakpointId(-1))
            id = findBreakpointByFileAndLine(fileName, lineNumber, false);
    if (id != BreakpointId(-1)) {
        BreakpointParameters data;
            data.type = BreakpointByAddress;
            data.address = address;
            data.type = BreakpointByFileAndLine;
            data.fileName = fileName;
            data.lineNumber = lineNumber;
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void BreakHandler::saveSessionData()

void BreakHandler::loadSessionData()
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void BreakHandler::breakByFunction(const QString &functionName)
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    // One breakpoint per function is enough for now. This does not handle
    // combinations of multiple conditions and ignore counts, though.
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.constBegin(), et = m_storage.constEnd();
    for ( ; it != et; ++it) {
        const BreakpointParameters &data = it->data;
        if (data.functionName == functionName
                && data.condition.isEmpty()
                && data.ignoreCount == 0)
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    BreakpointParameters data(BreakpointByFunction);
    data.functionName = functionName;

QIcon BreakHandler::icon(BreakpointId id) const
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return pendingBreakPointIcon());

void BreakHandler::scheduleSynchronization()
    if (m_syncTimerId == -1)
        m_syncTimerId = startTimer(10);

void BreakHandler::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
    QTC_ASSERT(event->timerId() == m_syncTimerId, return);
    m_syncTimerId = -1;
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    emit layoutChanged();
    saveBreakpoints();  // FIXME: remove?

void BreakHandler::gotoLocation(BreakpointId id) const
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
        it->data.fileName, it->data.lineNumber, false);

void BreakHandler::updateLineNumberFromMarker(BreakpointId id, int lineNumber)
    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    it->response.pending = false;
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    //if (data.markerLineNumber == lineNumber)
    //    return;
    if (it->response.lineNumber != lineNumber) {
        it->response.lineNumber = lineNumber;
        // FIXME: Should we tell gdb about the change?
        // Ignore it for now, as we would require re-compilation
        // and debugger re-start anyway.
        //if (0 && data.bpLineNumber) {
        //    if (!data.bpNumber.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
        //        data.pending = true;
        //    }
    // Ignore updates to the "real" line number while the debugger is
    // running, as this can be triggered by moving the breakpoint to
    // the next line that generated code.
    // FIXME: Do we need yet another data member?
    if (it->response.number == 0) {
        it->data.lineNumber = lineNumber;

BreakpointIds BreakHandler::allBreakpointIds() const
    BreakpointIds ids;
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.constBegin(), et = m_storage.constEnd();
    for ( ; it != et; ++it)
    return ids;

BreakpointIds BreakHandler::unclaimedBreakpointIds() const
    return engineBreakpointIds(0);

BreakpointIds BreakHandler::engineBreakpointIds(DebuggerEngine *engine) const
    BreakpointIds ids;
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.constBegin(), et = m_storage.constEnd();
    for ( ; it != et; ++it)
    return ids;

void BreakHandler::cleanupBreakpoint(BreakpointId id)
    QTC_ASSERT(state(id) == BreakpointDead, /**/);
    BreakpointItem item = m_storage.take(id);
const BreakpointResponse &BreakHandler::response(BreakpointId id) const
    static BreakpointResponse dummy;
    ConstIterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return dummy);

void BreakHandler::setResponse(BreakpointId id, const BreakpointResponse &data)
    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    //qDebug() << "SET RESPONSE: " << id << it->state << it->needsChange();
    if (it->state == BreakpointChangeProceeding
        || it->state == BreakpointInsertProceeding) {
        if (it->needsChange())
            setState(id, BreakpointChangeRequested);
            setState(id, BreakpointInserted);
void BreakHandler::setBreakpointData(BreakpointId id, const BreakpointParameters &data)
    Iterator it = m_storage.find(id);
    QTC_ASSERT(it != m_storage.end(), return);
    if (data == it->data)

// Storage

  : state(BreakpointNew), engine(0), marker(0)
void BreakHandler::BreakpointItem::destroyMarker()
    BreakpointMarker *m = marker;
QString BreakHandler::BreakpointItem::markerFileName() const
    // Some heuristics to find a "good" file name.
    if (!data.fileName.isEmpty()) {
        QFileInfo fi(data.fileName);
        if (fi.exists())
            return fi.absoluteFilePath();
    if (!response.fileName.isEmpty()) {
        QFileInfo fi(response.fileName);
        if (fi.exists())
            return fi.absoluteFilePath();
    if (response.fileName.endsWith(data.fileName))
        return response.fileName;
    if (data.fileName.endsWith(response.fileName))
        return data.fileName;
    return response.fileName.size() > data.fileName.size()
        ? response.fileName : data.fileName;