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#include "texteditor_global.h"
#include <texteditor/refactoringchanges.h>
#include <utils/changeset.h>
#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
#include <QtGui/QTextCursor>
namespace TextEditor {
class BaseTextEditor;
State of the editor on which the QuickFixFactory and the QuickFixOperation work.
This class contains a reference
/// Creates a new state object for the given text editor.
QuickFixState(TextEditor::BaseTextEditor *editor);
virtual ~QuickFixState();
TextEditor::BaseTextEditor *editor() const;
\returns A QTextCursor positioned as the editor's visible cursor, including
possible selections.
/// \returns The character offset in the document where the selection starts.
/// \returns The character offset in the document where the selection ends.
Calculates the offset in the document for the given line and column.
\param line The line number, 1-based.
\param column The column number, 1-based.
\return The offset in the \c QTextDocument of the editor.
int position(int line, int column) const;
/// \returns The character at the given offset in the editor's text document.
\returns The text between the given start- and end-offset in the editor's
text document.
QString textOf(int start, int end) const;
/// Utility method to create a range.
static TextEditor::RefactoringChanges::Range range(int start, int end);
TextEditor::BaseTextEditor *_editor;
QTextCursor _textCursor;
Class to perform a single quick-fix.
Quick-fix operations cannot be copied, and must be passed around as explicitly
shared pointers ( QuickFixOperation::Ptr ).
Subclasses should make sure that they copy parts of, or the whole QuickFixState ,
which are needed to perform the quick-fix operation.
class TEXTEDITOR_EXPORT QuickFixOperation
typedef QSharedPointer<QuickFixOperation> Ptr;
QuickFixOperation(int priority = -1);
virtual ~QuickFixOperation();
\returns The priority for this quick-fix. See the QuickFixCollector for more
/// Sets the priority for this quick-fix operation.
\returns The description for this quick-fix. This description is shown to the
virtual QString description() const;
/// Sets the description for this quick-fix, which will be shown to the user.
void setDescription(const QString &description);
Perform this quick-fix's operation.
This implementation will call perform and then RefactoringChanges::apply() .
Subclasses should implement this method to do the actual changes by using the
virtual void createChanges() = 0;
virtual TextEditor::RefactoringChanges *refactoringChanges() const = 0;
TextEditor::BaseTextEditor *_editor;
int _priority;
QString _description;
The QuickFixFactory is responsible for generating QuickFixOperation s which are
applicable to the given QuickFixState.
A QuickFixFactory should not have any state -- it can be invoked multiple times
for different QuickFixState objects to create the matching operations, before any
of those operations are applied (or released).
This way, a single factory can be used by multiple editors, and a single editor
can have multiple QuickFixCollector objects for different parts of the code.
class TEXTEDITOR_EXPORT QuickFixFactory: public QObject
QuickFixFactory(QObject *parent = 0);
virtual ~QuickFixFactory() = 0;
\returns A list of operations which can be performed for the given state.
virtual QList<QuickFixOperation::Ptr> matchingOperations(QuickFixState *state) = 0;
A completion collector which will use the QuickFixFactory classes to generate
quickfixes for the given editor.
All QuickFixFactory instances returned by #quickFixFactories are queried for
possible quick-fix operations. The operations(s) with the highest priority are
stored, and can be queried by calling #quickFixes .
class TEXTEDITOR_EXPORT QuickFixCollector: public TextEditor::IQuickFixCollector
virtual ~QuickFixCollector();
QList<TextEditor::QuickFixOperation::Ptr> quickFixes() const
{ return _quickFixes; }
virtual TextEditor::ITextEditable *editor() const;
virtual int startPosition() const;
virtual bool triggersCompletion(TextEditor::ITextEditable *editor);
virtual int startCompletion(TextEditor::ITextEditable *editor);
virtual void completions(QList<TextEditor::CompletionItem> *completions);
/// See IQuickFixCollector::fix
virtual void fix(const TextEditor::CompletionItem &item);
/// See ICompletionCollector::cleanup .
/// Called from #startCompletion to create a QuickFixState .
virtual TextEditor::QuickFixState *initializeCompletion(BaseTextEditor *editable) = 0;
virtual QList<QuickFixFactory *> quickFixFactories() const = 0;
TextEditor::ITextEditable *_editable;
QList<QuickFixOperation::Ptr> _quickFixes;
} // end of namespace TextEditor