** This file is part of Qt Creator
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#include "qt4buildconfiguration.h"
#include <QtCore/QProcess>
Qt4UiCodeModelSupport::Qt4UiCodeModelSupport(CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface *modelmanager,
Qt4Project *project,
const QString &source,
const QString &uiHeaderFile)
: CppTools::AbstractEditorSupport(modelmanager),
if (debug)
qDebug()<<"ctor Qt4UiCodeModelSupport for"<<m_sourceName<<uiHeaderFile;
if (debug)
qDebug()<<"dtor ~Qt4UiCodeModelSupport for"<<m_sourceName;
void Qt4UiCodeModelSupport::init()
QDateTime sourceTime = QFileInfo(m_sourceName).lastModified();
QFileInfo uiHeaderFileInfo(m_fileName);
QDateTime uiHeaderTime = uiHeaderFileInfo.exists() ? uiHeaderFileInfo.lastModified() : QDateTime();
if (uiHeaderTime.isValid() && (uiHeaderTime > sourceTime)) {
QFile file(m_fileName);
if ( {
if (debug)
qDebug()<<"ui*h file is more recent then source file, using information from ui*h file"<<m_fileName;
QTextStream stream(&file);
m_contents = stream.readAll().toUtf8();
m_cacheTime = uiHeaderTime;
if (debug)
qDebug()<<"ui*h file not found, or not recent enough, trying to create it on the fly";
QFile file(m_sourceName);
if ( {
QTextStream stream(&file);
const QString contents = stream.readAll();
if (runUic(contents)) {
if (debug)
qDebug()<<"uic run wasn't succesfull";
m_cacheTime = QDateTime();
m_contents = QByteArray();
// and if the header file wasn't there, next time we need to update
// all of the files that include this header
if (!uiHeaderFileInfo.exists())
m_updateIncludingFiles = true;
} else {
if (debug)
qDebug()<<"Could open "<<m_sourceName<<"needed for the cpp model";
m_contents = QByteArray();
QByteArray Qt4UiCodeModelSupport::contents() const
return m_contents;
QString Qt4UiCodeModelSupport::fileName() const
return m_fileName;
void Qt4UiCodeModelSupport::setFileName(const QString &name)
if (m_fileName == name && m_cacheTime.isValid())
if (debug)
qDebug() << "Qt4UiCodeModelSupport::setFileName"<<name;
m_fileName = name;
m_cacheTime = QDateTime();
bool Qt4UiCodeModelSupport::runUic(const QString &ui) const
Qt4BuildConfiguration *qt4bc = m_project->activeTarget()->activeBuildConfiguration();
const QString uicCommand = qt4bc->qtVersion()->uicCommand();
if (debug)
qDebug() << "Qt4UiCodeModelSupport::runUic " << uicCommand << " on " << ui.size() << " bytes";
uic.start(uicCommand, QStringList(), QIODevice::ReadWrite);
if (!uic.waitForStarted())
return false;
if (uic.waitForFinished() && uic.exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit && uic.exitCode() == 0) {
m_contents = uic.readAllStandardOutput();
m_cacheTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
if (debug)
qDebug() << "ok" << m_contents.size() << "bytes.";
return true;
if (debug)
qDebug() << "failed" << uic.readAllStandardError();
void Qt4UiCodeModelSupport::updateFromEditor(const QString &formEditorContents)
if (runUic(formEditorContents)) {
void Qt4UiCodeModelSupport::updateFromBuild()
if (debug)
qDebug()<<"Qt4UiCodeModelSupport::updateFromBuild() for file"<<m_sourceName;
// This is mostly a fall back for the cases when uic couldn't be run
// it pays special attention to the case where a ui_*h was newly created
QDateTime sourceTime = QFileInfo(m_sourceName).lastModified();
if (m_cacheTime.isValid() && m_cacheTime >= sourceTime) {
if (debug)
qDebug()<<"Cache is still more recent then source";
} else {
QFileInfo fi(m_fileName);
QDateTime uiHeaderTime = fi.exists() ? fi.lastModified() : QDateTime();
if (uiHeaderTime.isValid() && (uiHeaderTime > sourceTime)) {
if (m_cacheTime >= uiHeaderTime)
if (debug)
qDebug()<<"found ui*h updating from it";
QFile file(m_fileName);
if ( {
QTextStream stream(&file);
m_contents = stream.readAll().toUtf8();
m_cacheTime = uiHeaderTime;
if (debug)
qDebug()<<"ui*h not found or not more recent then source not changing anything";