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** This file is part of Qt Creator
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#include "cmakerunconfiguration.h"
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#include "cmakeproject.h"
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#include "cmakeprojectconstants.h"
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#include <projectexplorer/environment.h>
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#include <utils/qtcassert.h>
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using namespace CMakeProjectManager;
using namespace CMakeProjectManager::Internal;

CMakeRunConfiguration::CMakeRunConfiguration(CMakeProject *pro, const QString &target, const QString &workingDirectory)
    : ProjectExplorer::ApplicationRunConfiguration(pro), m_target(target), m_workingDirectory(workingDirectory)
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QString CMakeRunConfiguration::type() const
    return Constants::CMAKERUNCONFIGURATION;

QString CMakeRunConfiguration::executable() const
    return m_target;

ProjectExplorer::ApplicationRunConfiguration::RunMode CMakeRunConfiguration::runMode() const
    return ProjectExplorer::ApplicationRunConfiguration::Gui;

QString CMakeRunConfiguration::workingDirectory() const
    return m_workingDirectory;

QStringList CMakeRunConfiguration::commandLineArguments() const
    // TODO
    return QStringList();

ProjectExplorer::Environment CMakeRunConfiguration::environment() const
    // TODO
    return ProjectExplorer::Environment::systemEnvironment();

void CMakeRunConfiguration::save(ProjectExplorer::PersistentSettingsWriter &writer) const
    writer.saveValue("CMakeRunConfiguration.Target", m_target);
    writer.saveValue("CMakeRunConfiguration.WorkingDirectory", m_workingDirectory);
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void CMakeRunConfiguration::restore(const ProjectExplorer::PersistentSettingsReader &reader)
    m_target = reader.restoreValue("CMakeRunConfiguration.Target").toString();
    m_workingDirectory = reader.restoreValue("CMakeRunConfiguration.WorkingDirectory").toString();
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QWidget *CMakeRunConfiguration::configurationWidget()
    return new QWidget();

// Factory




// used to recreate the runConfigurations when restoring settings
bool CMakeRunConfigurationFactory::canCreate(const QString &type) const
    if (type.startsWith(Constants::CMAKERUNCONFIGURATION))
        return true;
    return false;

// used to show the list of possible additons to a project, returns a list of types
QStringList CMakeRunConfigurationFactory::canCreate(ProjectExplorer::Project *project) const
    CMakeProject *pro = qobject_cast<CMakeProject *>(project);
    if (!pro)
        return QStringList();
    // TODO gather all targets and return them here
    return QStringList();

// used to translate the types to names to display to the user
QString CMakeRunConfigurationFactory::nameForType(const QString &type) const
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    if (type == Constants::CMAKERUNCONFIGURATION)
        return "CMake"; // Doesn't happen
        return type.mid(QString(Constants::CMAKERUNCONFIGURATION).length());

QSharedPointer<ProjectExplorer::RunConfiguration> CMakeRunConfigurationFactory::create(ProjectExplorer::Project *project, const QString &type)
    CMakeProject *pro = qobject_cast<CMakeProject *>(project);
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    if (type == Constants::CMAKERUNCONFIGURATION) {
        // Restoring, filename will be added by restoreSettings
        QSharedPointer<ProjectExplorer::RunConfiguration> rc(new CMakeRunConfiguration(pro, QString::null, QString::null));
        return rc;
    } else {
        // Adding new
        QString file = type.mid(QString(Constants::CMAKERUNCONFIGURATION).length());
        QSharedPointer<ProjectExplorer::RunConfiguration> rc(new CMakeRunConfiguration(pro, file, QString::null));
        return rc;