** Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
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** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
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#include "qt4buildconfiguration.h"
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
using ProjectExplorer::Environment;
using ExtensionSystem::PluginManager;
using namespace Qt4ProjectManager;
using namespace Qt4ProjectManager::Internal;
MakeStep::MakeStep(ProjectExplorer::BuildConfiguration *bc) :
AbstractProcessStep(bc), m_clean(false)
MakeStep::MakeStep(MakeStep *bs, ProjectExplorer::BuildConfiguration *bc) :
AbstractProcessStep(bs, bc),
Qt4BuildConfiguration *MakeStep::qt4BuildConfiguration() const
return static_cast<Qt4BuildConfiguration *>(buildConfiguration());
void MakeStep::setClean(bool clean)
m_clean = clean;
void MakeStep::restoreFromGlobalMap(const QMap<QString, QVariant> &map)
if (map.value("clean").isValid() && map.value("clean").toBool())
m_clean = true;
void MakeStep::restoreFromLocalMap(const QMap<QString, QVariant> &map)
m_userArgs = map.value("makeargs").toStringList();
m_makeCmd = map.value("makeCmd").toString();
if (map.value("clean").isValid() && map.value("clean").toBool())
m_clean = true;
void MakeStep::storeIntoLocalMap(QMap<QString, QVariant> &map)
map["makeargs"] = m_userArgs;
map["makeCmd"] = m_makeCmd;
if (m_clean)
map["clean"] = true;
Qt4BuildConfiguration *bc = qt4BuildConfiguration();
Environment environment = bc->environment();
QString workingDirectory = bc->buildDirectory();
QString makeCmd = bc->makeCommand();
if (!m_makeCmd.isEmpty())
makeCmd = m_makeCmd;
if (!QFileInfo(makeCmd).isAbsolute()) {
// Try to detect command in environment
QString tmp = environment.searchInPath(makeCmd);
emit addOutput(tr("<font color=\"#ff0000\">Could not find make command: %1 "\
"in the build environment</font>").arg(makeCmd));
// If we are cleaning, then make can fail with a error code, but that doesn't mean
// we should stop the clean queue
// That is mostly so that rebuild works on a already clean project
QStringList args = m_userArgs;
if (!bc->defaultMakeTarget().isEmpty())
args << bc->defaultMakeTarget();
// -w option enables "Enter"/"Leaving directory" messages, which we need for detecting the
// absolute file path
// FIXME doing this without the user having a way to override this is rather bad
// so we only do it for unix and if the user didn't override the make command
// but for now this is the least invasive change
ProjectExplorer::ToolChain *toolchain = bc->toolChain();
if (toolchain) {
if (toolchain->type() != ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::MSVC &&
toolchain->type() != ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::WINCE) {
if (m_makeCmd.isEmpty())
args << "-w";
setOutputParser(new ProjectExplorer::GnuMakeParser(workingDirectory));
if (toolchain)
return AbstractProcessStep::init();
if (qt4BuildConfiguration()->qt4Project()->rootProjectNode()->projectType() == ScriptTemplate) {
return Constants::MAKESTEP;
QString MakeStep::displayName()
ProjectExplorer::BuildStepConfigWidget *MakeStep::createConfigWidget()
return new MakeStepConfigWidget(this);
QStringList MakeStep::userArguments()
return m_userArgs;
void MakeStep::setUserArguments(const QStringList &arguments)
m_userArgs = arguments;
emit userArgumentsChanged();
: BuildStepConfigWidget(), m_makeStep(makeStep), m_ignoreChange(false)
connect(m_ui.makeLineEdit, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)),
connect(m_ui.makeArgumentsLineEdit, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)),
this, SLOT(makeArgumentsLineEdited()));
connect(makeStep, SIGNAL(userArgumentsChanged()),
this, SLOT(userArgumentsChanged()));
connect(makeStep->buildConfiguration(), SIGNAL(buildDirectoryChanged()),
this, SLOT(updateDetails()));
connect(ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin::instance(), SIGNAL(settingsChanged()),
this, SLOT(updateMakeOverrideLabel()));
connect(ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin::instance(), SIGNAL(settingsChanged()),
this, SLOT(updateDetails()));
void MakeStepConfigWidget::updateMakeOverrideLabel()
Qt4BuildConfiguration *qt4bc = m_makeStep->qt4BuildConfiguration();
m_ui.makeLabel->setText(tr("Override %1:").arg(qt4bc->makeCommand()));
Qt4BuildConfiguration *bc = m_makeStep->qt4BuildConfiguration();
QString workingDirectory = bc->buildDirectory();
QString makeCmd = bc->makeCommand();
if (!m_makeStep->m_makeCmd.isEmpty())
makeCmd = m_makeStep->m_makeCmd;
Environment environment = bc->environment();
// Try to detect command in environment
QString tmp = environment.searchInPath(makeCmd);
if (tmp == QString::null) {
m_summaryText = tr("<b>Make Step:</b> %1 not found in the environment.").arg(makeCmd);
emit updateSummary();
makeCmd = tmp;
// -w option enables "Enter"/"Leaving directory" messages, which we need for detecting the
// absolute file path
// FIXME doing this without the user having a way to override this is rather bad
// so we only do it for unix and if the user didn't override the make command
// but for now this is the least invasive change
QStringList args = m_makeStep->userArguments();
ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::ToolChainType t = ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::UNKNOWN;
ProjectExplorer::ToolChain *toolChain = bc->toolChain();
if (t != ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::MSVC && t != ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::WINCE) {
if (m_makeStep->m_makeCmd.isEmpty())
m_summaryText = tr("<b>Make:</b> %1 %2 in %3").arg(QFileInfo(makeCmd).fileName(), args.join(" "),
emit updateSummary();
QString MakeStepConfigWidget::summaryText() const
return m_summaryText;
QString MakeStepConfigWidget::displayName() const
return m_makeStep->displayName();
void MakeStepConfigWidget::userArgumentsChanged()
const QStringList &makeArguments = m_makeStep->userArguments();
void MakeStepConfigWidget::init()
const QString &makeCmd = m_makeStep->m_makeCmd;
const QStringList &makeArguments = m_makeStep->userArguments();
void MakeStepConfigWidget::makeEdited()
m_makeStep->m_makeCmd = m_ui.makeLineEdit->text();
void MakeStepConfigWidget::makeArgumentsLineEdited()
m_ignoreChange = true;
m_ignoreChange = false;
// MakeStep
bool MakeStepFactory::canCreate(const QString &id) const
ProjectExplorer::BuildStep *MakeStepFactory::create(ProjectExplorer::BuildConfiguration *bc, const QString &id) const
ProjectExplorer::BuildStep *MakeStepFactory::clone(ProjectExplorer::BuildStep *bs, ProjectExplorer::BuildConfiguration *bc) const
return new MakeStep(static_cast<MakeStep *>(bs), bc);
QStringList MakeStepFactory::canCreateForBuildConfiguration(ProjectExplorer::BuildConfiguration *pro) const
if (qobject_cast<Qt4BuildConfiguration *>(pro))
return QStringList() << Constants::MAKESTEP;
return QStringList();
QString MakeStepFactory::displayNameForId(const QString &id) const