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#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QAbstractItemModel>

namespace Debugger {
namespace Internal {

class BreakpointMarker;
class BreakHandler;

// BreakpointData

class BreakpointData
    explicit BreakpointData(BreakHandler *handler);

    void removeMarker();
    void updateMarker();
    QString toToolTip() const;
    BreakHandler *handler() { return m_handler; }

    bool isLocatedAt(const QString &fileName, int lineNumber) const;
    bool conditionsMatch() const;

    // Intentionally unimplemented.
    // Making it copiable is tricky because of the markers.
    void operator=(const BreakpointData &);
    BreakpointData(const BreakpointData &);

    // Our owner
    BreakHandler *m_handler;  // not owned.

    bool enabled;           // should we talk to the debugger engine?
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    bool pending;           // does the debugger engine know about us already?

    // this "user requested information". will get stored in the session
    QString fileName;       // short name of source file
    QString condition;      // condition associated with breakpoint
    QString ignoreCount;    // ignore count associated with breakpoint
    QString lineNumber;     // line in source file
    QString funcName;       // name of containing function
    bool useFullPath;       // should we use the full path when setting the bp?
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    // this is what gdb produced in response
    QString bpNumber;       // breakpoint number assigned by the debugger engine
    QString bpCondition;    // condition acknowledged by the debugger engine
    QString bpIgnoreCount;  // ignore count acknowledged by the debugger engine
    QString bpFileName;     // file name acknowledged by the debugger engine
    QString bpLineNumber;   // line number acknowledged by the debugger engine
    QString bpFuncName;     // function name acknowledged by the debugger engine
    QString bpAddress;      // address acknowledged by the debugger engine
    bool    bpMultiple;     // happens in constructors/gdb
    bool    bpEnabled;      // enable/disable command sent
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    // taken from either user input or gdb responses
    QString markerFileName; // used to locate the marker
    int markerLineNumber;

    // our red blob in the editor
    BreakpointMarker *marker;

// BreakHandler

class BreakHandler : public QAbstractItemModel

    explicit BreakHandler(QObject *parent = 0);
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    void removeAllBreakpoints();
    void setAllPending();
    void loadSessionData();
    void saveSessionData();

    QAbstractItemModel *model() { return this; }

    BreakpointData *at(int index) const { return index < size() ? : 0; }
    int size() const { return m_bp.size(); }
    bool hasPendingBreakpoints() const;
    void append(BreakpointData *data);
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    void removeAt(int index); // also deletes the marker
    void clear(); // also deletes all the marker
    int indexOf(BreakpointData *data) { return m_bp.indexOf(data); }
    int findBreakpoint(const QString &fileName, int lineNumber);
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    int findBreakpoint(const BreakpointData &data); // returns index
    int findBreakpoint(int bpNumber); // returns index
    void updateMarkers();

    QList<BreakpointData *> insertedBreakpoints() const;
    void takeInsertedBreakPoint(BreakpointData *);
    QList<BreakpointData *> takeRemovedBreakpoints(); // owned
    QList<BreakpointData *> takeEnabledBreakpoints(); // not owned
    QList<BreakpointData *> takeDisabledBreakpoints(); // not owned
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public slots:
    void setBreakpoint(const QString &fileName, int lineNumber);
    void toggleBreakpointEnabled(BreakpointData *data);
    void toggleBreakpointEnabled(const QString &fileName, int lineNumber);
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    void breakByFunction(const QString &functionName);
    void activateBreakpoint(int index);
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    void removeBreakpoint(int index);

    void gotoLocation(const QString &fileName, int lineNumber, bool setMarker);

    void sessionValueRequested(const QString &name, QVariant *value);
    void setSessionValueRequested(const QString &name, const QVariant &value);

    friend class BreakpointMarker;

    // QAbstractItemModel
    int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const;
    int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const;
    QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const;
    bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &, int role);
    QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &) const { return QModelIndex(); }
    QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &) const
        { return createIndex(row, column); }
    QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const;
    Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const;
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    void markerUpdated(BreakpointMarker *, int lineNumber);
    void loadBreakpoints();
    void saveBreakpoints();
    void resetBreakpoints();
    void removeBreakpointHelper(int index);

    QList<BreakpointData *> m_bp;
    QList<BreakpointData *> m_inserted; // lately inserted breakpoints
    QList<BreakpointData *> m_removed; // lately removed breakpoints
    QList<BreakpointData *> m_enabled; // lately enabled breakpoints
    QList<BreakpointData *> m_disabled; // lately disabled breakpoints
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} // namespace Internal
} // namespace Debugger