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#ifndef QT4NODES_H
#define QT4NODES_H

#include <projectexplorer/projectnodes.h>
#include <projectexplorer/project.h>
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#include <QtCore/QHash>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QTimer>
#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
#include <QtCore/QMap>
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// defined in proitems.h
class ProFile;

namespace Core {
class ICore;

namespace ProjectExplorer {
class FileWatcher;

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namespace Designer {
namespace Internal {
class FormWindowEditor;

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namespace Qt4ProjectManager {

// Import base classes into namespace
using ProjectExplorer::Node;
using ProjectExplorer::FileNode;
using ProjectExplorer::FolderNode;
using ProjectExplorer::ProjectNode;
using ProjectExplorer::NodesWatcher;

// Import enums into namespace
using ProjectExplorer::NodeType;
using ProjectExplorer::FileNodeType;
using ProjectExplorer::FolderNodeType;
using ProjectExplorer::ProjectNodeType;

using ProjectExplorer::UnknownFileType;
using ProjectExplorer::ProjectFileType;

class Qt4Project;

namespace Internal {

using ProjectExplorer::FileType;
class ProFileReader;
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class Qt4UiCodeModelSupport;
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//  Type of projects
enum Qt4ProjectType {
    InvalidProject = 0,

// Other variables of interest
enum Qt4Variable {
    DefinesVar = 1,
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class Qt4PriFileNode;
class Qt4ProFileNode;

// Implements ProjectNode for qt4 pro files
class Qt4PriFileNode : public ProjectExplorer::ProjectNode
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    Qt4PriFileNode(Qt4Project *project, Qt4ProFileNode* qt4ProFileNode, const QString &filePath);
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    void update(ProFile *includeFile, ProFileReader *reader);

// ProjectNode interface
    QList<ProjectAction> supportedActions() const;

    bool hasTargets() const { return false; }

    bool addSubProjects(const QStringList &proFilePaths);
    bool removeSubProjects(const QStringList &proFilePaths);

    bool addFiles(const FileType fileType, const QStringList &filePaths,
                  QStringList *notAdded = 0);
    bool removeFiles(const FileType fileType, const QStringList &filePaths,
                     QStringList *notRemoved = 0);
    bool renameFile(const FileType fileType,
                    const QString &filePath, const QString &newFilePath);

    Qt4PriFileNode *findProFileFor(const QString &string);

    ProFileReader *createProFileReader() const;
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    void clear();
    static QStringList varNames(FileType type);

    enum ChangeType {

    bool changeIncludes(ProFile *includeFile,
                       const QStringList &proFilePaths,
                       ChangeType change);

    void changeFiles(const FileType fileType,
                     const QStringList &filePaths,
                     QStringList *notChanged,
                     ChangeType change);

    QString buildDir() const;

private slots:
    void scheduleUpdate();

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    void save(ProFile *includeFile);
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    bool priFileWritable(const QString &path);
    bool saveModifiedEditors(const QString &path);

    Qt4Project *m_project;
    Qt4ProFileNode *m_qt4ProFileNode;
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    QString m_projectFilePath;
    QString m_projectDir;

    // TODO we might be better off using an IFile* and the FileManager for
    // watching changes to the .pro and .pri files on disk
    ProjectExplorer::FileWatcher *m_fileWatcher;
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    QMap<QString, Qt4UiCodeModelSupport *> m_uiCodeModelSupport;

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    // managed by Qt4ProFileNode
    friend class Qt4ProFileNode;
    // internal temporary subtree representation
    friend struct InternalNode;
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// Implements ProjectNode for qt4 pro files
class Qt4ProFileNode : public Qt4PriFileNode
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    Qt4ProFileNode(Qt4Project *project,
                   const QString &filePath,
                   QObject *parent = 0);
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    bool hasTargets() const;

    Qt4ProjectType projectType() const;

    QStringList variableValue(const Qt4Variable var) const;

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    void updateCodeModelSupportFromBuild(const QStringList &files);
    void updateCodeModelSupportFromEditor(const QString &uiFileName, Designer::Internal::FormWindowEditor *fw);
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public slots:
    void scheduleUpdate();
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    void update();
private slots:
    void buildStateChanged(ProjectExplorer::Project*);
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    void createUiCodeModelSupport();
    QStringList updateUiFiles();
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    Qt4ProFileNode *createSubProFileNode(const QString &path);

    QStringList uiDirPaths(ProFileReader *reader) const;
    QStringList mocDirPaths(ProFileReader *reader) const;
    QStringList includePaths(ProFileReader *reader) const;
    QStringList subDirsPaths(ProFileReader *reader) const;
    QStringList qBuildSubDirsPaths(const QString &scanDir)  const;

    void invalidate();

    Qt4ProjectType m_projectType;
    QHash<Qt4Variable, QStringList> m_varValues;
    QTimer m_updateTimer;
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    QMap<QString, QDateTime> m_uitimestamps;
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    friend class Qt4NodeHierarchy;

class Qt4NodesWatcher : public ProjectExplorer::NodesWatcher
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    Qt4NodesWatcher(QObject *parent = 0);

    void projectTypeChanged(Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::Qt4ProFileNode *projectNode,
                            const Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::Qt4ProjectType oldType,
                            const Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::Qt4ProjectType newType);

    void variablesChanged(Qt4ProFileNode *projectNode,
                          const QHash<Qt4Variable, QStringList> &oldValues,
                          const QHash<Qt4Variable, QStringList> &newValues);

    void proFileUpdated(Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::Qt4ProFileNode *projectNode);

    // let them emit signals
    friend class Qt4ProFileNode;
    friend class Qt4PriFileNode;

} // namespace Internal
} // namespace Qt4ProjectManager

#endif // QT4NODES_H