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#include <texteditor/basetexteditor.h>
#include <QtGui/QPlainTextEdit>
using namespace ProjectExplorer;
QtOutputFormatter::QtOutputFormatter(Qt4Project *project)
: OutputFormatter()
, m_qmlError(QLatin1String("(file:///[^:]+:\\d+:\\d+):"))
, m_qtError(QLatin1String("Object::.*in (.*:\\d+)"))
, m_project(project)
void QtOutputFormatter::appendApplicationOutput(const QString &text, bool onStdErr)
QTextCharFormat linkFormat;
// Create links from QML errors (anything of the form "file:///...:[line]:[column]:")
const int matchPos = m_qmlError.pos(1);
append(leader, onStdErr ? StdErrFormat : StdOutFormat);
const QString matched = m_qmlError.cap(1);
append(matched, linkFormat);
int index = matchPos + m_qmlError.matchedLength() - 1;
append(text.mid(index), onStdErr ? StdErrFormat : StdOutFormat);
} else if (m_qtError.indexIn(text) != -1) {
const int matchPos = m_qtError.pos(1);
const QString leader = text.left(matchPos);
append(leader, onStdErr ? StdErrFormat : StdOutFormat);
const QString matched = m_qtError.cap(1);
append(matched, linkFormat);
int index = matchPos + m_qtError.matchedLength() - 1;
append(text.mid(index), onStdErr ? StdErrFormat : StdOutFormat);
} else {
append(text, onStdErr ? StdErrFormat : StdOutFormat);
void QtOutputFormatter::handleLink(const QString &href)
if (!href.isEmpty()) {
QRegExp qmlErrorLink(QLatin1String("^file://(/[^:]+):(\\d+):(\\d+)"));
if (qmlErrorLink.indexIn(href) != -1) {
const QString fileName = qmlErrorLink.cap(1);
const int line = qmlErrorLink.cap(2).toInt();
const int column = qmlErrorLink.cap(3).toInt();
TextEditor::BaseTextEditor::openEditorAt(fileName, line, column - 1);
QRegExp qtErrorLink(QLatin1String("^(.*):(\\d+)$"));
if (qtErrorLink.indexIn(href) != 1) {
QString fileName = qtErrorLink.cap(1);
const int line = qtErrorLink.cap(2).toInt();
QFileInfo fi(fileName);
if (fi.isRelative()) {
// Yeah fileName is relative, no suprise
Qt4Project *pro =;
if (pro) {
QString baseName = fi.fileName();
foreach (const QString &file, pro->files(Project::AllFiles)) {
if (file.endsWith(baseName)) {
// pick the first one...
fileName = file;
TextEditor::BaseTextEditor::openEditorAt(fileName, line, 0);