** This file is part of Qt Creator
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
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#include "genericprojectmanager.h"
#include "genericprojectnodes.h"
#include <projectexplorer/project.h>
#include <projectexplorer/projectnodes.h>
#include <projectexplorer/buildstep.h>
#include <coreplugin/ifile.h>
class QStringListModel;
namespace Core {
namespace Utils {
class PathChooser;
namespace ProjectExplorer {
class ToolChain;
namespace Internal {
class GenericMakeStep;
class GenericProjectFile;
class GenericProject : public ProjectExplorer::Project
GenericProject(Manager *manager, const QString &filename);
virtual ~GenericProject();
QString filesFileName() const;
QString includesFileName() const;
QString configFileName() const;
virtual QString name() const;
virtual Core::IFile *file() const;
virtual ProjectExplorer::IProjectManager *projectManager() const;
virtual QList<ProjectExplorer::Project *> dependsOn();
virtual bool isApplication() const;
virtual ProjectExplorer::Environment environment(const QString &buildConfiguration) const;
virtual QString buildDirectory(const QString &buildConfiguration) const;
virtual ProjectExplorer::BuildStepConfigWidget *createConfigWidget();
virtual QList<ProjectExplorer::BuildStepConfigWidget*> subConfigWidgets();
virtual void newBuildConfiguration(const QString &buildConfiguration);
virtual GenericProjectNode *rootProjectNode() const;
virtual QStringList files(FilesMode fileMode) const;
QStringList targets() const;
GenericMakeStep *makeStep() const;
QString buildParser(const QString &buildConfiguration) const;
ProjectExplorer::ToolChain *toolChain() const;
enum RefreshOptions {
Files = 0x01,
Configuration = 0x02,
Everything = Files | Configuration
void refresh(RefreshOptions options);
QStringList includePaths() const;
void setIncludePaths(const QStringList &includePaths);
QStringList allIncludePaths() const;
QStringList projectIncludePaths() const;
QStringList files() const;
QStringList generated() const;
QString toolChainId() const;
public Q_SLOTS:
virtual void saveSettingsImpl(ProjectExplorer::PersistentSettingsWriter &writer);
virtual void restoreSettingsImpl(ProjectExplorer::PersistentSettingsReader &reader);
void parseProject(RefreshOptions options);
QStringList convertToAbsoluteFiles(const QStringList &paths) const;
Manager *m_manager;
QString m_fileName;
QString m_filesFileName;
QString m_includesFileName;
QString m_configFileName;
GenericProjectFile *m_file;
QString m_projectName;
QStringList m_files;
QStringList m_generated;
QStringList m_includePaths;
QStringList m_projectIncludePaths;
QByteArray m_defines;
GenericProjectNode *m_rootNode;
ProjectExplorer::ToolChain *m_toolChain;
QString m_toolChainId;
class GenericProjectFile : public Core::IFile
GenericProjectFile(GenericProject *parent, QString fileName);
virtual ~GenericProjectFile();
virtual bool save(const QString &fileName = QString());
virtual QString fileName() const;
virtual QString defaultPath() const;
virtual QString suggestedFileName() const;
virtual QString mimeType() const;
virtual bool isModified() const;
virtual bool isReadOnly() const;
virtual bool isSaveAsAllowed() const;
virtual void modified(ReloadBehavior *behavior);
GenericProject *m_project;
QString m_fileName;
class GenericBuildSettingsWidget : public ProjectExplorer::BuildStepConfigWidget
GenericBuildSettingsWidget(GenericProject *project);
virtual ~GenericBuildSettingsWidget();
virtual QString displayName() const;
virtual void init(const QString &buildConfiguration);
private Q_SLOTS:
void buildDirectoryChanged();
GenericProject *m_project;
Core::Utils::PathChooser *m_pathChooser;
QString m_buildConfiguration;
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace GenericProjectManager