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    QStringList tmp = m_varValues[UiDirVar];
    if (tmp.size() != 0)
        uiDir = tmp.first();
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    // Collect all existing generated files
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    QList<FileNode*> existingFileNodes;
    foreach (FileNode *file, fileNodes()) {
        if (file->isGenerated())
            existingFileNodes << file;

    // Convert uiFile to uiHeaderFilePath, find all headers that correspond
    // and try to find them in uiDir
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    QStringList newFilePaths;
    foreach (FileNode *uiFile, uiFiles) {
        const QString uiHeaderFilePath
                = QString("%1/ui_%2.h").arg(uiDir, QFileInfo(uiFile->path()).completeBaseName());
        if (QFileInfo(uiHeaderFilePath).exists())
            newFilePaths << uiHeaderFilePath;
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    // Create a diff between those lists
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    QList<FileNode*> toRemove;
    QList<FileNode*> toAdd;
    // The list of files for which we call updateSourceFile
    QStringList toUpdate;
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    qSort(existingFileNodes.begin(), existingFileNodes.end(), ProjectNode::sortNodesByPath);

    QList<FileNode*>::const_iterator existingNodeIter = existingFileNodes.constBegin();
    QList<QString>::const_iterator newPathIter = newFilePaths.constBegin();
    while (existingNodeIter != existingFileNodes.constEnd()
           && newPathIter != newFilePaths.constEnd()) {
        if ((*existingNodeIter)->path() < *newPathIter) {
            toRemove << *existingNodeIter;
        } else if ((*existingNodeIter)->path() > *newPathIter) {
            toAdd << new FileNode(*newPathIter, ProjectExplorer::HeaderType, true);
        } else { // *existingNodeIter->path() == *newPathIter
            QString fileName = (*existingNodeIter)->path();
            QMap<QString, QDateTime>::const_iterator it = m_uitimestamps.find(fileName);
            QDateTime lastModified = QFileInfo(fileName).lastModified();
            if (it == m_uitimestamps.constEnd() || it.value() < lastModified) {
                toUpdate << fileName;
                m_uitimestamps[fileName] = lastModified;
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    while (existingNodeIter != existingFileNodes.constEnd()) {
        toRemove << *existingNodeIter;
    while (newPathIter != newFilePaths.constEnd()) {
        toAdd << new FileNode(*newPathIter, ProjectExplorer::HeaderType, true);

    // Update project tree
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    if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) {
        foreach (FileNode *file, toRemove)
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        removeFileNodes(toRemove, this);

    CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface *modelManager =

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    if (!toAdd.isEmpty()) {
        foreach (FileNode *file, toAdd) {
            m_uitimestamps.insert(file->path(), QFileInfo(file->path()).lastModified());
            toUpdate << file->path();

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            // Also adding files depending on that
            // We only need to do that for files that were newly created
            QString fileName = QFileInfo(file->path()).fileName();
            foreach (CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr doc, modelManager->snapshot()) {
                if (doc->includedFiles().contains(fileName)) {
                    if (!toUpdate.contains(doc->fileName()))
                        toUpdate << doc->fileName();
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        addFileNodes(toAdd, this);
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    return toUpdate;
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Qt4ProFileNode *Qt4ProFileNode::createSubProFileNode(const QString &path)
    Qt4ProFileNode *subProFileNode = new Qt4ProFileNode(m_project, path);
    return subProFileNode;

QStringList Qt4ProFileNode::uiDirPaths(ProFileReader *reader) const
    QStringList candidates = reader->absolutePathValues(QLatin1String("UI_DIR"),
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    return candidates;

QStringList Qt4ProFileNode::mocDirPaths(ProFileReader *reader) const
    QStringList candidates = reader->absolutePathValues(QLatin1String("MOC_DIR"),
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    return candidates;

QStringList Qt4ProFileNode::includePaths(ProFileReader *reader) const
    QStringList paths;
    paths = reader->absolutePathValues(QLatin1String("INCLUDEPATH"),
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    paths << uiDirPaths(reader) << mocDirPaths(reader);
    return paths;

QStringList Qt4ProFileNode::subDirsPaths(ProFileReader *reader) const
    QStringList subProjectPaths;

    const QStringList subDirVars = reader->values(QLatin1String("SUBDIRS"));

    foreach (const QString &subDirVar, subDirVars) {
        // Special case were subdir is just an identifier:
        //   "SUBDIR = subid
        //    subid.subdir = realdir"
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        // or
        //   "SUBDIR = subid
        //    subid.file = realdir/"
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        QString realDir;
        const QString subDirKey = subDirVar + QLatin1String(".subdir");
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        const QString subDirFileKey = subDirVar + QLatin1String(".file");
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        if (reader->contains(subDirKey))
            realDir = QFileInfo(reader->value(subDirKey)).filePath();
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        else if (reader->contains(subDirFileKey))
            realDir = QFileInfo(reader->value(subDirFileKey)).filePath();
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            realDir = subDirVar;
        QFileInfo info(realDir);
        if (!info.isAbsolute()) {
            info.setFile(m_projectDir + QLatin1Char('/') + realDir);
            realDir = m_projectDir + QLatin1Char('/') + realDir;
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        QString realFile;
        if (info.isDir()) {
            realFile = QString::fromLatin1("%1/").arg(realDir, info.fileName());
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        } else {
            realFile = realDir;

        if (QFile::exists(realFile)) {
            if (!subProjectPaths.contains(realFile))
                subProjectPaths << realFile;
        } else {
            m_project->proFileParseError(tr("Could not find .pro file for sub dir '%1' in '%2'")
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    return subProjectPaths;

QString Qt4ProFileNode::buildDir() const
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    const QDir srcDirRoot = QFileInfo(m_project->rootProjectNode()->path()).absoluteDir();
    const QString relativeDir = srcDirRoot.relativeFilePath(m_projectDir);
    return QDir(m_project->activeBuildConfiguration()->buildDirectory()).absoluteFilePath(relativeDir);
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  Sets project type to InvalidProject & deletes all subprojects/files/virtual folders
void Qt4ProFileNode::invalidate()
    if (m_projectType == InvalidProject)


    // change project type
    Qt4ProjectType oldType = m_projectType;
    m_projectType = InvalidProject;

    foreach (NodesWatcher *watcher, watchers())
        if (Qt4NodesWatcher *qt4Watcher = qobject_cast<Qt4NodesWatcher*>(watcher))
            emit qt4Watcher->projectTypeChanged(this, oldType, InvalidProject);

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void Qt4ProFileNode::updateCodeModelSupportFromBuild(const QStringList &files)
    foreach (const QString &file, files) {
        QMap<QString, Qt4UiCodeModelSupport *>::const_iterator it, end;
        end = m_uiCodeModelSupport.constEnd();
        for (it = m_uiCodeModelSupport.constBegin(); it != end; ++it) {
            if (it.value()->fileName() == file)

void Qt4ProFileNode::updateCodeModelSupportFromEditor(const QString &uiFileName, Designer::FormWindowEditor *fw)
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    QMap<QString, Qt4UiCodeModelSupport *>::const_iterator it;
    it = m_uiCodeModelSupport.constFind(uiFileName);
    if (it != m_uiCodeModelSupport.constEnd()) {
    foreach (ProjectExplorer::ProjectNode *pro, subProjectNodes())
        if (Qt4ProFileNode *qt4proFileNode = qobject_cast<Qt4ProFileNode *>(pro))
            qt4proFileNode->updateCodeModelSupportFromEditor(uiFileName, fw);

QString Qt4ProFileNode::uiDirectory() const
    const Qt4VariablesHash::const_iterator it = m_varValues.constFind(UiDirVar);
    if (it != m_varValues.constEnd() && !it.value().isEmpty())
        return it.value().front();
    return buildDir();

QString Qt4ProFileNode::uiHeaderFile(const QString &uiDir, const QString &formFile)
    QString uiHeaderFilePath = uiDir;
    uiHeaderFilePath += QLatin1String("/ui_");
    uiHeaderFilePath += QFileInfo(formFile).completeBaseName();
    uiHeaderFilePath += QLatin1String(".h");
    return QDir::cleanPath(uiHeaderFilePath);

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void Qt4ProFileNode::createUiCodeModelSupport()
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//    qDebug()<<"creatUiCodeModelSupport()";
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    CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface *modelManager
            = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance()->getObject<CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface>();

    // First move all to
    QMap<QString, Qt4UiCodeModelSupport *> oldCodeModelSupport;
    oldCodeModelSupport = m_uiCodeModelSupport;

    // Only those two project types can have ui files for us
    if (m_projectType == ApplicationTemplate || m_projectType == LibraryTemplate) {
        // Find all ui files
        FindUiFileNodesVisitor uiFilesVisitor;
        const QList<FileNode*> uiFiles = uiFilesVisitor.uiFileNodes;

        // Find the UiDir, there can only ever be one
        const  QString uiDir = uiDirectory();
        foreach (const FileNode *uiFile, uiFiles) {
            const QString uiHeaderFilePath = uiHeaderFile(uiDir, uiFile->path());
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//            qDebug()<<"code model support for "<<uiFile->path()<<" "<<uiHeaderFilePath;
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            QMap<QString, Qt4UiCodeModelSupport *>::iterator it = oldCodeModelSupport.find(uiFile->path());
            if (it != oldCodeModelSupport.end()) {
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//                qDebug()<<"updated old codemodelsupport";
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                Qt4UiCodeModelSupport *cms = it.value();
                m_uiCodeModelSupport.insert(it.key(), cms);
            } else {
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//                qDebug()<<"adding new codemodelsupport";
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                Qt4UiCodeModelSupport *cms = new Qt4UiCodeModelSupport(modelManager, m_project, uiFile->path(), uiHeaderFilePath);
                m_uiCodeModelSupport.insert(uiFile->path(), cms);
    // Remove old
    QMap<QString, Qt4UiCodeModelSupport *>::const_iterator it, end;
    end = oldCodeModelSupport.constEnd();
    for (it = oldCodeModelSupport.constBegin(); it!=end; ++it) {
        delete it.value();
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Qt4NodesWatcher::Qt4NodesWatcher(QObject *parent)
        : NodesWatcher(parent)