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ItemsView.qml 8.86 KiB
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** This file is part of Qt Creator
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/* The view displaying the item grid.

The following Qml context properties have to be set:
- listmodel itemLibraryModel
- int itemLibraryIconWidth
- int itemLibraryIconHeight

itemLibraryModel has to have the following structure:

ListModel {
ListElement {
int sectionLibId
string sectionName
list sectionEntries: [
ListElement {
int itemLibId
string itemName
pixmap itemPixmap

    function resetView() {
    signal itemSelected(int itemLibId)
    signal itemDragged(int itemLibId)

    signal stopDragAndDrop

    // internal
    signal expandAllEntries

    ItemsViewStyle { id: style }

    color: style.backgroundColor

    /* workaround: without this, a completed drag and drop operation would
result in the drag being continued when QmlView re-gains
focus */
    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        hoverEnabled: true
            if (!pressed)
                signal selectionUpdated(int itemSectionIndex)

                property int selectedItemLibId: -1
                property int selectionSectionLibId: -1

                function setSelection(itemLibId) {
                    selectedItemLibId = itemLibId
                    selectionSectionLibId = itemLibraryModel.getSectionLibId(itemLibId)

                function unsetSelection() {
                    selectedItemLibId = -1
                    selectionSectionLibId = -1

                Connections {
                    target: itemLibraryModel
                    onVisibilityChanged: {
                        if (itemLibraryModel.isItemVisible(selectedItemLibId))

                            /* the following 3 properties are calculated here for performance
reasons and then passed to the section views */
                            property int entriesPerRow: Math.max(1, Math.floor((itemsFlickable.width - 2) / style.cellWidth))
                            property int cellWidth: Math.floor((itemsFlickable.width - 2) / entriesPerRow)
                            property int cellHeight: style.cellHeight

                            Component {
                                id: sectionDelegate

                                SectionView {
                                    id: section

                                    entriesPerRow: itemsView.entriesPerRow
                                    cellWidth: itemsView.cellWidth
                                    cellHeight: itemsView.cellHeight

                                    width: itemsFlickable.width
                                    itemHighlight: selector

                                    property bool containsSelection: (selectionSectionLibId == sectionLibId)

                                    onItemSelected: {
                                    onItemDragged: {

                                    Connections {
                                        target: itemsView
                                        onExpandAllEntries: section.expand()
                                        onSelectionUpdated: {
                                            if (containsSelection) {
                                            } else

                                                Component {
                                                    id: selector

                                                    Selector {
                                                        x: containsSelection? section.currentItem.x:0
                                                        y: containsSelection? section.currentItem.y:0
                                                        width: itemsView.cellWidth
                                                        height: itemsView.cellHeight

                                                        visible: containsSelection

                            Flickable {
                                id: itemsFlickable

                                anchors.topMargin: 3
                                anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                                anchors.left: parent.left
                                anchors.right: scrollbarFrame.left
                                boundsBehavior: Flickable.DragOverBounds

                                interactive: false
                                contentHeight: col.height

                                /* Limit the content position. Without this, resizing would get the
content position out of scope regarding the scrollbar. */
                                function limitContentPos() {
                                    if (contentY < 0)
                                        contentY = 0;
                                    else {
                                        var maxContentY = Math.max(0, contentHeight - height)
                                        if (contentY > maxContentY)
                                            contentY = maxContentY;
                                onHeightChanged: limitContentPos()
                                onContentHeightChanged: limitContentPos()

                                Column {
                                    id: col

                                    Repeater {
                                        model: itemLibraryModel  // to be set in Qml context
                                        delegate: sectionDelegate

                            Item {
                                id: scrollbarFrame

                                anchors.topMargin: 2
                                anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                                anchors.bottomMargin: 1
                                anchors.right: parent.right
                                width: (itemsFlickable.contentHeight > itemsFlickable.height)? 11:0
                                Scrollbar {
                                    id: scrollbar
                                    anchors.fill: parent
                                    anchors.leftMargin: 1

                                    flickable: itemsFlickable