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#include "icompletioncollector.h"
#include "completionsettings.h"
#include "itexteditable.h"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace TextEditor;
using namespace TextEditor::Internal;
namespace TextEditor {
namespace Internal {
CompletionSettings m_completionSettings;
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace TextEditor
bool ICompletionCollector::compareChar(const QChar &l, const QChar &r)
if (l == QLatin1Char('_'))
return false;
else if (r == QLatin1Char('_'))
return true;
return l < r;
bool ICompletionCollector::lessThan(const QString &l, const QString &r)
return std::lexicographical_compare(l.begin(), l.end(),
r.begin(), r.end(),
bool ICompletionCollector::completionItemLessThan(const CompletionItem &i1, const CompletionItem &i2)
// The order is case-insensitive in principle, but case-sensitive when this would otherwise mean equality
const QString lower1 = i1.text.toLower();
const QString lower2 = i2.text.toLower();
if (lower1 == lower2)
return lessThan(i1.text, i2.text);
return lessThan(lower1, lower2);
ICompletionCollector::ICompletionCollector(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, m_d(new Internal::ICompletionCollectorPrivate)
delete m_d;
void ICompletionCollector::setCompletionSettings(const CompletionSettings &settings)
m_d->m_completionSettings = settings;
const CompletionSettings &ICompletionCollector::completionSettings() const
return m_d->m_completionSettings;
QList<CompletionItem> ICompletionCollector::getCompletions()
QList<CompletionItem> completionItems;
qStableSort(completionItems.begin(), completionItems.end(), completionItemLessThan);
// Remove duplicates
QString lastKey;
QList<CompletionItem> uniquelist;
foreach (const CompletionItem &item, completionItems) {
if (item.text != lastKey) {
lastKey = item.text;
} else {
return uniquelist;
bool ICompletionCollector::partiallyComplete(const QList<TextEditor::CompletionItem> &completionItems)
if (! m_d->m_completionSettings.m_partiallyComplete)
return false;
// Compute common prefix
QString firstKey = completionItems.first().text;
QString lastKey = completionItems.last().text;
const int length = qMin(firstKey.length(), lastKey.length());
while (firstKey != lastKey) {
if (ITextEditable *ed = editor()) {
const int typedLength = ed->position() - startPosition();
if (!firstKey.isEmpty() && firstKey.length() > typedLength) {
ed->replace(typedLength, firstKey);
return false;
void ICompletionCollector::filter(const QList<TextEditor::CompletionItem> &items,
QList<TextEditor::CompletionItem> *filteredItems,
const QString &key)
const TextEditor::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity = m_d->m_completionSettings.m_caseSensitivity;
* This code builds a regular expression in order to more intelligently match
* camel-case style. This means upper-case characters will be rewritten as follows:
* A => [a-z0-9_]*A (for any but the first capital letter)
* Meaning it allows any sequence of lower-case characters to preceed an
* upper-case character. So for example gAC matches getActionController.
* It also implements the first-letter-only case sensitivity.
QString keyRegExp;
keyRegExp += QLatin1Char('^');
bool first = true;
const QLatin1String wordContinuation("[a-z0-9_]*");
foreach (const QChar &c, key) {
if (caseSensitivity == TextEditor::CaseInsensitive ||
(caseSensitivity == TextEditor::FirstLetterCaseSensitive && !first)) {
keyRegExp += QLatin1String("(?:");
if (c.isUpper() && !first)
keyRegExp += wordContinuation;
keyRegExp += QRegExp::escape(c.toUpper());
keyRegExp += QRegExp::escape(c.toLower());
keyRegExp += QLatin1Char(')');
} else {
if (c.isUpper() && !first)
keyRegExp += wordContinuation;
keyRegExp += QRegExp::escape(c);
first = false;
const QRegExp regExp(keyRegExp);
const bool hasKey = !key.isEmpty();
foreach (TextEditor::CompletionItem item, items) {
if (regExp.indexIn(item.text) == 0) {
if (hasKey) {
if (item.text.startsWith(key, Qt::CaseSensitive)) {
item.relevance = 2;
} else if (caseSensitivity != TextEditor::CaseSensitive
&& item.text.startsWith(key, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
item.relevance = 1;

Roberto Raggi
bool ICompletionCollector::shouldRestartCompletion()
return true;