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namespace Qt4ProjectManager {
namespace Constants {
const char * const C_PROFILEEDITOR = ".pro File Editor";
const char * const C_PROFILEEDITOR_PANEL = ".pro File Editor (embedded)";
// menus
const char * const M_CONTEXT = "ProFileEditor.ContextMenu";
const char * const PROJECT_ID = "Qt4.Qt4Project";
const char * const PROFILE_EDITOR_ID = "Qt4.proFileEditor";
const char * const PROFILE_EDITOR_DISPLAY_NAME = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("OpenWith::Editors", ".pro File Editor");
const char * const PROFILE_MIMETYPE = "application/";
const char * const PROINCLUDEFILE_MIMETYPE = "application/";
const char * const PROFEATUREFILE_MIMETYPE = "application/";
const char * const CPP_SOURCE_MIMETYPE = "text/x-c++src";
const char * const CPP_HEADER_MIMETYPE = "text/x-c++hdr";
const char * const FORM_MIMETYPE = "application/x-designer";
const char * const LINGUIST_MIMETYPE = "application/x-linguist";
const char * const NEWMENU = "Qt4.NewMenu";
const char * const PROJECT_NEWMENU_SEPARATOR = "Qt4.NewMenuSeparator";
const char * const SUBPROJECT_NEWMENU_SEPARATOR = "Qt4.SubProjectNewMenuSeparator";
const char * const ADDTOPROJECT = "Qt4.AddToProject";
const char * const RUNQMAKE = "Qt4Builder.RunQMake";
const char * const RUNQMAKECONTEXTMENU = "Qt4Builder.RunQMakeContextMenu";
const char * const BUILDSUBDIR = "Qt4Builder.BuildSubDir";
const char * const REBUILDSUBDIR = "Qt4Builder.RebuildSubDir";
const char * const CLEANSUBDIR = "Qt4Builder.CleanSubDir";
const char * const CONFIG_DEBUG = "debug";
const char * const CONFIG_RELEASE = "release";
//global configurations
const char * const GC_BUILDCONFIG = "Qt4.BuildConfig";
const char * const GC_QTVERSION = "Qt4.QtVersion";
const char * const GC_COMPILER = "Qt4.Compiler";
// qmakestep
const char * const QMAKESTEP = "trolltech.qt4projectmanager.qmake";
const char * const MAKESTEP = "trolltech.qt4projectmanager.make";
const char * const QT4RUNSTEP = "trolltech.qt4projectmanager.qt4runstep";
const char * const DEPLOYHELPERRUNSTEP = "trolltech.qt4projectmanager.deployhelperrunstep";
const char * const QT_SETTINGS_CATEGORY = "L.Qt4";
const char * const QT_SETTINGS_CATEGORY_ICON = ":/core/images/category_qt.png";
const char * const QT_SETTINGS_TR_CATEGORY = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Qt4ProjectManager", "Qt4");
const char * const QTVERSION_SETTINGS_PAGE_ID = "Qt Versions";
const char * const QTVERSION_SETTINGS_PAGE_NAME = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Qt4ProjectManager", "Qt Versions");
// Wizard categories
const char * const QT_APP_WIZARD_CATEGORY = "C.QtApplicationProjects";
const char * const QT_APP_WIZARD_TR_SCOPE = "Qt4ProjectManager";
const char * const QT_APP_WIZARD_TR_CATEGORY = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Qt4ProjectManager", "Qt C++ Project");
// Tasks
const char * const PROFILE_EVALUATE = "Qt4ProjectManager.ProFileEvaluate";
// Targets
const char * const DESKTOP_TARGET_ID("Qt4ProjectManager.Target.DesktopTarget");
const char * const S60_EMULATOR_TARGET_ID("Qt4ProjectManager.Target.S60EmulatorTarget");
const char * const S60_DEVICE_TARGET_ID("Qt4ProjectManager.Target.S60DeviceTarget");
const char * const MAEMO_DEVICE_TARGET_ID("Qt4ProjectManager.Target.MaemoDeviceTarget");
const char * const QT_SIMULATOR_TARGET_ID("Qt4ProjectManager.Target.QtSimulatorTarget");
const char * const ICON_QT_PROJECT = ":/qt4projectmanager/images/qt_project.png";
const char * const ICON_WINDOW = ":/qt4projectmanager/images/window.png";
} // namespace Constants
} // namespace Qt4ProjectManager