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#include "basecheckoutwizard.h"
#include "vcsbaseconstants.h"
#include "checkoutwizarddialog.h"
#include "checkoutjobs.h"
#include <projectexplorer/projectexplorer.h>
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtGui/QMessageBox>
namespace VCSBase {
struct BaseCheckoutWizardPrivate {
BaseCheckoutWizardPrivate() : dialog(0) {}
void clear();
Internal::CheckoutWizardDialog *dialog;
QList<QWizardPage *> parameterPages;
QString checkoutPath;
void BaseCheckoutWizardPrivate::clear()
dialog = 0;
BaseCheckoutWizard::BaseCheckoutWizard(QObject *parent) :
d(new BaseCheckoutWizardPrivate)
delete d;
Core::IWizard::WizardKind BaseCheckoutWizard::kind() const
QString BaseCheckoutWizard::category() const
return QLatin1String(VCSBase::Constants::VCS_WIZARD_CATEGORY);
QString BaseCheckoutWizard::displayCategory() const
return QCoreApplication::translate("VCSBase", VCSBase::Constants::VCS_WIZARD_TR_CATEGORY);
QString BaseCheckoutWizard::id() const
return d->id;
void BaseCheckoutWizard::setId(const QString &id)
d->id = id;
void BaseCheckoutWizard::runWizard(const QString &path, QWidget *parent)
// Create dialog and launch
d->parameterPages = createParameterPages(path);
Internal::CheckoutWizardDialog dialog(d->parameterPages, parent);
d->dialog = &dialog;
connect(&dialog, SIGNAL(progressPageShown()), this, SLOT(slotProgressPageShown()));
if (dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted)
// Now try to find the project file and open
const QString checkoutPath = d->checkoutPath;
QString errorMessage;
const QString projectFile = openProject(checkoutPath, &errorMessage);
if (projectFile.isEmpty()) {
QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Warning, tr("Cannot Open Project"),
tr("Failed to open project in '%1'.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(checkoutPath)));
static inline QString msgNoProjectFiles(const QDir &dir, const QStringList &patterns)
return BaseCheckoutWizard::tr("Could not find any project files matching (%1) in the directory '%2'.").arg(patterns.join(QLatin1String(", ")), QDir::toNativeSeparators(dir.absolutePath()));
// Try to find the project files in a project directory with some smartness
static QFileInfoList findProjectFiles(const QDir &projectDir, QString *errorMessage)
const QStringList projectFilePatterns = ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin::projectFilePatterns();
// Project directory
QFileInfoList projectFiles = projectDir.entryInfoList(projectFilePatterns, QDir::Files|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot|QDir::Readable);
if (!projectFiles.empty())
return projectFiles;
// Try a 'src' directory
QFileInfoList srcDirs = projectDir.entryInfoList(QStringList(QLatin1String("src")), QDir::Dirs|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot|QDir::Readable);
if (srcDirs.empty()) {
*errorMessage = msgNoProjectFiles(projectDir, projectFilePatterns);
return QFileInfoList();
const QDir srcDir = QDir(srcDirs.front().absoluteFilePath());
projectFiles = srcDir.entryInfoList(projectFilePatterns, QDir::Files|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot|QDir::Readable);
if (projectFiles.empty()) {
*errorMessage = msgNoProjectFiles(srcDir, projectFilePatterns);
return QFileInfoList();
return projectFiles;;
QString BaseCheckoutWizard::openProject(const QString &path, QString *errorMessage)
ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin *pe = ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin::instance();
if (!pe) {
*errorMessage = tr("The Project Explorer is not available.");
return QString();
// Search the directory for project files
const QDir dir(path);
if (!dir.exists()) {
*errorMessage = tr("'%1' does not exist.").
arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(path)); // Should not happen
return QString();
QFileInfoList projectFiles = findProjectFiles(dir, errorMessage);
if (projectFiles.empty())
return QString();
// Open. Do not use a busy cursor here as additional wizards might pop up
const QString projectFile = projectFiles.front().absoluteFilePath();
if (!pe->openProject(projectFile)) {
*errorMessage = tr("Unable to open the project '%1'.").
return QString();
return projectFile;
void BaseCheckoutWizard::slotProgressPageShown()
const QSharedPointer<AbstractCheckoutJob> job = createJob(d->parameterPages, &(d->checkoutPath));
if (!job.isNull())
} // namespace VCSBase