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#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QMap>
class QDebug;
namespace TextEditor {
    class ITextEditor;

namespace Core {
    class IEditor;

namespace Debugger {
namespace Internal {

class WatchData;
QByteArray dotEscape(QByteArray str);
QString currentTime();
bool isSkippableFunction(const QString &funcName, const QString &fileName);
bool isLeavableFunction(const QString &funcName, const QString &fileName);

inline bool isNameChar(char c)
    // could be 'stopped' or 'shlibs-added'
    return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || c == '-';

bool hasLetterOrNumber(const QString &exp);
bool hasSideEffects(const QString &exp);
bool isKeyWord(const QString &exp);
bool isPointerType(const QString &type);
bool isCharPointerType(const QString &type);
bool startsWithDigit(const QString &str);
QString stripPointerType(QString type);
QString gdbQuoteTypes(const QString &type);
bool extractTemplate(const QString &type, QString *tmplate, QString *inner);
QString extractTypeFromPTypeOutput(const QString &str);
bool isIntOrFloatType(const QString &type);
bool isIntType(const QString &type);
bool isSymbianIntType(const QString &type);

enum GuessChildrenResult { HasChildren, HasNoChildren, HasPossiblyChildren };
GuessChildrenResult guessChildren(const QString &type);

QString quoteUnprintableLatin1(const QByteArray &ba);
// Editor tooltip support
bool isCppEditor(Core::IEditor *editor);
QString cppExpressionAt(TextEditor::ITextEditor *editor, int pos,
                        int *line, int *column, QString *function = 0);

// Decode string data as returned by the dumper helpers.
QString decodeData(const QByteArray &baIn, int encoding);

// Get variables that are not initialized at a certain line
// of a function from the code model. Shadowed variables will
// be reported using the debugger naming conventions '<shadowed n>'
bool getUninitializedVariables(const CPlusPlus::Snapshot &snapshot,
                       const QString &function,
                       const QString &file,
                       int line,
                       QStringList *uninitializedVariables);

/* Attempt to put common code of the dumper handling into a helper
 * class.
 * "Custom dumper" is a library compiled against the current
 * Qt containing functions to evaluate values of Qt classes
 * (such as QString, taking pointers to their addresses).
 * The library must be loaded into the debuggee.
 * It provides a function that takes input from an input buffer
 * and some parameters and writes output into an output buffer.
 * Parameter 1 is the protocol:
 * 1) Query. Fills output buffer with known types, Qt version and namespace.
 *    This information is parsed and stored by this class (special type
 *    enumeration).
 * 2) Evaluate symbol, taking address and some additional parameters
 *    depending on type. */

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class QtDumperHelper
    enum Debugger {
        GdbDebugger,  // Can evalulate expressions in function calls
        CdbDebugger   // Can only handle scalar, simple types in function calls

    enum Type {
        SupportedType, // A type that requires no special handling by the dumper
        // Below types require special handling
        QObjectType, QWidgetType, QObjectSlotType, QObjectSignalType,
        QVectorType, QMapType, QMultiMapType, QMapNodeType, QStackType,
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        StdVectorType, StdDequeType, StdSetType, StdMapType, StdStackType,

    // Type/Parameter struct required for building a value query
    struct TypeData {
        void clear();

        Type type;
        bool isTemplate;
        QString tmplate;
        QString inner;

    void clear();

    double dumperVersion() const { return m_dumperVersion; }

    int typeCount() const;
    // Look up a simple, non-template  type
    Type simpleType(const QString &simpleType) const;
    // Look up a (potentially) template type and fill parameter struct
    TypeData typeData(const QString &typeName) const;
    Type type(const QString &typeName) const;

    int qtVersion() const;
    QString qtVersionString() const;
    QString qtNamespace() const;

    // Complete parse of "query" (protocol 1) response from debuggee buffer.
    // 'data' excludes the leading indicator character.
    bool parseQuery(const char *data, Debugger debugger);
    bool parseQuery(const GdbMi &data, Debugger debugger);
    // Sizes can be added as the debugger determines them
    void addSize(const QString &name, int size);

    // Determine the parameters required for an "evaluate" (protocol 2) call
    void evaluationParameters(const WatchData &data,
                              const TypeData &td,
                              Debugger debugger,
                              QByteArray *inBuffer,
                              QStringList *extraParameters) const;

    // Parse the value response (protocol 2) from debuggee buffer.
    // 'data' excludes the leading indicator character.
    static bool parseValue(const char *data, QList<WatchData> *l);

    QString toString(bool debug = false) const;

    static QString msgDumperOutdated(double requiredVersion, double currentVersion);
    typedef QMap<QString, Type> NameTypeMap;
    typedef QMap<QString, int> SizeCache;

    // Look up a simple (namespace) type
    static Type specialType(QString s);
    QString evaluationSizeofTypeExpression(const QString &typeName, Debugger d) const;
    void parseQueryTypes(const QStringList &l, Debugger debugger);
    QString qMapNodeValueOffsetExpression(const QString &type,
                                          const QString &addressIn,
                                          Debugger debugger) const;

    inline QString lookupCdbDummyAddressExpression(const QString &expr, const QString &address) const;
    NameTypeMap m_nameTypeMap;
    SizeCache m_sizeCache;

    // The initial dumper query function returns sizes of some special
    // types to aid CDB since it cannot determine the size of classes.
    // They are not complete (std::allocator<X>).
    enum SpecialSizeType { IntSize, PointerSize, StdAllocatorSize,
                           QSharedPointerSize, QSharedDataPointerSize,
                           QWeakPointerSize, QPointerSize,
                           QListSize, QLinkedListSize, QVectorSize, QQueueSize,
                           SpecialSizeCount };

    // Resolve name to enumeration or SpecialSizeCount (invalid)
    SpecialSizeType specialSizeType(const QString &t) const;

    int m_specialSizes[SpecialSizeCount];

    QMap<QString, QString> m_expressionCache;
    int m_qtVersion;
    QString m_qtNamespace;

    void setQClassPrefixes(const QString &qNamespace);

    QString m_qPointerPrefix;
    QString m_qSharedPointerPrefix;
    QString m_qSharedDataPointerPrefix;
    QString m_qWeakPointerPrefix;
    QString m_qListPrefix;
    QString m_qLinkedListPrefix;
    QString m_qVectorPrefix;
    QString m_qQueuePrefix;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug in, const QtDumperHelper::TypeData &d);
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// remove the default template argument in std:: containers
QString removeDefaultTemplateArguments(QString type);

} // namespace Internal
} // namespace Debugger

#endif // WATCHUTILS_H