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#include <projectexplorer/toolchain.h>
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QList>
class QDebug;
namespace Qt4ProjectManager {
namespace Internal {
class S60Devices : public QObject
struct Device {
QString toHtml() const;
QString id;
QString name;
bool isDefault;
QString epocRoot;
QString toolsRoot;
QString qt;
S60Devices(QObject *parent = 0);
bool read();
QString errorString() const;
QList<Device> devices() const;
bool detectQtForDevices();
Device deviceForId(const QString &id) const;
Device deviceForEpocRoot(const QString &root) const;
Device defaultDevice() const;
static QString cleanedRootPath(const QString &deviceRoot);
void qtVersionsChanged();
bool readLinux();
bool readWin();
QString m_errorString;
QList<Device> m_devices;
/* Mixin for the toolchains with convenience functions for EPOC
* (Windows) and GnuPoc (Linux). */
class S60ToolChainMixin {
explicit S60ToolChainMixin(const S60Devices::Device &device);
const S60Devices::Device &device() const;
// Epoc
QList<ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath> epocHeaderPaths() const;
void addEpocToEnvironment(ProjectExplorer::Environment *env) const;
// GnuPoc
QList<ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath> gnuPocHeaderPaths() const;
void addGnuPocToEnvironment(ProjectExplorer::Environment *env) const;
bool equals(const S60ToolChainMixin &rhs) const;
const S60Devices::Device m_device;
inline bool operator==(const S60ToolChainMixin &s1, const S60ToolChainMixin &s2)
{ return s1.equals(s2); }
inline bool operator!=(const S60ToolChainMixin &s1, const S60ToolChainMixin &s2)
{ return !s1.equals(s2); }
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const S60Devices::Device &d);
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const S60Devices &d);