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namespace GenericProjectManager {
namespace Constants {
const char *const PROJECTCONTEXT = "GenericProject.ProjectContext";
const char *const GENERICMIMETYPE = "text/x-generic-project"; // ### FIXME
const char *const MAKESTEP = "GenericProjectManager.MakeStep";
// contexts
const char *const C_FILESEDITOR = ".files Editor";
// kinds
const char *const PROJECT_KIND = "Generic";
const char *const FILES_EDITOR_ID = "QT4.FilesEditor";
const char *const FILES_EDITOR_DISPLAY_NAME = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("OpenWith::Editors", ".files Editor");
const char *const FILES_MIMETYPE = "application/";
const char *const INCLUDES_EDITOR = ".includes Editor";
const char *const INCLUDES_MIMETYPE = "application/";
const char *const CONFIG_EDITOR = ".config Editor";
const char *const CONFIG_MIMETYPE = "application/";
} // namespace Constants
} // namespace GenericProjectManager