Tobias Hunger authored
* Add a script that will report files without copyright headers. (see hasCopyright.sh for sample usage). * Add a script that will add a header to files. (see fixCopyright.sh for sample usage). Reviewed-by: Roberto Raggi
Tobias Hunger authored* Add a script that will report files without copyright headers. (see hasCopyright.sh for sample usage). * Add a script that will add a header to files. (see fixCopyright.sh for sample usage). Reviewed-by: Roberto Raggi
hasCopyright.sh 487 B
# Scan files given on the command line for a copyright header.
# Only the first 15 lines will be examined and must contain the
# string 'Copyright'.
# Sample usage:
# find . -type f -name \*.cpp -o -name \*.h | xargs ~/bin/hasCopyright.sh
for i in $@ ; do
if test -f "$i" && test -s "$i" ; then
if head -n 15 "$i" | grep Copyright > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
echo "$i: Copyright."
echo "$i: NO COPYRIGHT."