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  • Friedemann Kleint's avatar
    Rename IRunConfigurationRunner -> IRunControlFactory... · 978cf4bd
    Friedemann Kleint authored
    and ApplicationRunConfiguration to LocalApplicationRunConfiguration,
    preparing remote debugging. Change the interface canRun() to be const,
    run() to create() (since it does not run anything), use references
    to the QSharedPointer<Foo>. Introduce d-Pointer and remove
    unneeded headers from ProjectExplorerPlugin and add missing includes
    Rename IRunConfigurationRunner -> IRunControlFactory...
    Friedemann Kleint authored
    and ApplicationRunConfiguration to LocalApplicationRunConfiguration,
    preparing remote debugging. Change the interface canRun() to be const,
    run() to create() (since it does not run anything), use references
    to the QSharedPointer<Foo>. Introduce d-Pointer and remove
    unneeded headers from ProjectExplorerPlugin and add missing includes
qt4runconfiguration.h 7.18 KiB
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#include <utils/pathchooser.h>
#include <projectexplorer/applicationrunconfiguration.h>
#include <projectexplorer/environment.h>
#include <projectexplorer/environmenteditmodel.h>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtGui/QWidget>
#include <QtGui/QToolButton>

class QWidget;
class QCheckBox;
class QLabel;
class QLineEdit;
class QRadioButton;
class QComboBox;

namespace Qt4ProjectManager {

class Qt4Project;

namespace Internal {

class Qt4PriFileNode;

class Qt4RunConfiguration : public ProjectExplorer::LocalApplicationRunConfiguration
    // to change the name and arguments and set the userenvironmentchanges
    friend class Qt4RunConfigurationWidget;
    Qt4RunConfiguration(Qt4Project *pro, const QString &proFilePath);
    virtual ~Qt4RunConfiguration();

    virtual QString type() const;
    virtual bool isEnabled() const;
    virtual QWidget *configurationWidget();
    virtual void save(ProjectExplorer::PersistentSettingsWriter &writer) const;
    virtual void restore(const ProjectExplorer::PersistentSettingsReader &reader);

    virtual QString executable() const;
    virtual RunMode runMode() const;
    virtual QString workingDirectory() const;
    virtual QStringList commandLineArguments() const;
    virtual ProjectExplorer::Environment environment() const;
    virtual QString dumperLibrary() const;
    virtual QStringList dumperLibraryLocations() const;
    virtual ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::ToolChainType toolChainType() const;

    bool isUsingDyldImageSuffix() const;
    void setUsingDyldImageSuffix(bool state);
    QString proFilePath() const;

    // TODO detectQtShadowBuild() ? how did this work ?

public slots:
    // This function is called if:
    // X the pro file changes
    // X the active buildconfiguration changes
    // X  the qmake parameters change
    // X  the build directory changes
    void invalidateCachedTargetInformation();

    void nameChanged(const QString&);
    void commandLineArgumentsChanged(const QString&);
    void workingDirectoryChanged(const QString&);
    void runModeChanged(ProjectExplorer::LocalApplicationRunConfiguration::RunMode runMode);
    void usingDyldImageSuffixChanged(bool);
    void baseEnvironmentChanged();
    void userEnvironmentChangesChanged(const QList<ProjectExplorer::EnvironmentItem> &diff);

    // note those signals might not emited for every change
    void effectiveTargetInformationChanged();

private slots:
    void setCommandLineArguments(const QString &argumentsString);
    void setWorkingDirectory(const QString &workingDirectory);
    void nameEdited(const QString&);
    void setRunMode(RunMode runMode);

    enum BaseEnvironmentBase { CleanEnvironmentBase = 0,
                               SystemEnvironmentBase = 1,
                               BuildEnvironmentBase  = 2 };
    void setBaseEnvironmentBase(BaseEnvironmentBase env);
    BaseEnvironmentBase baseEnvironmentBase() const;

    ProjectExplorer::Environment baseEnvironment() const;
    void setUserEnvironmentChanges(const QList<ProjectExplorer::EnvironmentItem> &diff);
    QList<ProjectExplorer::EnvironmentItem> userEnvironmentChanges() const;

    void updateTarget();
    QStringList m_commandLineArguments;
    QString m_proFilePath; // Full path to the Application Pro File

    // Cached startup sub project information
    QStringList m_targets;
    QString m_executable;
    QString m_workingDir;
    ProjectExplorer::LocalApplicationRunConfiguration::RunMode m_runMode;
    bool m_userSetName;
    bool m_cachedTargetInformationValid;
    bool m_isUsingDyldImageSuffix;
    bool m_userSetWokingDirectory;
    QString m_userWorkingDirectory;
    QList<ProjectExplorer::EnvironmentItem> m_userEnvironmentChanges;
    BaseEnvironmentBase m_baseEnvironmentBase;

class Qt4RunConfigurationWidget : public QWidget
    Qt4RunConfigurationWidget(Qt4RunConfiguration *qt4runconfigration, QWidget *parent);
    void showEvent(QShowEvent *event);
    void hideEvent(QHideEvent *event);
private slots:
    void setWorkingDirectory();
    void resetWorkingDirectory();
    void setCommandLineArguments(const QString &arguments);
    void nameEdited(const QString &name);
    void userChangesUpdated();

    void workingDirectoryChanged(const QString &workingDirectory);
    void commandLineArgumentsChanged(const QString &args);
    void nameChanged(const QString &name);
    void runModeChanged(ProjectExplorer::LocalApplicationRunConfiguration::RunMode runMode);
    void userEnvironmentChangesChanged(const QList<ProjectExplorer::EnvironmentItem> &userChanges);
    void baseEnvironmentChanged();

    void effectiveTargetInformationChanged();
    void termToggled(bool);
    void usingDyldImageSuffixToggled(bool);
    void usingDyldImageSuffixChanged(bool);
    void baseEnvironmentComboBoxChanged(int index);

    void toggleDetails();
    void updateSummary();
    Qt4RunConfiguration *m_qt4RunConfiguration;
    bool m_ignoreChange;
    QLabel *m_executableLabel;
    Core::Utils::PathChooser *m_workingDirectoryEdit;
    QLineEdit *m_nameLineEdit;
    QLineEdit *m_argumentsLineEdit;
    QCheckBox *m_useTerminalCheck;
    QCheckBox *m_usingDyldImageSuffix;

    QComboBox *m_baseEnvironmentComboBox;
    QWidget *m_detailsWidget;
    QLabel *m_summaryLabel;

    ProjectExplorer::EnvironmentWidget *m_environmentWidget;
    bool m_isShown;

class Qt4RunConfigurationFactory : public ProjectExplorer::IRunConfigurationFactory
    virtual ~Qt4RunConfigurationFactory();
    virtual bool canRestore(const QString &type) const;
    virtual QSharedPointer<ProjectExplorer::RunConfiguration> create(ProjectExplorer::Project *project, const QString &type);
    QStringList availableCreationTypes(ProjectExplorer::Project *pro) const;
    QString displayNameForType(const QString &type) const;

} // namespace Internal
} // namespace Qt4ProjectManager