Kai Koehne authored
Some things like reparenting do not work right now in the Design mode for anchored items, and we are missing a way to inform the user. Using absolute positions for positioning therefore avoids confusion for first time users.
Kai Koehne authoredSome things like reparenting do not work right now in the Design mode for anchored items, and we are missing a way to inform the user. Using absolute positions for positioning therefore avoids confusion for first time users.
qmlnewprojectwizard.cpp 5.28 KiB
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#include "qmlnewprojectwizard.h"
#include <projectexplorer/projectexplorer.h>
#include <projectexplorer/projectexplorerconstants.h>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
using namespace QmlProjectManager::Internal;
// QmlNewProjectWizardDialog
QmlNewProjectWizardDialog::QmlNewProjectWizardDialog(QWidget *parent) :
setWindowTitle(tr("New QML Project"));
setIntroDescription(tr("This wizard generates a QML application project."));
: Core::BaseFileWizard(parameters())
{ }
{ }
Core::BaseFileWizardParameters QmlNewProjectWizard::parameters()
static Core::BaseFileWizardParameters parameters(ProjectWizard);
parameters.setDisplayName(tr("QML Application"));
parameters.setId(QLatin1String("QA.QML Application"));
parameters.setDescription(tr("Creates a QML application."));
parameters.setDisplayCategory(QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer", ProjectExplorer::Constants::PROJECT_WIZARD_TR_CATEGORY));
return parameters;
QWizard *QmlNewProjectWizard::createWizardDialog(QWidget *parent,
const QString &defaultPath,
const WizardPageList &extensionPages) const
QmlNewProjectWizardDialog *wizard = new QmlNewProjectWizardDialog(parent);
foreach (QWizardPage *p, extensionPages)
return wizard;
Core::GeneratedFiles QmlNewProjectWizard::generateFiles(const QWizard *w,
QString *errorMessage) const
const QmlNewProjectWizardDialog *wizard = qobject_cast<const QmlNewProjectWizardDialog *>(w);
const QString projectName = wizard->projectName();
const QString projectPath = wizard->path() + QLatin1Char('/') + projectName;
const QString creatorFileName = Core::BaseFileWizard::buildFileName(projectPath,
const QString mainFileName = Core::BaseFileWizard::buildFileName(projectPath,
QString contents;
QTextStream out(&contents);
<< "import Qt 4.6" << endl
<< endl
<< "Rectangle {" << endl
<< " width: 200" << endl
<< " height: 200" << endl
<< " Text {" << endl
<< " x: 66" << endl
<< " y: 93" << endl
<< " text: \"Hello World\"" << endl
<< " }" << endl
<< "}" << endl;
Core::GeneratedFile generatedMainFile(mainFileName);
Core::GeneratedFile generatedCreatorFile(creatorFileName);
generatedCreatorFile.setContents(projectName + QLatin1String(".qml\n"));
Core::GeneratedFiles files;
return files;
bool QmlNewProjectWizard::postGenerateFiles(const Core::GeneratedFiles &l, QString *errorMessage)
// Post-Generate: Open the project
const QString proFileName = l.back().path();
if (!ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin::instance()->openProject(proFileName)) {
*errorMessage = tr("The project %1 could not be opened.").arg(proFileName);
return false;
return true;