filemanager.h 4.74 KiB
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#include <coreplugin/core_global.h>
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
#include <QtCore/QFile>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QPointer>
class QFileSystemWatcher;
namespace Core {
class ICore;
class IContext;
class IFile;
namespace Internal {
class MainWindow;
class CORE_EXPORT FileManager : public QObject
struct FileInfo
QString fileName;
QDateTime modified;
QFile::Permissions permissions;
explicit FileManager(Internal::MainWindow *ew);
// file pool to monitor
bool addFiles(const QList<IFile *> &files);
bool addFile(IFile *file);
bool removeFile(IFile *file);
bool isFileManaged(const QString &fileName) const;
QList<IFile *> managedFiles(const QString &fileName) const;
QList<IFile *> modifiedFiles() const;
void blockFileChange(IFile *file);
void unblockFileChange(IFile *file);
// recent files
void addToRecentFiles(const QString &fileName);
QStringList recentFiles() const;
void saveRecentFiles();
// current file
void setCurrentFile(const QString &filePath);
QString currentFile() const;
// helper methods
static QString fixFileName(const QString &fileName);
QString getSaveFileNameWithExtension(const QString &title, const QString &path,
const QString &fileFilter, const QString &extension);
QString getSaveAsFileName(IFile *file);
QList<IFile *> saveModifiedFilesSilently(const QList<IFile *> &files);
QList<IFile *> saveModifiedFiles(const QList<IFile *> &files,
bool *cancelled = 0,
const QString &message = QString(),
const QString &alwaysSaveMessage = QString::null,
bool *alwaysSave = 0);
void currentFileChanged(const QString &filePath);
private slots:
void fileDestroyed(QObject *obj);
void checkForNewFileName();
void checkForReload();
void changedFile(const QString &file);
void mainWindowActivated();
void syncWithEditor(Core::IContext *context);
void addWatch(const QString &filename);
void removeWatch(const QString &filename);
void updateFileInfo(IFile *file);
QList<IFile *> saveModifiedFiles(const QList<IFile *> &files,
bool *cancelled, bool silently,
const QString &message,
const QString &alwaysSaveMessage = QString::null,
bool *alwaysSave = 0);
QMap<IFile*, FileInfo> m_managedFiles;
QStringList m_recentFiles;
static const int m_maxRecentFiles = 7;
QString m_currentFile;
Internal::MainWindow *m_mainWindow;
QFileSystemWatcher *m_fileWatcher;
QList<QPointer<IFile> > m_changedFiles;
bool m_blockActivated;
/*! The FileChangeBlocker blocks all change notifications to all IFile * that
match the given filename. And unblocks in the destructor.
To also reload the IFile in the destructor class set modifiedReload to true
class CORE_EXPORT FileChangeBlocker
FileChangeBlocker(const QString &fileName);
void setModifiedReload(bool reload);
bool modifiedReload() const;
QList<IFile *> m_files;
bool m_reload;
} // namespace Core