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  • Orgad Shaneh's avatar
    C++: Improve accuracy in findSpecialization · 997ab425
    Orgad Shaneh authored
    * If a template type is specialized as a pointer, accept only pointers (of any
    * Same for references and arrays
    * Only if the specialized type is not part of the template, match it
      against the input.
    Fixes resolving of partial specialization with pointers.
    // 1
    struct b {};
    struct a : b {};
    template<class X, class Y> struct s { float f; };
    template<class X> struct s<X, b*> { int i; };
    template<class X> struct s<X, a*> { char j; };
    void f()
        s<int, a*> var;
        var.j; // j not highlighted
    // 2
    template <typename T> struct Temp { T variable; };
    template <typename T> struct Temp<T &> { T reference; };
    void func()
        Temp<int&> templ;
        templ.reference; // reference not highlighted
    // 3
    class false_type {};
    class true_type {};
    template<class T1, class T2> class and_type { false_type f; };
    template<> class and_type<true_type, true_type> { true_type t; };
    void func2()
        and_type<true_type, false_type> a;
        a.f; // f not highlighted
    Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-14036
    Change-Id: Idee5e3f41d15c0772318d3837cbcd442cb80293a
    Reviewed-by: default avatarNikolai Kosjar <>