maemotemplatesmanager.cpp 20.02 KiB
** This file is part of Qt Creator
** Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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#include "maemotemplatesmanager.h"
#include "maemodeployablelistmodel.h"
#include "maemodeployables.h"
#include "maemodeploystep.h"
#include "maemoglobal.h"
#include "maemopackagecreationstep.h"
#include "maemotoolchain.h"
#include <projectexplorer/project.h>
#include <projectexplorer/projectexplorer.h>
#include <projectexplorer/session.h>
#include <projectexplorer/target.h>
#include <qt4projectmanager/qt4nodes.h>
#include <qt4projectmanager/qt4project.h>
#include <qt4projectmanager/qt4projectmanagerconstants.h>
#include <qt4projectmanager/qt4target.h>
#include <QtCore/QBuffer>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QFileSystemWatcher>
#include <QtCore/QList>
#include <QtGui/QPixmap>
#include <QtCore/QProcess>
#include <QtGui/QMessageBox>
#include <cctype>
using namespace ProjectExplorer;
namespace Qt4ProjectManager {
namespace Internal {
namespace {
const QByteArray IconFieldName("XB-Maemo-Icon-26:");
const QString PackagingDirName = ("maemopackaging");
} // anonymous namespace
MaemoTemplatesManager *MaemoTemplatesManager::m_instance = 0;
MaemoTemplatesManager *MaemoTemplatesManager::instance(QObject *parent)
Q_ASSERT(!m_instance != !parent);
if (!m_instance)
m_instance = new MaemoTemplatesManager(parent);
return m_instance;
MaemoTemplatesManager::MaemoTemplatesManager(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
SessionManager * const session
= ProjectExplorerPlugin::instance()->session();
connect(session, SIGNAL(startupProjectChanged(ProjectExplorer::Project*)),
this, SLOT(handleActiveProjectChanged(ProjectExplorer::Project*)));
connect(session, SIGNAL(aboutToRemoveProject(ProjectExplorer::Project*)),
this, SLOT(handleProjectToBeRemoved(ProjectExplorer::Project*)));
void MaemoTemplatesManager::handleActiveProjectChanged(ProjectExplorer::Project *project)
if (!project || m_maemoProjects.contains(project))
connect(project, SIGNAL(addedTarget(ProjectExplorer::Target*)),
this, SLOT(handleTarget(ProjectExplorer::Target*)));
connect(project, SIGNAL(activeTargetChanged(ProjectExplorer::Target*)),
this, SLOT(handleTarget(ProjectExplorer::Target*)));
const QList<Target *> &targets = project->targets();
foreach (Target * const target, targets)
bool MaemoTemplatesManager::handleTarget(ProjectExplorer::Target *target)
if (!target
|| target->id() != QLatin1String(Constants::MAEMO_DEVICE_TARGET_ID))
return false;
if (!createDebianTemplatesIfNecessary(target))
return false;
const Qt4Target * const qt4Target = qobject_cast<Qt4Target *>(target);
const MaemoDeployStep * const deployStep
= MaemoGlobal::buildStep<MaemoDeployStep>(qt4Target->activeDeployConfiguration());
connect(deployStep->deployables(), SIGNAL(modelsCreated()), this,
SLOT(handleProFileUpdated()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
Project * const project = target->project();
if (m_maemoProjects.contains(project))
return true;
QFileSystemWatcher * const fsWatcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(this);
connect(fsWatcher, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)), this,
connect(fsWatcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(QString)), this,
m_maemoProjects.insert(project, fsWatcher);
return true;
bool MaemoTemplatesManager::createDebianTemplatesIfNecessary(const ProjectExplorer::Target *target)
Project * const project = target->project();
QDir projectDir(project->projectDirectory());
if (projectDir.exists(PackagingDirName))
return true;
const QString packagingTemplatesDir
= projectDir.path() + QLatin1Char('/') + PackagingDirName;
if (!projectDir.mkpath(PackagingDirName)) {
raiseError(tr("Could not create directory '%1'.")
return false;
QProcess dh_makeProc;
QString error;
const Qt4Target * const qt4Target = qobject_cast<const Qt4Target *>(target);
Q_ASSERT_X(qt4Target, Q_FUNC_INFO, "Target ID does not match actual type.");
const MaemoToolChain * const tc
= dynamic_cast<MaemoToolChain *>(qt4Target->activeBuildConfiguration()->toolChain());
Q_ASSERT_X(tc, Q_FUNC_INFO, "Maemo target has no maemo toolchain.");
if (!MaemoPackageCreationStep::preparePackagingProcess(&dh_makeProc, tc,
packagingTemplatesDir, &error)) {
return false;
const QString command = QLatin1String("dh_make -s -n -p ")
+ MaemoPackageCreationStep::packageName(project) + QLatin1Char('_')
+ MaemoPackageCreationStep::DefaultVersionNumber;
dh_makeProc.start(MaemoPackageCreationStep::packagingCommand(tc, command));
if (!dh_makeProc.waitForStarted()) {
raiseError(tr("Unable to create debian templates: dh_make failed (%1)")
return false;
dh_makeProc.write("\n"); // Needs user input.
if (dh_makeProc.error() != QProcess::UnknownError
|| dh_makeProc.exitCode() != 0) {
raiseError(tr("Unable to create debian templates: dh_make failed (%1)")
return false;
QDir debianDir(packagingTemplatesDir + QLatin1String("/debian"));
const QStringList &files = debianDir.entryList(QDir::Files);
QStringList filesToAddToProject;
foreach (const QString &fileName, files) {
if (fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".ex"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
||"README.debian"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0
||"dirs"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0
||"docs"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
} else
filesToAddToProject << debianDir.absolutePath()
+ QLatin1Char('/') + fileName;
qobject_cast<Qt4Project *>(project)->rootProjectNode()
->addFiles(UnknownFileType, filesToAddToProject);
const QString rulesFilePath
= packagingTemplatesDir + QLatin1String("/debian/rules");
QFile rulesFile(rulesFilePath);
if (! {
raiseError(tr("Packaging Error: Cannot open file '%1'.")
return false;
QByteArray rulesContents = rulesFile.readAll();
rulesContents.replace("DESTDIR", "INSTALL_ROOT");
rulesContents.replace("dh_shlibdeps", "# dh_shlibdeps");
// Would be the right solution, but does not work (on Windows),
// because dpkg-genchanges doesn't know about it (and can't be told).
// rulesContents.replace("dh_builddeb", "dh_builddeb --destdir=.");
if (rulesFile.error() != QFile::NoError) {
raiseError(tr("Packaging Error: Cannot write file '%1'.")
return false;
return true;
bool MaemoTemplatesManager::updateDesktopFiles(const Qt4Target *target)
const Qt4Target * const qt4Target = qobject_cast<const Qt4Target *>(target);
"Impossible: Target has Maemo id, but could not be cast to Qt4Target.");
const QList<Qt4ProFileNode *> &applicationProjects
= qt4Target->qt4Project()->applicationProFiles();
bool success = true;
foreach (Qt4ProFileNode *proFileNode, applicationProjects)
success &= updateDesktopFile(qt4Target, proFileNode);
return success;
bool MaemoTemplatesManager::updateDesktopFile(const Qt4Target *target,
Qt4ProFileNode *proFileNode)
const QString appName = proFileNode->targetInformation().target;
const QString desktopFilePath = QFileInfo(proFileNode->path()).path()
+ QLatin1Char('/') + appName + QLatin1String(".desktop");
QFile desktopFile(desktopFilePath);
const bool existsAlready = desktopFile.exists();
if (! {
qWarning("Failed to open '%s': %s", qPrintable(desktopFilePath),
return false;
const QByteArray desktopTemplate("[Desktop Entry]\nEncoding=UTF-8\n"
QByteArray contents
= existsAlready ? desktopFile.readAll() : desktopTemplate;
QString executable;
const MaemoDeployables * const deployables
= MaemoGlobal::buildStep<MaemoDeployStep>(target->activeDeployConfiguration())
for (int i = 0; i < deployables->modelCount(); ++i) {
const MaemoDeployableListModel * const model = deployables->modelAt(i);
if (model->proFileNode() == proFileNode) {
executable = model->remoteExecutableFilePath();
if (executable.isEmpty()) {
qWarning("Strange: Project file node not managed by MaemoDeployables.");
} else {
int execNewLinePos, execValuePos;
findLine("Exec=", contents, execNewLinePos, execValuePos);
contents.replace(execValuePos, execNewLinePos - execValuePos,
int nameNewLinePos, nameValuePos;
findLine("Name=", contents, nameNewLinePos, nameValuePos);
if (nameNewLinePos == nameValuePos)
contents.insert(nameValuePos, appName.toUtf8());
if (desktopFile.error() != QFile::NoError) {
qWarning("Could not write '%s': %s", qPrintable(desktopFilePath),
if (!existsAlready) {
QStringList() << desktopFilePath);
return true;
void MaemoTemplatesManager::handleProjectToBeRemoved(ProjectExplorer::Project *project)
MaemoProjectMap::Iterator it = m_maemoProjects.find(project);
if (it != m_maemoProjects.end()) {
delete it.value();
void MaemoTemplatesManager::handleProFileUpdated()
const MaemoDeployables * const deployables
= qobject_cast<MaemoDeployables *>(sender());
if (!deployables)
const Target * const target = deployables->buildStep()->target();
if (m_maemoProjects.contains(target->project()))
updateDesktopFiles(qobject_cast<const Qt4Target *>(target));
QString MaemoTemplatesManager::version(const Project *project,
QString *error) const
QSharedPointer<QFile> changeLog
= openFile(changeLogFilePath(project), QIODevice::ReadOnly, error);
if (!changeLog)
return QString();
const QByteArray &firstLine = changeLog->readLine();
const int openParenPos = firstLine.indexOf('(');
if (openParenPos == -1) {
*error = tr("Debian changelog file '%1' has unexpected format.")
return QString();
const int closeParenPos = firstLine.indexOf(')', openParenPos);
if (closeParenPos == -1) {
*error = tr("Debian changelog file '%1' has unexpected format.")
return QString();
return QString::fromUtf8(firstLine.mid(openParenPos + 1,
closeParenPos - openParenPos - 1).data());
bool MaemoTemplatesManager::setVersion(const Project *project,
const QString &version, QString *error) const
QSharedPointer<QFile> changeLog
= openFile(changeLogFilePath(project), QIODevice::ReadWrite, error);
if (!changeLog)
return false;
QString content = QString::fromUtf8(changeLog->readAll());
QLatin1Char('(') + version + QLatin1Char(')'));
if (changeLog->error() != QFile::NoError) {
*error = tr("Error writing Debian changelog file '%1': %2")
return false;
return true;
QIcon MaemoTemplatesManager::packageManagerIcon(const Project *project,
QString *error) const
QSharedPointer<QFile> controlFile
= openFile(controlFilePath(project), QIODevice::ReadOnly, error);
if (!controlFile)
return QIcon();
bool iconFieldFound = false;
QByteArray currentLine;
while (!iconFieldFound && !controlFile->atEnd()) {
currentLine = controlFile->readLine();
iconFieldFound = currentLine.startsWith(IconFieldName);
if (!iconFieldFound)
return QIcon();
int pos = IconFieldName.length();
currentLine = currentLine.trimmed();
QByteArray base64Icon;
do {
while (pos < currentLine.length())
base64Icon +=;
currentLine = controlFile->readLine();
while (currentLine.startsWith('#'));
if (currentLine.isEmpty() || !isspace(
currentLine = currentLine.trimmed();
if (currentLine.isEmpty())
pos = 0;
} while (true);
QPixmap pixmap;
if (!pixmap.loadFromData(QByteArray::fromBase64(base64Icon))) {
*error = tr("Invalid icon data in Debian control file.");
return QIcon();
return QIcon(pixmap);
bool MaemoTemplatesManager::setPackageManagerIcon(const Project *project,
const QString &iconFilePath, QString *error) const
const QSharedPointer<QFile> controlFile
= openFile(controlFilePath(project), QIODevice::ReadWrite, error);
if (!controlFile)
return false;
const QPixmap pixmap(iconFilePath);
if (pixmap.isNull()) {
*error = tr("Could not read image file '%1'.").arg(iconFilePath);
return false;
QByteArray iconAsBase64;
QBuffer buffer(&iconAsBase64);;
if (!pixmap.scaled(48, 48).save(&buffer,
QFileInfo(iconFilePath).suffix().toAscii())) {
*error = tr("Could not export image file '%1'.").arg(iconFilePath);
return false;
iconAsBase64 = iconAsBase64.toBase64();
QByteArray contents = controlFile->readAll();
const int iconFieldPos = contents.startsWith(IconFieldName)
? 0 : contents.indexOf('\n' + IconFieldName);
if (iconFieldPos == -1) {
if (!contents.endsWith('\n'))
contents += '\n';
contents.append(IconFieldName).append(' ').append(iconAsBase64)
} else {
const int oldIconStartPos
= (iconFieldPos != 0) + iconFieldPos + IconFieldName.length();
int nextEolPos = contents.indexOf('\n', oldIconStartPos);
while (nextEolPos != -1 && nextEolPos != contents.length() - 1
&& + 1) != '\n'
&& ( + 1) == '#'
|| std::isspace( + 1))))
nextEolPos = contents.indexOf('\n', nextEolPos + 1);
if (nextEolPos == -1)
nextEolPos = contents.length();
contents.replace(oldIconStartPos, nextEolPos - oldIconStartPos,
' ' + iconAsBase64);
if (controlFile->error() != QFile::NoError) {
*error = tr("Error writing file '%1': %2")
return false;
return true;
QStringList MaemoTemplatesManager::debianFiles(const Project *project) const
return QDir(debianDirPath(project))
.entryList(QDir::Files, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase);
QString MaemoTemplatesManager::debianDirPath(const Project *project) const
return project->projectDirectory() + QLatin1Char('/')
+ PackagingDirName + QLatin1String("/debian");
QString MaemoTemplatesManager::changeLogFilePath(const Project *project) const
return debianDirPath(project) + QLatin1String("/changelog");
QString MaemoTemplatesManager::controlFilePath(const Project *project) const
return debianDirPath(project) + QLatin1String("/control");
void MaemoTemplatesManager::raiseError(const QString &reason)
QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Error creating Maemo templates"), reason);
void MaemoTemplatesManager::handleDebianFileChanged(const QString &filePath)
const Project * const project
= findProject(qobject_cast<QFileSystemWatcher *>(sender()));
if (project) {
if (filePath == changeLogFilePath(project))
emit changeLogChanged(project);
else if (filePath == controlFilePath(project))
emit controlChanged(project);
void MaemoTemplatesManager::handleDebianDirContentsChanged()
const Project * const project
= findProject(qobject_cast<QFileSystemWatcher *>(sender()));
if (project)
emit debianDirContentsChanged(project);
QSharedPointer<QFile> MaemoTemplatesManager::openFile(const QString &filePath,
QIODevice::OpenMode mode, QString *error) const
const QString nativePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(filePath);
QSharedPointer<QFile> file(new QFile(filePath));
if (!file->exists()) {
*error = tr("File '%1' does not exist").arg(nativePath);
} else if (!file->open(mode)) {
*error = tr("Cannot open file '%1': %2")
.arg(nativePath, file->errorString());
return file;
Project *MaemoTemplatesManager::findProject(const QFileSystemWatcher *fsWatcher) const
for (MaemoProjectMap::ConstIterator it = m_maemoProjects.constBegin();
it != m_maemoProjects.constEnd(); ++it) {
if (it.value() == fsWatcher)
return it.key();
return 0;
void MaemoTemplatesManager::findLine(const QByteArray &string,
QByteArray &document, int &lineEndPos, int &valuePos)
int lineStartPos = document.indexOf(string);
if (lineStartPos == -1) {
lineStartPos = document.length();
document += string + '\n';
valuePos = lineStartPos + string.length();
lineEndPos = document.indexOf('\n', lineStartPos);
if (lineEndPos == -1) {
lineEndPos = document.length();
document += '\n';
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace Qt4ProjectManager