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  • hjk's avatar
    Debugger: Workaround gdb.lookup_symbol ignoring QArrayData::shared_null · b26400e8
    hjk authored
    There have been cases observed where 'p QArrayData::shared_null' finds
    valid symbols that are not found using gdb.lookup_symbols. The cause
    for that is unknown.
    Apply an expensive workaround by checking for (the equivalent of)
    a working 'p QArrayData::shared_null' but execute it only when
    a libQt5Core was found. This keeps the overhead for non-Qt setups
    at a bearable (unsuccessful) iteration over known shared object
    Change-Id: Id398673b938d3c3a72c24317abdbefbe793e54df
    Reviewed-by: default avatarChristian Stenger <>