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  • Christian Kandeler's avatar
    Device support: Ensure UI changes are always propagated to the device. · dff07614
    Christian Kandeler authored
    The original problem was that we cannot assume
    QLineEdit::editingFinished() is emitted when clicking a button while a
    QLineEdit has the focus (QTCREATORBUG-1675). The original solution to
    that introduced two more bugs, namely that changes are not visible in
    other tabs until the dialog has been closed and reopened and that
    pressing "Apply" also applies changes that are done later and which the
    user intends to revert by by pressing "Cancel" (QTCREATORBUG-7288).
    This patch intends to fix all of these issues.
    Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-1675
    Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-7288
    Change-Id: I569a89f64843e08ee389e3eba6bdcb473ba22393
    Reviewed-by: default avatarTobias Hunger <>