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  • Christian Kandeler's avatar
    QbsProjectManager: Reparse project before building. · e6394559
    Christian Kandeler authored
    Otherwise, if "save before build" is enabled and the user presses Ctrl+B
    with unsaved changes to a project file, these would get ignored due to
    the delay (and also if the delay were not there, because the file system
    watchers trigger later than the "Build" action).
    If there are no actual changes to any build file, the overhead caused by
    this operation consists of loading (and possibly storing) the build
    graph file.
    Task-number: QBS-596
    Change-Id: I1f837cc0fcdc77a249b423834f4b6711f5c0bc87
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJoerg Bornemann <>