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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Feb 01, 2010
  2. Jan 29, 2010
  3. Jan 07, 2010
    • Tobias Hunger's avatar
      Make method naming more consistent. · a6ad7737
      Tobias Hunger authored
        * Use id() for methods returning a string used to represent
          some type of object.
        * Use displayName() for strings that are meant to be user
        * Quieten some warnings while touching the files anyway.
        * Move Factories to their products in the plugins where that
          was not done before.
      Reviewed-by: dt
    • con's avatar
      Version bump. · 2e495e70
      con authored
  4. Dec 09, 2009
    • Tobias Hunger's avatar
      Rework Build Parser handling · ec025c6d
      Tobias Hunger authored
       * Rework IBuildParser:
          * Remove name() method.
          * Remove enterDirectory and leaveDirectory signals.
          * Allow chaining of parsers.
       * Rename IBuildParser to IOutputParser.
       * Implement GnuMakeParser.
          * Remove entering/leaving directory related code from all other parsers
          * Move filename fixup heuristic based on entering/leaving directory
            massages from gnumake here from AbstractMakeStep.
       * Add outputParser method to ToolChain: This removes the need to map
         toolchains to BuildParser names in the BuildSteps.
       * Enhance AbstractProcessStep to accept a IOutputParser to parse its output.
       * Remove AbstractMakeStep.
       * Set the appropriate Parsers in all classes deriving from AbstractProcessStep
         and append the ToolChain's parser to the parser chain.
       * Remove BuildParserFactories: There is no more need for them.
       * Remove constants used to identify the BuildParsers.
       * Clean up some names:
          * Replace stdOut with stdOutput.
          * Replace addToTaskWindow with addTask and addToOutputWindow with
            addOutput. Do this wherever it is not yet clear that this will end up
            in the Task/Output window.
      Reviewed-by: dt
    • dt's avatar
      Adding files for generic project get the right directory now. · 0e29cca4
      dt authored
      For folder nodes.
      Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-374
      Reviewed-by: Thorbjorn
  5. Dec 08, 2009
  6. Dec 07, 2009
  7. Nov 30, 2009
  8. Nov 27, 2009
  9. Nov 20, 2009
    • Alessandro Portale's avatar
      Improved line wrapping of plugin license texts. · 20b20985
      Alessandro Portale authored
      The paragraphs are now long lines that get wrapped by the text browser.
      Reviewed-by: TrustMe
      	modified:   src/plugins/bineditor/BinEditor.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/bookmarks/Bookmarks.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/cmakeprojectmanager/CMakeProjectManager.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/coreplugin/Core.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/cpaster/CodePaster.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/cppeditor/CppEditor.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/cpptools/CppTools.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/cvs/CVS.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/debugger/Debugger.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/designer/Designer.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/fakevim/FakeVim.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/find/Find.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/genericprojectmanager/GenericProjectManager.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/git/ScmGit.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/helloworld/HelloWorld.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/help/Help.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/locator/Locator.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/mercurial/Mercurial.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/perforce/Perforce.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/projectexplorer/ProjectExplorer.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/qmleditor/QmlEditor.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/qmlprojectmanager/QmlProjectManager.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/qt4projectmanager/Qt4ProjectManager.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/qtscripteditor/QtScriptEditor.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/regexp/RegExp.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/resourceeditor/ResourceEditor.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/snippets/Snippets.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/subversion/Subversion.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/texteditor/TextEditor.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/vcsbase/VCSBase.pluginspec
      	modified:   src/plugins/welcome/Welcome.pluginspec
  10. Nov 19, 2009
  11. Oct 29, 2009
  12. Oct 27, 2009
  13. Oct 22, 2009
    • dt's avatar
      The qtversions's toolchain now depends on the actual compiler not mkspec · cfc7040e
      dt authored
      That is we actually parse the mkspec and evaluate QMAKE_CXX (and a few
      other variables) to figure out the correct mkspec. This makes using
      custom mkspecs easier and is also cleaner. I also changed mkspec() and
      mkspecPath() to behave a little diffrent, essentialy mkspec() will
      return only the name (the actual dir name) of the mkspec. That is in
      general not sufficient for passing on to qmake. mkspecPath() only
      returns the correct path to mkspecs/default.
      Hopefully I haven't broken WinCE/Maemo/MinGW.
  14. Oct 05, 2009
  15. Oct 02, 2009
  16. Oct 01, 2009
  17. Sep 29, 2009