- Nov 30, 2009
dt authored
The pointers can be used to distinguish BuildConfigurations
dt authored
The project() should in most cases not matter, instead the BuildConfiguration should. This shows all the information that needs to move into the BuildConfiguration classes.
dt authored
More API work.
dt authored
Each project has it's own BuildConfiguarion * classes, they'll get a decent type safe interface and the setValue/value stuff will be removed.
- Nov 27, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
Separate category and trCategory and introduce sorting characters to the categories. Same for id/name.
- Nov 24, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
Add a title label to the pages. Use QGroupBoxes throughout. Extend SavedAction to work with checkable QGroupBoxes. Polish UI files, use common layout for VCS plugins. Performance: Apply only visited settings pages. Add search keywords. Task-number: QTCREATOR-26
- Nov 20, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
Task-number: QTCREATOR-26
Alessandro Portale authored
The paragraphs are now long lines that get wrapped by the text browser. Reviewed-by: TrustMe modified: src/plugins/bineditor/BinEditor.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/bookmarks/Bookmarks.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/cmakeprojectmanager/CMakeProjectManager.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/coreplugin/Core.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/cpaster/CodePaster.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/cppeditor/CppEditor.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/cpptools/CppTools.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/cvs/CVS.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/debugger/Debugger.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/designer/Designer.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/fakevim/FakeVim.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/find/Find.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/genericprojectmanager/GenericProjectManager.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/git/ScmGit.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/helloworld/HelloWorld.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/help/Help.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/locator/Locator.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/mercurial/Mercurial.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/perforce/Perforce.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/projectexplorer/ProjectExplorer.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/qmleditor/QmlEditor.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/qmlprojectmanager/QmlProjectManager.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/qt4projectmanager/Qt4ProjectManager.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/qtscripteditor/QtScriptEditor.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/regexp/RegExp.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/resourceeditor/ResourceEditor.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/snippets/Snippets.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/subversion/Subversion.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/texteditor/TextEditor.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/vcsbase/VCSBase.pluginspec modified: src/plugins/welcome/Welcome.pluginspec
- Nov 19, 2009
- Nov 03, 2009
dt authored
Allows the user to change his mind. :) Reviewed-by:
Friedemann Kleint <qtc-committer@nokia.com>
- Oct 29, 2009
- Oct 27, 2009
- Oct 22, 2009
dt authored
That is we actually parse the mkspec and evaluate QMAKE_CXX (and a few other variables) to figure out the correct mkspec. This makes using custom mkspecs easier and is also cleaner. I also changed mkspec() and mkspecPath() to behave a little diffrent, essentialy mkspec() will return only the name (the actual dir name) of the mkspec. That is in general not sufficient for passing on to qmake. mkspecPath() only returns the correct path to mkspecs/default. Hopefully I haven't broken WinCE/Maemo/MinGW.
- Oct 21, 2009
dt authored
- Oct 05, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
Also move Designer::Internal::FormWindowEditor -> Designer::FormWindowEditor.
- Oct 02, 2009
- Oct 01, 2009
- Sep 29, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
.. and purge unneeded includes.
- Sep 25, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
and ApplicationRunConfiguration to LocalApplicationRunConfiguration, preparing remote debugging. Change the interface canRun() to be const, run() to create() (since it does not run anything), use references to the QSharedPointer<Foo>. Introduce d-Pointer and remove unneeded headers from ProjectExplorerPlugin and add missing includes everywhere.
- Sep 23, 2009
dt authored
dt authored
Now it should finally ask to regenerate in all circumstances. (If you are using CMake from cvs.)
dt authored
dt authored
Made virtual newBuildConfiguration return a bool
dt authored
Though there's still a bug in that canReadLine() returns false.
dt authored
Directly in the wizard and save that to the settings. Also give feedback if a wrong path was entered.
- Sep 17, 2009