- Sep 24, 2010
Tobias Hunger authored
- Sep 23, 2010
Tobias Hunger authored
Reviewed-by: dt
- Sep 08, 2010
Friedemann Kleint authored
Give warnings about failures to be able to fix things/timeouts on slow machines. Pass on arguments correctly on Windows. Make sure processes are killed on timeouts.
- Jul 02, 2010
- Jun 21, 2010
Friedemann Kleint authored
Reviewed-by: dt
- Jun 16, 2010
Robert Loehning authored
Reviewed-by: dt
- Apr 13, 2010
Thorbjørn Lindeijer authored
Reviewed-by: Jens Bache-Wiig
- Mar 26, 2010
Thorbjørn Lindeijer authored
Thorbjørn Lindeijer authored
Some categories do not have icons yet, unfortunately.
- Mar 05, 2010
hjk authored
- Feb 02, 2010
Friedemann Kleint authored
QString: Use QChar/char where appropriate, do not use QString::null
- Jan 29, 2010
Oswald Buddenhagen authored
doing it in 1.3 as well to avoid possible later conflicts
- Jan 11, 2010
Tobias Hunger authored
Reviewed-by: thorbjorn
Tobias Hunger authored
Reviewed-by: thorbjorn
- Jan 07, 2010
Tobias Hunger authored
* Use id() for methods returning a string used to represent some type of object. * Use displayName() for strings that are meant to be user visible. * Quieten some warnings while touching the files anyway. * Move Factories to their products in the plugins where that was not done before. Reviewed-by: dt
- Nov 27, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
Separate category and trCategory and introduce sorting characters to the categories. Same for id/name.
- Nov 24, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
Add a title label to the pages. Use QGroupBoxes throughout. Extend SavedAction to work with checkable QGroupBoxes. Polish UI files, use common layout for VCS plugins. Performance: Apply only visited settings pages. Add search keywords. Task-number: QTCREATOR-26
- Nov 20, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
Task-number: QTCREATOR-26
- Oct 21, 2009
dt authored
- Oct 05, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
Also move Designer::Internal::FormWindowEditor -> Designer::FormWindowEditor.
- Sep 25, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
and ApplicationRunConfiguration to LocalApplicationRunConfiguration, preparing remote debugging. Change the interface canRun() to be const, run() to create() (since it does not run anything), use references to the QSharedPointer<Foo>. Introduce d-Pointer and remove unneeded headers from ProjectExplorerPlugin and add missing includes everywhere.
- Sep 23, 2009
dt authored
Directly in the wizard and save that to the settings. Also give feedback if a wrong path was entered.
- Aug 14, 2009
hjk authored
- Jul 02, 2009
dt authored
The CodeBlocks - NMake Makefiles generator combination is only available in the cvs version of cmake. This has not been extensively tested at all.
- Jun 16, 2009
con authored
Reviewed-by: Trust Me Conflicts: src/libs/cplusplus/CppBindings.cpp src/libs/cplusplus/CppBindings.h src/libs/cplusplus/FastPreprocessor.cpp src/libs/cplusplus/FastPreprocessor.h src/plugins/cpptools/cppcurrentdocumentfilter.cpp src/plugins/cpptools/cppcurrentdocumentfilter.h src/plugins/cpptools/cppsemanticsearch.cpp src/plugins/cpptools/cppsemanticsearch.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljs.g src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsast.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsast_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsastfwd_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsastvisitor.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsastvisitor_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsengine_p.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsengine_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsgrammar.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsgrammar_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljslexer.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljslexer_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsmemorypool_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsnodepool_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsparser.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsparser_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsprettypretty.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsprettypretty_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/rewriter/rewriter.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/rewriter/rewriter_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/rewriter/textwriter.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/rewriter/textwriter_p.h src/shared/cplusplus/ASTClone.cpp tests/manual/cplusplus/main.cpp
Jason McDonald authored
Reviewed-by: Trust Me
- May 27, 2009
dt authored
rebuild the cbp file I think that makes sense, we'll see.
- May 25, 2009
dt authored
- May 14, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
- Apr 24, 2009
dt authored
Remove duplicated code from cmakeprojectmanager.
- Apr 20, 2009
dt authored
- Apr 17, 2009
dt authored
I need to refactor that code for 1.2.
- Apr 08, 2009
dt authored
- Mar 27, 2009
Oswald Buddenhagen authored
run "cmake . [...]" if a build already exists in the build dir. this saves the user from reproducing all the arguments he may need. on the downside, this will go utterly awry if the source dir of the existing build is a different one than known to creator. this should be a rather rare corner case, so ignore it for now. the nice solution would be a checkbox (on by default) to request this new behavior.
- Mar 25, 2009
dt authored
Adds a little bit of code duplication, don't currently know how to best avoid it, so I'll leave that for now as is. To be tested once Andre pushes his stuff.
- Mar 18, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
Fixes: Introduce a cpp settingspage containing file naming conventions (lower case and suffixes). Reorder VCS settings pages. Task: 241959, 248085 RevBy: Optics/Naming checked by con Details: Give IOptionPage an id() to differentiate from trName(). Make showOptionsDialog return a bool (applied) and give it an optional parent. Change Cpp and form class wizards, give them a Configure... button to change those settings.
- Mar 10, 2009
dt authored
Details: Patch by Antoine Requet
- Mar 09, 2009
dt authored
Details: That fixes a few bugs, while still having a few missing things. Don't allow the user to set a shadow build directory, if there is already a in source build. Detect if a cbp file is already existing and recent enough, don't rerun cmake then. Ensure that the user runs cmake with the cbp generator on opening the project. Show the output of the cmake generator while running. Remove the unecessary cmake step.
- Mar 03, 2009
dt authored
Task: CMake support Details: No syntax highlighting