** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
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#include "cpptools_global.h"
#include "cppmodelmanagerinterface.h"
#include <texteditor/basetexteditor.h>
namespace Core { class IEditor; }
namespace TextEditor { class BaseTextEditorWidget; }

Wolfgang Beck
class CppEditorSupport;
class CppHighlightingSupportFactory;
class CPPTOOLS_EXPORT CppModelManager : public CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface
typedef CPlusPlus::Document Document;
CppModelManager(QObject *parent = 0);
static CppModelManager *instance();
virtual QFuture<void> updateSourceFiles(const QStringList &sourceFiles,
ProgressNotificationMode mode = ReservedProgressNotification);

Roberto Raggi
virtual WorkingCopy workingCopy() const;
virtual QByteArray codeModelConfiguration() const;
virtual QList<ProjectInfo> projectInfos() const;
virtual ProjectInfo projectInfo(ProjectExplorer::Project *project) const;
virtual QFuture<void> updateProjectInfo(const ProjectInfo &newProjectInfo);
/// \return All project parts that mention the given file name as one of the sources/headers.
virtual QList<ProjectPart::Ptr> projectPart(const QString &fileName) const;
/// This is a fall-back function: find all files that includes the file directly or indirectly,
/// and return its \c ProjectPart list for use with this file.
virtual QList<ProjectPart::Ptr> projectPartFromDependencies(const QString &fileName) const;
/// \return A synthetic \c ProjectPart which consists of all defines/includes/frameworks from
/// all loaded projects.
virtual ProjectPart::Ptr fallbackProjectPart() const;

Roberto Raggi
virtual CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot() const;
virtual Document::Ptr document(const QString &fileName) const;
bool replaceDocument(Document::Ptr newDoc);
virtual bool isCppEditor(Core::IEditor *editor) const;
virtual void addExtraEditorSupport(AbstractEditorSupport *editorSupport);
virtual void removeExtraEditorSupport(AbstractEditorSupport *editorSupport);
virtual CppEditorSupport *cppEditorSupport(TextEditor::BaseTextEditor *textEditor);
virtual void deleteCppEditorSupport(TextEditor::BaseTextEditor *textEditor);
virtual QList<int> references(CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol, const CPlusPlus::LookupContext &context);
virtual void renameUsages(CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol, const CPlusPlus::LookupContext &context,
const QString &replacement = QString());
virtual void findUsages(CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol, const CPlusPlus::LookupContext &context);
virtual void findMacroUsages(const CPlusPlus::Macro ¯o);
virtual void renameMacroUsages(const CPlusPlus::Macro ¯o, const QString &replacement);
virtual void setExtraDiagnostics(const QString &fileName, const QString &key,
const QList<Document::DiagnosticMessage> &diagnostics);
virtual void setIfdefedOutBlocks(const QString &fileName,
const QList<TextEditor::BlockRange> &ifdeffedOutBlocks);
void finishedRefreshingSourceFiles(const QStringList &files);
virtual void addModelManagerSupport(ModelManagerSupport *modelManagerSupport);
virtual ModelManagerSupport *modelManagerSupportForMimeType(const QString &mimeType) const;
virtual CppCompletionAssistProvider *completionAssistProvider(Core::IEditor *editor) const;
virtual CppHighlightingSupport *highlightingSupport(Core::IEditor *editor) const;
virtual void setIndexingSupport(CppIndexingSupport *indexingSupport);
virtual CppIndexingSupport *indexingSupport();
QStringList projectFiles()
return m_projectFiles;
QStringList includePaths()
return m_includePaths;
// Use this *only* for auto tests
void setIncludePaths(const QStringList &includePaths)
m_includePaths = includePaths;
QStringList frameworkPaths()
return m_frameworkPaths;
QByteArray definedMacros()
return m_definedMacros;
static QStringList timeStampModifiedFiles(const QList<Document::Ptr> documentsToCheck);
void gcFinished(); // Needed for tests.
virtual void updateModifiedSourceFiles();
private slots:
// This should be executed in the GUI thread.
void onAboutToLoadSession();
void onAboutToUnloadSession();
void onProjectAdded(ProjectExplorer::Project *project);
void onAboutToRemoveProject(ProjectExplorer::Project *project);
void onCoreAboutToClose();

Nikolai Kosjar
void recalculateFileToProjectParts();
void replaceSnapshot(const CPlusPlus::Snapshot &newSnapshot);
void removeFilesFromSnapshot(const QSet<QString> &removedFiles);
void removeProjectInfoFilesAndIncludesFromSnapshot(const ProjectInfo &projectInfo);
WorkingCopy buildWorkingCopyList();
QStringList internalProjectFiles() const;
QStringList internalIncludePaths() const;
QStringList internalFrameworkPaths() const;
QByteArray internalDefinedMacros() const;
void dumpModelManagerConfiguration();
static QMutex m_instanceMutex;
static CppModelManager *m_instance;

Roberto Raggi
CPlusPlus::Snapshot m_snapshot;
QMap<ProjectExplorer::Project *, ProjectInfo> m_projectToProjectsInfo;
QMap<QString, QList<CppTools::ProjectPart::Ptr> > m_fileToProjectParts;
// The members below are cached/(re)calculated from the projects and/or their project parts
QStringList m_includePaths;
QStringList m_frameworkPaths;
QByteArray m_definedMacros;
// Editor integration
mutable QMutex m_cppEditorSupportsMutex;
QMap<TextEditor::BaseTextEditor *, CppEditorSupport *> m_cppEditorSupports;
QSet<AbstractEditorSupport *> m_extraEditorSupports;
// Completion & highlighting
QHash<QString, ModelManagerSupport *> m_idTocodeModelSupporter;
QScopedPointer<ModelManagerSupport> m_modelManagerSupportFallback;
CppIndexingSupport *m_indexingSupporter;
CppIndexingSupport *m_internalIndexingSupport;
bool m_indexerEnabled;
CppFindReferences *m_findReferences;
bool m_enableGC;
QTimer *m_delayedGcTimer;

Wolfgang Beck