"README.md" did not exist on "e38cec518b7481a77b909dac0aaef33cea2e543e"
Qt Creator is a crossplatform C++ IDE for development with the Qt framework.
Building the sources requires Qt 4.7.0 or later.
* On Windows: mingw 4.4 or later, Visual Studio 2008 or later
* On Mac: XCode 2.5 or later
We recommend that you build Qt Creator not in the source directory, but in a
separate directory. To do that, use the following commands:
qmake $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qtcreator.pro
make (or mingw32-make or nmake or jom, depending on your platform)
QmlDesigner, QmlInspector require private headers
The QmlDesigner and QmlInspector plugins depend on "private" Qt headers,
specifically from the QtDeclarative module. These private headers always end
with an "_p.h", and Nokia does not make any promises to keep the files or API's
binary or source compatible between releases. This means that when compiled,
the two plugins have a dependency to the exact Qt version they were compiled
with. Running Qt Creator with the plugins against updated Qt libraries (also for
patch releases) might lead to link time failures, or even crashes.
If you want to disable the plugins, you can pass "QT_PRIVATE_HEADERS=" to qmake:
Anyhow, the plugins will not be compiled when the private header files needed
are not found. This might be the case when you are using a Qt version from your
distribution, or when you installed your self-compiled Qt to a separate
directory via 'make install'. You can fix this by either re-building your Qt
with the "-developer-build" configure option, or pass the include directory in
the source directory to qmake, e.g.
Qt Creator includes the following third-party components,