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qt4project.cpp 40.1 KiB
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** This file is part of Qt Creator
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** Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
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** Commercial Usage
** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and Nokia.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met:
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** contact the sales department at
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#include "qt4project.h"
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#include "profilereader.h"
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#include "qt4projectmanager.h"
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#include "makestep.h"
#include "qmakestep.h"
#include "qt4runconfiguration.h"
#include "qt4nodes.h"
#include "qt4projectconfigwidget.h"
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#include "qt4projectmanagerconstants.h"
#include "projectloadwizard.h"
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#include "qt4buildconfiguration.h"
#include "findqt4profiles.h"
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#include <coreplugin/messagemanager.h>
#include <coreplugin/coreconstants.h>
#include <coreplugin/progressmanager/progressmanager.h>
#include <extensionsystem/pluginmanager.h>
#include <cpptools/cppmodelmanagerinterface.h>
#include <qmljs/qmljsmodelmanagerinterface.h>
#include <projectexplorer/buildenvironmentwidget.h>
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#include <projectexplorer/customexecutablerunconfiguration.h>
#include <utils/qtcassert.h>
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#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtGui/QFileDialog>
#include <QtGui/QInputDialog>
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using namespace Qt4ProjectManager;
using namespace Qt4ProjectManager::Internal;
using namespace ProjectExplorer;

enum { debug = 0 };

namespace Qt4ProjectManager {
namespace Internal {

// Qt4ProjectFiles: Struct for (Cached) lists of files in a project
struct Qt4ProjectFiles {
    void clear();
    bool equals(const Qt4ProjectFiles &f) const;

    QStringList files[ProjectExplorer::FileTypeSize];
    QStringList generatedFiles[ProjectExplorer::FileTypeSize];
    QStringList proFiles;

void Qt4ProjectFiles::clear()
    for (int i = 0; i < FileTypeSize; ++i) {

bool Qt4ProjectFiles::equals(const Qt4ProjectFiles &f) const
    for (int i = 0; i < FileTypeSize; ++i)
        if (files[i] != f.files[i] || generatedFiles[i] != f.generatedFiles[i])
            return false;
    if (proFiles != f.proFiles)
        return false;
    return true;

inline bool operator==(const Qt4ProjectFiles &f1, const Qt4ProjectFiles &f2)
{       return f1.equals(f2); }

inline bool operator!=(const Qt4ProjectFiles &f1, const Qt4ProjectFiles &f2)
{       return !f1.equals(f2); }

QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const  Qt4ProjectFiles &f)
    QDebug nsp = d.nospace();
    nsp << "Qt4ProjectFiles: proFiles=" <<  f.proFiles << '\n';
    for (int i = 0; i < FileTypeSize; ++i)
        nsp << "Type " << i << " files=" << f.files[i] <<  " generated=" << f.generatedFiles[i] << '\n';
    return d;

// A visitor to collect all files of a project in a Qt4ProjectFiles struct
class ProjectFilesVisitor : public ProjectExplorer::NodesVisitor
    ProjectFilesVisitor(Qt4ProjectFiles *files);

    static void findProjectFiles(Qt4ProFileNode *rootNode, Qt4ProjectFiles *files);

    void visitProjectNode(ProjectNode *projectNode);
    void visitFolderNode(FolderNode *folderNode);

    Qt4ProjectFiles *m_files;

ProjectFilesVisitor::ProjectFilesVisitor(Qt4ProjectFiles *files) :

void ProjectFilesVisitor::findProjectFiles(Qt4ProFileNode *rootNode, Qt4ProjectFiles *files)
    ProjectFilesVisitor visitor(files);
    for (int i = 0; i < FileTypeSize; ++i) {

void ProjectFilesVisitor::visitProjectNode(ProjectNode *projectNode)
    const QString path = projectNode->path();
    if (!m_files->proFiles.contains(path))

void ProjectFilesVisitor::visitFolderNode(FolderNode *folderNode)
    foreach (FileNode *fileNode, folderNode->fileNodes()) {
        const QString path = fileNode->path();
        const int type = fileNode->fileType();
        QStringList &targetList = fileNode->isGenerated() ? m_files->generatedFiles[type] : m_files->files[type];
        if (!targetList.contains(path))


// ----------- Qt4ProjectFile
Qt4ProjectFile::Qt4ProjectFile(Qt4Project *project, const QString &filePath, QObject *parent)
    : Core::IFile(parent),

bool Qt4ProjectFile::save(const QString &)
    // This is never used
    return false;
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void Qt4ProjectFile::rename(const QString &newName)
    // Can't happen

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QString Qt4ProjectFile::fileName() const
    return m_filePath;

QString Qt4ProjectFile::defaultPath() const
    return QString();

QString Qt4ProjectFile::suggestedFileName() const
    return QString();

QString Qt4ProjectFile::mimeType() const
    return m_mimeType;

bool Qt4ProjectFile::isModified() const
    return false; // we save after changing anyway
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bool Qt4ProjectFile::isReadOnly() const
    QFileInfo fi(m_filePath);
    return !fi.isWritable();
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bool Qt4ProjectFile::isSaveAsAllowed() const
    return false;

Core::IFile::ReloadBehavior Qt4ProjectFile::reloadBehavior(ChangeTrigger state, ChangeType type) const
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    return BehaviorSilent;

void Qt4ProjectFile::reload(ReloadFlag flag, ChangeType type)
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  \class Qt4Project
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  Qt4Project manages information about an individual Qt 4 (.pro) project file.

Qt4Project::Qt4Project(Qt4Manager *manager, const QString& fileName) :
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    m_nodesWatcher(new Internal::Qt4NodesWatcher(this)),
Tobias Hunger's avatar
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    m_targetFactory(new Qt4TargetFactory(this)),
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    m_fileInfo(new Qt4ProjectFile(this, fileName, this)),
    m_projectFiles(new Qt4ProjectFiles),
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    connect(&m_asyncUpdateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(asyncUpdate()));

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    m_asyncUpdateState = ShuttingDown;
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    delete m_projectFiles;
    m_cancelEvaluate = true;
    delete m_rootProjectNode;
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void Qt4Project::updateFileList()
    Qt4ProjectFiles newFiles;
    ProjectFilesVisitor::findProjectFiles(m_rootProjectNode, &newFiles);
    if (newFiles != *m_projectFiles) {
        *m_projectFiles = newFiles;
        emit fileListChanged();
        if (debug)
            qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << *m_projectFiles;

bool Qt4Project::fromMap(const QVariantMap &map)
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    if (!Project::fromMap(map))
        return false;
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    // Prune targets without buildconfigurations:
    // This can happen esp. when updating from a old version of Qt Creator
    QList<Target *>ts(targets());
    foreach (Target *t, ts) {
        if (t->buildConfigurations().isEmpty()) {
            qWarning() << "Removing" << t->id() << "since it has no buildconfigurations!";
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    // Add buildconfigurations so we can parse the pro-files.
    if (targets().isEmpty())
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    if (targets().isEmpty()) {
        qWarning() << "Unable to create targets!";
        return false;

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    m_rootProjectNode = new Qt4ProFileNode(this, m_fileInfo->fileName(), this);

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    // This might be incorrect, need a full update
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    foreach (Target *t, targets())
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    // Setup Qt versions supported (== possible targets).
    connect(this, SIGNAL(addedTarget(ProjectExplorer::Target*)),
            this, SLOT(onAddedTarget(ProjectExplorer::Target*)));

    connect(QtVersionManager::instance(), SIGNAL(qtVersionsChanged(QList<int>)),
            this, SLOT(qtVersionsChanged()));
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    connect(m_nodesWatcher, SIGNAL(proFileUpdated(Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::Qt4ProFileNode *)),
            this, SIGNAL(proFileUpdated(Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::Qt4ProFileNode *)));

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    connect(this, SIGNAL(activeTargetChanged(ProjectExplorer::Target*)),
            this, SLOT(activeTargetWasChanged()));

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    return true;
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Qt4TargetFactory *Qt4Project::targetFactory() const
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    return m_targetFactory;
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Qt4Target *Qt4Project::activeTarget() const
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    return static_cast<Qt4Target *>(Project::activeTarget());
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void Qt4Project::onAddedTarget(ProjectExplorer::Target *t)
    Qt4Target *qt4target = qobject_cast<Qt4Target *>(t);
    connect(qt4target, SIGNAL(buildDirectoryInitialized()),
            this, SIGNAL(buildDirectoryInitialized()));
    connect(qt4target, SIGNAL(proFileEvaluateNeeded(Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::Qt4Target*)),
            this, SLOT(proFileEvaluateNeeded(Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::Qt4Target*)));

void Qt4Project::proFileEvaluateNeeded(Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::Qt4Target *target)
    if (activeTarget() == target)

/// equalFileList compares two file lists ignoring
/// <configuration> without generating temporary lists

bool Qt4Project::equalFileList(const QStringList &a, const QStringList &b)
    if (abs(a.length() - b.length()) > 1)
        return false;
    QStringList::const_iterator ait = a.constBegin();
    QStringList::const_iterator bit = b.constBegin();
    QStringList::const_iterator aend = a.constEnd();
    QStringList::const_iterator bend = b.constEnd();

    while (ait != aend && bit != bend) {
        if (*ait == QLatin1String("<configuration>"))
        else if (*bit == QLatin1String("<configuration>"))
        else if (*ait == *bit)
            ++ait, ++bit;
           return false;
    return (ait == aend && bit == bend);
void Qt4Project::updateCodeModels()
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    if (debug)

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    if (!activeTarget() || !activeTarget()->activeBuildConfiguration())


void Qt4Project::updateCppCodeModel()
Tobias Hunger's avatar
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    Qt4BuildConfiguration *activeBC = activeTarget()->activeBuildConfiguration();
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    CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface *modelmanager =
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    // Collect global headers/defines
    QStringList predefinedIncludePaths;
    QStringList predefinedFrameworkPaths;
    QByteArray predefinedMacros;
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    ToolChain *tc = activeBC->toolChain();
    if (tc) {
        predefinedMacros = tc->predefinedMacros();
Tobias Hunger's avatar
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        //qDebug()<<"Predefined Macros";
        //qDebug()<<"System Header Paths";
        //foreach(const HeaderPath &hp, tc->systemHeaderPaths())
        //    qDebug()<<hp.path();
        foreach (const HeaderPath &headerPath, tc->systemHeaderPaths()) {
            if (headerPath.kind() == HeaderPath::FrameworkHeaderPath)
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    FindQt4ProFiles findQt4ProFiles;
    QList<Qt4ProFileNode *> proFiles = findQt4ProFiles(rootProjectNode());
    QByteArray allDefinedMacros = predefinedMacros;
    QStringList allIncludePaths;
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    QStringList allFrameworkPaths = predefinedFrameworkPaths;
    QStringList allPrecompileHeaders;
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    // Collect per .pro file information
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    foreach (Qt4ProFileNode *pro, proFiles) {
        Internal::CodeModelInfo info;
        info.defines = predefinedMacros;
        info.frameworkPaths = predefinedFrameworkPaths;

        info.precompiledHeader = pro->variableValue(PrecompiledHeaderVar);


        foreach (const QString &def, pro->variableValue(DefinesVar)) {
            allDefinedMacros += "#define ";
            info.defines += "#define ";
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            const int index = def.indexOf(QLatin1Char('='));
            if (index == -1) {
                allDefinedMacros += def.toLatin1();
                allDefinedMacros += " 1\n";
                info.defines += def.toLatin1();
                info.defines += " 1\n";
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            } else {
                const QString name = def.left(index);
                const QString value = def.mid(index + 1);
                allDefinedMacros += name.toLatin1();
                allDefinedMacros += ' ';
                allDefinedMacros += value.toLocal8Bit();
                allDefinedMacros += '\n';
                info.defines += name.toLatin1();
                info.defines += ' ';
                info.defines += value.toLocal8Bit();
                info.defines += '\n';
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        const QStringList proIncludePaths = pro->variableValue(IncludePathVar);
        foreach (const QString &includePath, proIncludePaths) {
            if (!allIncludePaths.contains(includePath))
            if (!info.includes.contains(includePath))
#if 0 // Experimental PKGCONFIG support
        { // Pkg Config support
            QStringList pkgConfig = pro->variableValue(PkgConfigVar);
            if (!pkgConfig.isEmpty()) {
                QProcess process;
                process.start("pkg-config", pkgConfig);
                QString result = process.readAllStandardOutput();
                foreach(const QString &part, result.trimmed().split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts)) {
                    info.includes.append(part.mid(2)); // Chop off "-I"
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//        qDebug()<<"Dumping code model information";
//        qDebug()<<"for .pro file"<< pro->path();
//        qDebug()<<info.defines;
//        qDebug()<<info.includes;
//        qDebug()<<info.frameworkPaths;
//        qDebug()<<"\n";
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    // Add mkspec directory
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    QStringList files;
    files += m_projectFiles->files[HeaderType];
    files += m_projectFiles->generatedFiles[HeaderType];
    files += m_projectFiles->files[SourceType];
    files += m_projectFiles->generatedFiles[SourceType];

    CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo pinfo = modelmanager->projectInfo(this);
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    //qDebug()<<"Using precompiled header"<<allPrecompileHeaders;

    bool fileList = equalFileList(pinfo.sourceFiles, files);

    if (pinfo.defines == allDefinedMacros
        && pinfo.includePaths == allIncludePaths
        && pinfo.frameworkPaths == allFrameworkPaths
        && fileList
        && pinfo.precompiledHeaders == allPrecompileHeaders) {
        // Nothing to update...
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    } else {
        if (pinfo.defines != allDefinedMacros
            || pinfo.includePaths != allIncludePaths
            || pinfo.frameworkPaths != allFrameworkPaths
            || pinfo.precompiledHeaders != allPrecompileHeaders)

        //pinfo.defines = predefinedMacros;
        pinfo.defines = allDefinedMacros;
        pinfo.includePaths = allIncludePaths;
        pinfo.frameworkPaths = allFrameworkPaths;
        pinfo.sourceFiles += files;
        pinfo.precompiledHeaders = allPrecompileHeaders;

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        m_codeModelFuture = modelmanager->updateSourceFiles(pinfo.sourceFiles);
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void Qt4Project::updateQmlJSCodeModel()
    QObject *modelManager =
    QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo projectInfo;
    bool success = QMetaObject::invokeMethod(
                modelManager, "projectInfo", Qt::DirectConnection,
                Q_RETURN_ARG(QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo, projectInfo),
                Q_ARG(ProjectExplorer::Project *, this));
    QTC_ASSERT(success, return);

    // Not essential since the QmlJS engine parses required files on demand.
    //projectInfo.sourceFiles = ...

    FindQt4ProFiles findQt4ProFiles;
    QList<Qt4ProFileNode *> proFiles = findQt4ProFiles(rootProjectNode());

    foreach (Qt4ProFileNode *node, proFiles) {

    success = QMetaObject::invokeMethod(
                modelManager, "updateProjectInfo", Qt::DirectConnection,
                Q_ARG(QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo, projectInfo));
    QTC_ASSERT(success, return);
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void Qt4Project::qtVersionsChanged()

//  Updates complete project
//  */
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void Qt4Project::update()
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    if (debug)
        qDebug()<<"Doing sync update";
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    if (debug)
        qDebug()<<"State is now Base";
    m_asyncUpdateState = Base;

void Qt4Project::scheduleAsyncUpdate(Qt4ProFileNode *node)
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    if (debug)
        qDebug()<<"schduleAsyncUpdate (node)";
    Q_ASSERT(m_asyncUpdateState != NoState);

    if (m_cancelEvaluate) {
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        if (debug)
            qDebug()<<"  Already canceling, nothing to do";
        // A cancel is in progress
        // That implies that a full update is going to happen afterwards
        // So we don't need to do anything

    if (m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncFullUpdatePending) {
        // Just postpone
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        if (debug)
            qDebug()<<"  full update pending, restarting timer";
    } else if (m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncPartialUpdatePending
               || m_asyncUpdateState == Base) {
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        if (debug)
            qDebug()<<"  adding node to async update list, setting state to AsyncPartialUpdatePending";
        // Add the node
        m_asyncUpdateState = AsyncPartialUpdatePending;

        QList<Internal::Qt4ProFileNode *>::iterator it;
        bool add = true;
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        if (debug)
        it = m_partialEvaluate.begin();
        while (it != m_partialEvaluate.end()) {
            if (*it == node) {
                add = false;
            } else if (node->isParent(*it)) { // We already have the parent in the list, nothing to do
                add = false;
            } else if ((*it)->isParent(node)) { // The node is the parent of a child already in the list
                it = m_partialEvaluate.erase(it);
            } else {

        if (add)
        // and start the timer anew
    } else if (m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncUpdateInProgress) {
        // A update is in progress
        // And this slot only gets called if a file changed on disc
        // So we'll play it safe and schedule a complete evaluate
        // This might trigger if due to version control a few files
        // change a partial update gets in progress and then another
        // batch of changes come in, which triggers a full update
        // even if that's not really needed
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        if (debug)
            qDebug()<<"  Async update in progress, scheduling new one afterwards";

void Qt4Project::scheduleAsyncUpdate()
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    if (debug)
    Q_ASSERT(m_asyncUpdateState != NoState);
    if (m_cancelEvaluate) { // we are in progress of canceling
                            // and will start the evaluation after that
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        if (debug)
            qDebug()<<"  canceling is in progress, doing nothing";
    if (m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncUpdateInProgress) {
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        if (debug)
            qDebug()<<"  update in progress, canceling and setting state to full update pending";
        m_cancelEvaluate = true;
        m_asyncUpdateState = AsyncFullUpdatePending;

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    if (debug)
        qDebug()<<"  starting timer for full update, setting state to full update pending";
    m_asyncUpdateState = AsyncFullUpdatePending;

    // Cancel running code model update

void Qt4Project::incrementPendingEvaluateFutures()
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    if (debug)
        qDebug()<<"incrementPendingEvaluateFutures to"<<m_pendingEvaluateFuturesCount;

                                                  m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface->progressMaximum() + 1);

void Qt4Project::decrementPendingEvaluateFutures()

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    if (debug)
        qDebug()<<"decrementPendingEvaluateFutures to"<<m_pendingEvaluateFuturesCount;

    m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface->setProgressValue(m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface->progressValue() + 1);
    if (m_pendingEvaluateFuturesCount == 0) {
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        if (debug)
            qDebug()<<"  WOHOO, no pending futures, cleaning up";
        // We are done!
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        if (debug)
            qDebug()<<"  reporting finished";
        delete m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface;
        m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface = 0;
        m_cancelEvaluate = false;

        // TODO clear the profile cache ?
        if (m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncFullUpdatePending || m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncPartialUpdatePending) {
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            if (debug)
                qDebug()<<"  Oh update is pending start the timer";
        } else  if (m_asyncUpdateState != ShuttingDown){
            // After beeing done, we need to call:
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            if (debug)
                qDebug()<<"  Setting state to Base";
            m_asyncUpdateState = Base;

bool Qt4Project::wasEvaluateCanceled()
    return m_cancelEvaluate;

QString Qt4Project::defaultTopLevelBuildDirectory() const
    return defaultTopLevelBuildDirectory(file()->fileName());

QString Qt4Project::defaultTopLevelBuildDirectory(const QString &profilePath)
    if (profilePath.isEmpty())
        return QString();
    QFileInfo info(profilePath);
    return QDir(projectDirectory(profilePath) + QLatin1String("/../") + info.baseName() + QLatin1String("-build")).absolutePath();
void Qt4Project::asyncUpdate()
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    if (debug)
        qDebug()<<"async update, timer expired, doing now";
    m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface = new QFutureInterface<void>();

    Core::ProgressManager *progressManager = Core::ICore::instance()->progressManager();

    m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface->setProgressRange(0, 0);
    progressManager->addTask(m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface->future(), tr("Evaluating"), Constants::PROFILE_EVALUATE);
dt's avatar
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    if (debug)
        qDebug()<<"  adding task";


    if (m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncFullUpdatePending) {
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dt committed
        if (debug)
            qDebug()<<"  full update, starting with root node";
    } else {
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        if (debug)
            qDebug()<<"  partial update,"<<m_partialEvaluate.size()<<"nodes to update";
        foreach(Qt4ProFileNode *node, m_partialEvaluate)

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dt committed
    if (debug)
        qDebug()<<"  Setting state to AsyncUpdateInProgress";
    m_asyncUpdateState = AsyncUpdateInProgress;
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ProjectExplorer::IProjectManager *Qt4Project::projectManager() const
    return m_manager;

Qt4Manager *Qt4Project::qt4ProjectManager() const
    return m_manager;

QString Qt4Project::displayName() const
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    return QFileInfo(file()->fileName()).completeBaseName();

QString Qt4Project::id() const
Tobias Hunger's avatar
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    return QLatin1String(Constants::QT4PROJECT_ID);
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Core::IFile *Qt4Project::file() const
    return m_fileInfo;

QStringList Qt4Project::files(FilesMode fileMode) const
    QStringList files;
    for (int i = 0; i < FileTypeSize; ++i) {
        files += m_projectFiles->files[i];
        if (fileMode == AllFiles)
            files += m_projectFiles->generatedFiles[i];
    return files;

// Find the folder that contains a file a certain type (recurse down)
static FolderNode *folderOf(FolderNode *in, FileType fileType, const QString &fileName)
    foreach(FileNode *fn, in->fileNodes())
        if (fn->fileType() == fileType && fn->path() == fileName)
            return in;
    foreach(FolderNode *folder, in->subFolderNodes())
        if (FolderNode *pn = folderOf(folder, fileType, fileName))
            return pn;
    return 0;

// Find the Qt4ProFileNode that contains a file of a certain type.
// First recurse down to folder, then find the pro-file.
static Qt4ProFileNode *proFileNodeOf(Qt4ProFileNode *in, FileType fileType, const QString &fileName)
    for (FolderNode *folder =  folderOf(in, fileType, fileName); folder; folder = folder->parentFolderNode())
        if (Qt4ProFileNode *proFile = qobject_cast<Qt4ProFileNode *>(folder))
            return proFile;
    return 0;

QString Qt4Project::generatedUiHeader(const QString &formFile) const
    // Look in sub-profiles as SessionManager::projectForFile returns
    // the top-level project only.
    if (m_rootProjectNode)
        if (const Qt4ProFileNode *pro = proFileNodeOf(m_rootProjectNode, FormType, formFile))
            return Qt4ProFileNode::uiHeaderFile(pro->uiDirectory(), formFile);
    return QString();

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QList<ProjectExplorer::Project*> Qt4Project::dependsOn()
    // NBS implement dependsOn
    return QList<Project *>();

void Qt4Project::addDefaultBuild()
    // TODO this could probably refactored
    // That is the ProjectLoadWizard divided into useful bits
    // and this code then called here, instead of that strange forwarding
    // to a wizard, which doesn't even show up
    ProjectLoadWizard wizard(this);
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void Qt4Project::proFileParseError(const QString &errorMessage)
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ProFileReader *Qt4Project::createProFileReader(Qt4ProFileNode *qt4ProFileNode)
    if (!m_proFileOption) {
        m_proFileOption = new ProFileOption;
        m_proFileOptionRefCnt = 0;

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Tobias Hunger committed
        if (activeTarget() &&
            activeTarget()->activeBuildConfiguration()) {
            QtVersion *version = activeTarget()->activeBuildConfiguration()->qtVersion();
            if (version->isValid())
                m_proFileOption->properties = version->versionInfo();

    ProFileReader *reader = new ProFileReader(m_proFileOption);


    return reader;

void Qt4Project::destroyProFileReader(ProFileReader *reader)
    delete reader;
    if (!--m_proFileOptionRefCnt) {
        QString dir = QFileInfo(m_fileInfo->fileName()).absolutePath();
        if (!dir.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
            dir += QLatin1Char('/');
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Qt4ProFileNode *Qt4Project::rootProjectNode() const
    return m_rootProjectNode;

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BuildConfigWidget *Qt4Project::createConfigWidget()
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    return new Qt4ProjectConfigWidget(this);
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QList<BuildConfigWidget*> Qt4Project::subConfigWidgets()
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    QList<BuildConfigWidget*> subWidgets;
    subWidgets << new BuildEnvironmentWidget;
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    return subWidgets;

void Qt4Project::collectLeafProFiles(QList<Qt4ProFileNode *> &list, Qt4ProFileNode *node)
    if (node->projectType() != Internal::SubDirsTemplate) {
    foreach (ProjectNode *n, node->subProjectNodes()) {
        Qt4ProFileNode *qt4ProFileNode = qobject_cast<Qt4ProFileNode *>(n);
        if (qt4ProFileNode)
            collectLeafProFiles(list, qt4ProFileNode);

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void Qt4Project::collectApplicationProFiles(QList<Qt4ProFileNode *> &list, Qt4ProFileNode *node)
    if (node->projectType() == Internal::ApplicationTemplate
        || node->projectType() == Internal::ScriptTemplate) {
    foreach (ProjectNode *n, node->subProjectNodes()) {
        Qt4ProFileNode *qt4ProFileNode = qobject_cast<Qt4ProFileNode *>(n);
        if (qt4ProFileNode)
            collectApplicationProFiles(list, qt4ProFileNode);

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void Qt4Project::createApplicationProjects()
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    foreach (Target *target, targets()) {
        if (target->runConfigurations().count()) {
            // Remove all run configurations which the new project wizard created
            QList<RunConfiguration*> toRemove;
            foreach (RunConfiguration * rc, target->runConfigurations()) {
                CustomExecutableRunConfiguration *cerc = qobject_cast<CustomExecutableRunConfiguration *>(rc);
                if (cerc && !cerc->isConfigured())
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            foreach (RunConfiguration *rc, toRemove)
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        // We use the list twice
        QList<Qt4ProFileNode *> profiles = applicationProFiles();
        QStringList paths;
        foreach (Qt4ProFileNode *pro, profiles)
            paths << pro->path();

        foreach (RunConfiguration *rc, target->runConfigurations()) {
            if (Qt4RunConfiguration *qt4rc = qobject_cast<Qt4RunConfiguration *>(rc)) {