** Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and Nokia.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
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** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
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#include <projectexplorer/environment.h>
#include <projectexplorer/toolchain.h>
#include <QtCore/QHash>
namespace Qt4ProjectManager {
class QtOptionsPage;
class Qt4ProjectManagerPlugin;
friend class Internal::QtOptionsPageWidget; //for changing name and path
friend class QtVersionManager;
QtVersion(const QString &name, const QString &path);
QtVersion(const QString &name, const QString &path, int id, bool isSystemVersion = false);
:m_name(QString::null), m_path(QString::null), m_id(-1)
{ }
bool isValid() const; //TOOD check that the dir exists and the name is non empty
bool isInstalled() const;
bool isSystemVersion() const { return m_isSystemVersion; }
QString name() const;
QString path() const;
QString sourcePath() const;
QString mkspec() const;
QString qtVersionString() const;
// Returns the PREFIX, BINPREFIX, DOCPREFIX and similar information
QHash<QString,QString> versionInfo() const;
ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::ToolChainType toolchainType() const;
QString mingwDirectory() const;
void setMingwDirectory(const QString &directory);
QString msvcVersion() const;
void addToEnvironment(ProjectExplorer::Environment &env);
bool hasDebuggingHelper() const;
QString debuggingHelperLibrary() const;
// Builds a debugging library
// returns the output of the commands
QString buildDebuggingHelperLibrary();
enum QmakeBuildConfig
NoBuild = 1,
DebugBuild = 2,
BuildAll = 8
QmakeBuildConfig defaultBuildConfig() const;
static int getUniqueId();
// Also used by QtOptionsPageWidget
void setName(const QString &name);
void setPath(const QString &path);
void updateSourcePath();
void updateVersionInfo() const;
void updateMkSpec() const;
QString m_name;
mutable bool m_versionInfoUpToDate;
mutable bool m_mkspecUpToDate;
QString m_path;
QString m_sourcePath;
mutable QString m_mkspec; // updated lazily
QString m_mingwDirectory;
QString m_msvcVersion;
mutable QHash<QString,QString> m_versionInfo; // updated lazily
int m_id;
bool m_isSystemVersion;
mutable bool m_notInstalled;
mutable bool m_defaultConfigIsDebug;
mutable bool m_defaultConfigIsDebugAndRelease;
mutable QString m_qmakeCommand;
// This is updated on first call to qmakeCommand
// That function is called from updateVersionInfo()
mutable QString m_qtVersionString;
bool m_hasDebuggingHelper;
class QtVersionManager : public QObject
friend class Internal::Qt4ProjectManagerPlugin;
// for getUniqueId();
friend class QtVersion;
friend class Internal::QtOptionsPage;
static QtVersionManager *instance();
QList<QtVersion *> versions() const;
QtVersion *version(int id) const;
QtVersion *currentQtVersion() const;
QtVersion *qtVersionForDirectory(const QString &directory);
// Used by the projectloadwizard
void addVersion(QtVersion *version);
// Static Methods
static QtVersion::QmakeBuildConfig scanMakefileForQmakeConfig(const QString &directory, QtVersion::QmakeBuildConfig defaultBuildConfig);
static QString findQtVersionFromMakefile(const QString &directory);
void defaultQtVersionChanged();
void qtVersionsChanged();
// Used by QtOptionsPage
void setNewQtVersions(QList<QtVersion *> newVersions, int newDefaultVersion);
// Used by QtVersion
int getUniqueId();
void writeVersionsIntoSettings();
void addNewVersionsFromInstaller();
void updateSystemVersion();
void updateDocumentation();
static int indexOfVersionInList(const QtVersion * const version, const QList<QtVersion *> &list);
void updateUniqueIdToIndexMap();
QtVersion *m_emptyVersion;
int m_defaultVersion;
QList<QtVersion *> m_versions;
QMap<int, int> m_uniqueIdToIndex;
int m_idcount;
// managed by QtProjectManagerPlugin
static QtVersionManager *m_self;
} // namespace Qt4ProjectManager