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cmakeprojectmanager.cpp 10.7 KiB
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** This file is part of Qt Creator
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** Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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** No Commercial Usage
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** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
** this package.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
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** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
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#include "cmakeprojectmanager.h"
#include "cmakeprojectconstants.h"
#include "cmakeproject.h"

#include <utils/synchronousprocess.h>
#include <utils/qtcprocess.h>
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#include <coreplugin/icore.h>
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#include <coreplugin/uniqueidmanager.h>
#include <projectexplorer/projectexplorerconstants.h>
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#include <qtconcurrent/QtConcurrentTools>
#include <QtCore/QtConcurrentRun>
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QSettings>
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#include <QtGui/QFormLayout>
#include <QtGui/QBoxLayout>
#include <QtGui/QDesktopServices>
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QtGui/QGroupBox>
#include <QtGui/QSpacerItem>
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using namespace CMakeProjectManager::Internal;

CMakeManager::CMakeManager(CMakeSettingsPage *cmakeSettingsPage)
    : m_settingsPage(cmakeSettingsPage)
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    m_projectContext = Core::Context(CMakeProjectManager::Constants::PROJECTCONTEXT);
    m_projectLanguage = Core::Context(ProjectExplorer::Constants::LANG_CXX);
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Core::Context CMakeManager::projectContext() const
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    return m_projectContext;

Core::Context CMakeManager::projectLanguage() const
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    return m_projectLanguage;

ProjectExplorer::Project *CMakeManager::openProject(const QString &fileName)
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    // TODO check whether this project is already opened
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    return new CMakeProject(this, fileName);

QString CMakeManager::mimeType() const
    return Constants::CMAKEMIMETYPE;
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QString CMakeManager::cmakeExecutable() const
    return m_settingsPage->cmakeExecutable();

bool CMakeManager::isCMakeExecutableValid() const
    return m_settingsPage->isCMakeExecutableValid();

void CMakeManager::setCMakeExecutable(const QString &executable)

bool CMakeManager::hasCodeBlocksMsvcGenerator() const
    return m_settingsPage->hasCodeBlocksMsvcGenerator();

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// TODO need to refactor this out
// we probably want the process instead of this function
// cmakeproject then could even run the cmake process in the background, adding the files afterwards
// sounds like a plan
void CMakeManager::createXmlFile(Utils::QtcProcess *proc, const QString &arguments,
                                 const QString &sourceDirectory, const QDir &buildDirectory,
                                 const Utils::Environment &env, const QString &generator)
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    // We create a cbp file, only if we didn't find a cbp file in the base directory
    // Yet that can still override cbp files in subdirectories
    // And we are creating tons of files in the source directories
    // All of that is not really nice.
    // The mid term plan is to move away from the CodeBlocks Generator and use our own
    // QtCreator generator, which actually can be very similar to the CodeBlock Generator

    // TODO we need to pass on the same paremeters as the cmakestep
    QString buildDirectoryPath = buildDirectory.absolutePath();
    const QString srcdir = buildDirectory.exists(QLatin1String("CMakeCache.txt")) ?
                QString(QLatin1Char('.')) : sourceDirectory;
    QString args;
    Utils::QtcProcess::addArg(&args, srcdir);
    Utils::QtcProcess::addArgs(&args, arguments);
    Utils::QtcProcess::addArg(&args, generator);
    proc->setCommand(cmakeExecutable(), args);
QString CMakeManager::findCbpFile(const QDir &directory)
    // Find the cbp file
    //   TODO the cbp file is named like the project() command in the CMakeList.txt file
    //   so this method below could find the wrong cbp file, if the user changes the project()
    //   2name
    foreach (const QString &cbpFile , directory.entryList()) {
        if (cbpFile.endsWith(QLatin1String(".cbp")))
            return directory.path() + QLatin1Char('/') + cbpFile;
    return QString();
// This code is duplicated from qtversionmanager
QString CMakeManager::qtVersionForQMake(const QString &qmakePath)
    QProcess qmake;
    qmake.start(qmakePath, QStringList(QLatin1String("--version")));
    if (!qmake.waitForStarted()) {
        qWarning("Cannot start '%s': %s", qPrintable(qmakePath), qPrintable(qmake.errorString()));
        return QString();
    if (!qmake.waitForFinished())      {
        qWarning("Timeout running '%s'.", qPrintable(qmakePath));
        return QString();
    QString output = qmake.readAllStandardOutput();
    QRegExp regexp(QLatin1String("(QMake version|Qmake version:)[\\s]*([\\d.]*)"));
    if (regexp.cap(2).startsWith(QLatin1String("2."))) {
        QRegExp regexp2(QLatin1String("Using Qt version[\\s]*([\\d\\.]*)"));
        return regexp2.cap(1);
    return QString();

    :  m_pathchooser(0), m_process(0)
    Core::ICore *core = Core::ICore::instance();
    QSettings * settings = core->settings();
    m_cmakeExecutable = settings->value(QLatin1String("cmakeExecutable")).toString();
    QFileInfo fi(m_cmakeExecutable);
    if (!fi.exists() || !fi.isExecutable())
        m_cmakeExecutable = findCmakeExecutable();
    if (fi.exists() && fi.isExecutable()) {
        // Run it to find out more
        m_state = RUNNING;
    } else {
        m_state = INVALID;
void CMakeSettingsPage::startProcess()
    m_process = new QProcess();
    connect(m_process, SIGNAL(finished(int)),
            this, SLOT(cmakeFinished()));
    m_process->start(m_cmakeExecutable, QStringList(QLatin1String("--help")));
void CMakeSettingsPage::cmakeFinished()
    if (m_process) {
        QString response = m_process->readAll();
        QRegExp versionRegexp(QLatin1String("^cmake version ([\\d\\.]*)"));
        //m_supportsQtCreator = response.contains(QLatin1String("QtCreator"));
        m_hasCodeBlocksMsvcGenerator = response.contains(QLatin1String("CodeBlocks - NMake Makefiles"));
        m_version = versionRegexp.cap(1);
        if (!(versionRegexp.capturedTexts().size() > 3))
            m_version += QLatin1Char('.') + versionRegexp.cap(3);
        if (m_version.isEmpty())
            m_state = INVALID;
            m_state = VALID;

        m_process = 0;
bool CMakeSettingsPage::isCMakeExecutableValid()
    if (m_state == RUNNING) {
        disconnect(m_process, SIGNAL(finished(int)),
                   this, SLOT(cmakeFinished()));
        // Parse the output now
    return m_state == VALID;
    if (m_process)
    delete m_process;

QString CMakeSettingsPage::findCmakeExecutable() const
    Utils::Environment env = Utils::Environment::systemEnvironment();
    return env.searchInPath(QLatin1String("cmake"));
    return QLatin1String("Z.CMake");
QString CMakeSettingsPage::displayName() const

QString CMakeSettingsPage::category() const
    return QLatin1String(ProjectExplorer::Constants::PROJECTEXPLORER_SETTINGS_CATEGORY);
QString CMakeSettingsPage::displayCategory() const
    return QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer",
QIcon CMakeSettingsPage::categoryIcon() const
    return QIcon(QLatin1String(ProjectExplorer::Constants::PROJECTEXPLORER_SETTINGS_CATEGORY_ICON));
QWidget *CMakeSettingsPage::createPage(QWidget *parent)
    QWidget *outerWidget = new QWidget(parent);
    QFormLayout *formLayout = new QFormLayout(outerWidget);
    m_pathchooser = new Utils::PathChooser;
    formLayout->addRow(tr("Executable:"), m_pathchooser);
    formLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding));
    return outerWidget;
void CMakeSettingsPage::updateInfo()
    QFileInfo fi(m_cmakeExecutable);
    if (fi.exists() && fi.isExecutable()) {
        // Run it to find out more
        m_state = RUNNING;
    } else {
        m_state = INVALID;

void CMakeSettingsPage::saveSettings() const
    QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings();
    settings->setValue(QLatin1String("cmakeExecutable"), m_cmakeExecutable);

void CMakeSettingsPage::apply()
    if (!m_pathchooser) // page was never shown
    if (m_cmakeExecutable == m_pathchooser->path())
    m_cmakeExecutable = m_pathchooser->path();

void CMakeSettingsPage::finish()


QString CMakeSettingsPage::cmakeExecutable() const
    return m_cmakeExecutable;
void CMakeSettingsPage::setCMakeExecutable(const QString &executable)
    if (m_cmakeExecutable == executable)
    m_cmakeExecutable = executable;
bool CMakeSettingsPage::hasCodeBlocksMsvcGenerator() const
    return m_hasCodeBlocksMsvcGenerator;