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#include "qmlprojectmanager_global.h"
#include <projectexplorer/runconfiguration.h>
#include <QWeakPointer>
#include <QComboBox>
namespace Core {
class IEditor;
namespace QmlProjectManager {
namespace Internal {
class QmlProjectTarget;
class QmlProjectRunConfigurationFactory;
const char * const CURRENT_FILE = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QmlManager", "<Current File>");
const char * const M_CURRENT_FILE = "CurrentFile";
class QMLPROJECTMANAGER_EXPORT QmlProjectRunConfigurationDebugData {
QString serverAddress;
quint16 serverPort;
class QMLPROJECTMANAGER_EXPORT QmlProjectRunConfiguration : public ProjectExplorer::RunConfiguration
friend class Internal::QmlProjectRunConfigurationFactory;
QmlProjectRunConfiguration(Internal::QmlProjectTarget *parent);
virtual ~QmlProjectRunConfiguration();
Internal::QmlProjectTarget *qmlTarget() const;
bool isEnabled(ProjectExplorer::BuildConfiguration *bc) const;
QString viewerPath() const;
QStringList viewerArguments() const;
QString workingDirectory() const;
uint debugServerPort() const;
// RunConfiguration
virtual QWidget *createConfigurationWidget();
public slots:
void changeCurrentFile(Core::IEditor*);
private slots:
QString mainScript() const;
void setMainScript(const QString &scriptFile);
void updateFileComboBox();
void onViewerChanged();
void onViewerArgsChanged();
QmlProjectRunConfiguration(Internal::QmlProjectTarget *parent, QmlProjectRunConfiguration *source);
virtual bool fromMap(const QVariantMap &map);
void setEnabled(bool value);
// absolute path to current file (if being used)
QString m_currentFileFilename;
// absolute path to selected main script (if being used)
QString m_mainScriptFilename;
QString m_scriptFile;
QString m_qmlViewerCustomPath;
QString m_qmlViewerDefaultPath;
QString m_qmlViewerArgs;
QmlProjectRunConfigurationDebugData m_debugData;
QStringListModel *m_fileListModel;
// weakpointer is used to make sure we don't try to manipulate
// widget which was deleted already, as can be the case here.
QWeakPointer<QComboBox> m_fileListCombo;
Internal::QmlProjectTarget *m_projectTarget;
bool m_usingCurrentFile;
bool m_isEnabled;
} // namespace QmlProjectManager