con authored
Otherwise "rebuilding" the debugging helper doesn't necessarily lead to Qt Creator picking up the new one (some of the locations can be read-only). Reviewed-by: dt
con authoredOtherwise "rebuilding" the debugging helper doesn't necessarily lead to Qt Creator picking up the new one (some of the locations can be read-only). Reviewed-by: dt
debugginghelper.cpp 11.13 KiB
** This file is part of Qt Creator
** Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
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** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
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#include "debugginghelper.h"
#include <coreplugin/icore.h>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QHash>
#include <QtCore/QProcess>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
#include <QtGui/QDesktopServices>
using namespace ProjectExplorer;
QString DebuggingHelperLibrary::findSystemQt(const Environment &env)
QStringList paths = env.path();
foreach (const QString &path, paths) {
foreach (const QString &possibleCommand, possibleQMakeCommands()) {
const QFileInfo qmake(path + QLatin1Char('/') + possibleCommand);
if (qmake.exists()) {
if (!qtVersionForQMake(qmake.absoluteFilePath()).isNull()) {
return qmake.absoluteFilePath();
return QString();
QStringList DebuggingHelperLibrary::debuggingHelperLibraryDirectories(const QString &qtInstallData)
const QChar slash = QLatin1Char('/');
const uint hash = qHash(qtInstallData);
QStringList directories;
<< (qtInstallData + QLatin1String("/qtc-debugging-helper/"))
<< QDir::cleanPath((QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/../qtc-debugging-helper/") + QString::number(hash))) + slash
<< (QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DataLocation) + QLatin1String("/qtc-debugging-helper/") + QString::number(hash)) + slash;
return directories;
QString DebuggingHelperLibrary::qtInstallDataDir(const QString &qmakePath)
QProcess proc;
proc.start(qmakePath, QStringList() << QLatin1String("-query") << QLatin1String("QT_INSTALL_DATA"));
if (proc.waitForFinished())
return QString(proc.readAll().trimmed());
return QString();
// Debugging Helper Library
static inline bool getHelperFileInfoFor(const QString &directory, QFileInfo* info)
if (!info)
return false;
info->setFile(directory + QLatin1String("debug/gdbmacros.dll"));
if (info->exists())
return true;
info->setFile(directory + QLatin1String("libgdbmacros.dylib"));
if (info->exists())
return true;
info->setFile(directory + QLatin1String("libgdbmacros.so"));
if (info->exists())
return true;
return false;
QStringList DebuggingHelperLibrary::debuggingHelperLibraryLocationsByInstallData(const QString &qtInstallData)
QStringList result;
QFileInfo fileInfo;
foreach(const QString &directory, debuggingHelperLibraryDirectories(qtInstallData)) {
if (getHelperFileInfoFor(directory, &fileInfo))
result << fileInfo.filePath();
return result;
QString DebuggingHelperLibrary::debuggingHelperLibraryByInstallData(const QString &qtInstallData)
if (!Core::ICore::instance())
return QString();
const QString dumperSourcePath = Core::ICore::instance()->resourcePath() + QLatin1String("/gdbmacros/");
QDateTime sourcesModified = QFileInfo(dumperSourcePath + "gdbmacros.cpp").lastModified();
// We pretend that the lastmodified of gdbmacros.cpp is 5 minutes before what the file system says
// Because afer a installation from the package the modified dates of gdbmacros.cpp
// and the actual library are close to each other, but not deterministic in one direction
sourcesModified = sourcesModified.addSecs(-300);
// look for the newest helper library in the different locations
QString newestHelper;
QDateTime newestHelperModified = sourcesModified; // prevent using one that's older than the sources
QFileInfo fileInfo;
foreach(const QString &directory, debuggingHelperLibraryDirectories(qtInstallData)) {
if (getHelperFileInfoFor(directory, &fileInfo)) {
if (fileInfo.lastModified() > newestHelperModified) {
newestHelper = fileInfo.filePath();
newestHelperModified = fileInfo.lastModified();
return newestHelper;
// Copy helper source files to a target directory, replacing older files.
static bool copyDebuggingHelperFiles(const QStringList &files,
const QString &targetDirectory,
QString *errorMessage)
const QString dumperSourcePath = Core::ICore::instance()->resourcePath() + QLatin1String("/gdbmacros/");
if (!QDir().mkpath(targetDirectory)) {
*errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "The target directory %1 could not be created.").arg(targetDirectory);
return false;
foreach (const QString &file, files) {
const QString source = dumperSourcePath + file;
const QString dest = targetDirectory + file;
const QFileInfo destInfo(dest);
if (destInfo.exists()) {
if (destInfo.lastModified() >= QFileInfo(source).lastModified())
if (!QFile::remove(dest)) {
*errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "The existing file %1 could not be removed.").arg(destInfo.absoluteFilePath());
return false;
if (!QFile::copy(source, dest)) {
*errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "The file %1 could not be copied to %2.").arg(source, dest);
return false;
return true;
QString DebuggingHelperLibrary::copyDebuggingHelperLibrary(const QString &qtInstallData,
QString *errorMessage)
// Locations to try:
// $QTDIR/qtc-debugging-helper
// $APPLICATION-DIR/qtc-debugging-helper/$hash
// $USERDIR/qtc-debugging-helper/$hash
const QStringList directories = DebuggingHelperLibrary::debuggingHelperLibraryDirectories(qtInstallData);
QStringList files;
files << QLatin1String("gdbmacros.cpp") << QLatin1String("gdbmacros_p.h") << QLatin1String("gdbmacros.h") << QLatin1String("gdbmacros.pro")
<< QLatin1String("LICENSE.LGPL") << QLatin1String("LGPL_EXCEPTION.TXT");
// Try to find a writeable directory.
foreach(const QString &directory, directories)
if (copyDebuggingHelperFiles(files, directory, errorMessage)) {
return directory;
*errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "The debugger helpers could not be built in any of the directories:\n- %1\n\nReason: %2")
.arg(directories.join(QLatin1String("\n- ")), *errorMessage);
return QString();
QString DebuggingHelperLibrary::buildDebuggingHelperLibrary(const QString &directory, const QString &makeCommand,
const QString &qmakeCommand, const QString &mkspec,
const Environment &env, const QString &targetMode)
QString output;
const QChar newline = QLatin1Char('\n');
// Setup process
QProcess proc;
output += QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "Building debugging helper library in %1\n").arg(directory);
output += newline;
const QString makeFullPath = env.searchInPath(makeCommand);
if (QFileInfo(directory + QLatin1String("/Makefile")).exists()) {
if (!makeFullPath.isEmpty()) {
const QString cleanTarget = QLatin1String("distclean");
output += QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "Running %1 %2...\n").arg(makeFullPath, cleanTarget);
proc.start(makeFullPath, QStringList(cleanTarget));
output += QString::fromLocal8Bit(proc.readAll());
} else {
output += QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "%1 not found in PATH\n").arg(makeCommand);
return output;
output += newline;
output += QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "Running %1 ...\n").arg(qmakeCommand);
QStringList makeArgs;
makeArgs << targetMode << QLatin1String("-spec") << (mkspec.isEmpty() ? QString(QLatin1String("default")) : mkspec) << QLatin1String("gdbmacros.pro");
proc.start(qmakeCommand, makeArgs);
output += proc.readAll();
output += newline;;
if (!makeFullPath.isEmpty()) {
output += QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "Running %1 ...\n").arg(makeFullPath);
proc.start(makeFullPath, QStringList());
output += proc.readAll();
} else {
output += QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "%1 not found in PATH\n").arg(makeCommand);
return output;
QString DebuggingHelperLibrary::qtVersionForQMake(const QString &qmakePath)
QProcess qmake;
qmake.start(qmakePath, QStringList(QLatin1String("--version")));
if (!qmake.waitForFinished())
return QString();
QString output = qmake.readAllStandardOutput();
QRegExp regexp(QLatin1String("(QMake version|QMake version:)[\\s]*([\\d.]*)"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (regexp.cap(2).startsWith(QLatin1String("2."))) {
QRegExp regexp2(QLatin1String("Using Qt version[\\s]*([\\d\\.]*)"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
return regexp2.cap(1);
return QString();
QStringList DebuggingHelperLibrary::possibleQMakeCommands()
// On windows no one has renamed qmake, right?
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
return QStringList(QLatin1String("qmake.exe"));
// On unix some distributions renamed qmake to avoid clashes
QStringList result;
result << QLatin1String("qmake-qt4") << QLatin1String("qmake4") << QLatin1String("qmake");
return result;