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  1. Aug 27, 2010
  2. Aug 24, 2010
  3. Aug 20, 2010
    • Friedemann Kleint's avatar
      Debugger: Refactor run control termination. · 6840c1d1
      Friedemann Kleint authored
      Fix breakage introduced by the new asynchronous stop() methods
      of the debugger run controls. Allow for RunControl::stop() to
      be asynchronous by introducing a return enumeration indicating
      that. Introduce additional method aboutToStop() asking user
      to quit (tie that to the RunControl instead of having to hack
      the behaviour elsewhere).
      If asynchronous stop is detected, terminate the ProjectExplorer
      This makes the behaviour consistent across switching sessions/
      closing outputwindow tabs and quitting Qt Creator.
      Reviewed-by: dt
      Rubber-stamped-by: hjk
  4. Jul 14, 2010
    • dt's avatar
      Refactor OutputFormatter · 7862e312
      dt authored
      Move link handling code to outputwindow from OutputFormatter
      Move createOutputFormatter to the RunConfiguration
      That makes it easier for Qt4RunConfiguration et all.
      This also fixes that each time a runcontrol was rerun a new
      OutputFormatter was created without deleting the old one, thus
      increasing the memory usage.
  5. May 03, 2010
    • dt's avatar
      Add a runMode method to the RunControl · f4ea0d79
      dt authored
      And use it to implement changing the run icon in the application output.
      That implementation does only support the two run modes run and debug
      for now. Further abstraction for more run modes to be done once needed.
      Task-Nr:   QTCREATORBUG-1232
  6. Apr 19, 2010
  7. Apr 16, 2010
  8. Mar 10, 2010
    • dt's avatar
      Use exact and aysnc .pro file evaluate · ab8fc52d
      dt authored
      This is a big change touching almost all of our .pro file parsing.
      With this patch we only evaluate once exact for all needs and once
      greedy for the filelist. That is the qt runconfigurations don't have own
      evaluaters but reuse the project wide exact evaluation.
      We reevaluate if the user changes the build directory, the qmake
      buildconfiguration or the qmake arguments. That is if you open
      (or of qt with a shadow build you still don't get all the
      files, but after correcting the build directory, we reevaluate the .pro
      files and find all files. So for a suitable definition of fixed, that
      bug is now fixed.
      We now get the exact defines of all .pro files instead of all defines for all
      buildconfigurations. We still don't distinguish in which
      .pro file a DEFINE is set. So the code model now knows about all the
      defines set for the given configuration but not for which files it is
      actually set. Also that includes all DEFINES set in .qmake.cache or the
      mkspecs. This means all defines from .pro files should now work.
      The intial loading is still synchronous. I haven't looked into it to
      deeply, but it seems possible to make it also async.There are probably a
      few issues which need to be solved fist.
      Also due to the asynchronous nature of the code, the executable is
      updated a few seconds after actually changing the build configuration
  9. Mar 05, 2010
  10. Feb 09, 2010
    • Tobias Hunger's avatar
      Integrate target support · d1bdfcc3
      Tobias Hunger authored
       * Ease cross device development by introducing 'targets' which
         group build- and runsettings that are valid for this one target
       Most of the kudos for the code review go to dt. Con, thorbjorn,
       ckandler and others did also review parts of this patch.
      Reviewed-by: dt
  11. Feb 01, 2010
  12. Jan 07, 2010
    • Tobias Hunger's avatar
      Make method naming more consistent. · a6ad7737
      Tobias Hunger authored
        * Use id() for methods returning a string used to represent
          some type of object.
        * Use displayName() for strings that are meant to be user
        * Quieten some warnings while touching the files anyway.
        * Move Factories to their products in the plugins where that
          was not done before.
      Reviewed-by: dt
  13. Dec 07, 2009
    • dt's avatar
      Rework connections on the project pane for Qt4Projects. · 1e46cb42
      dt authored
      Should fix a lot of corner cases, might introduce a few bugs.
      Also rename functions/slots to be better named.
      Generic Project Manager and CMake Project Manager are missing from this
  14. Nov 30, 2009
  15. Nov 19, 2009
  16. Oct 29, 2009
  17. Oct 21, 2009
    • Friedemann Kleint's avatar
      S60: Use a DetailsWidget for the run configuration widgets, add info · 20edb020
      Friedemann Kleint authored
      - Move the s60devicerunconfigurationwidget into a separate file,
        add an info button that connects to the device and displays
        CPU/Trk version for testing the connection.
      - give TrkLauncher a parent object and an acessor for the device
        description in formatted form.
      - Break deadlock when trying to terminate the Windows Trk writer
        thread with bytes pending by using a wait with timeout and
        termination flag.
  18. Sep 28, 2009
  19. Sep 25, 2009
    • Friedemann Kleint's avatar
      Rename IRunConfigurationRunner -> IRunControlFactory... · 978cf4bd
      Friedemann Kleint authored
      and ApplicationRunConfiguration to LocalApplicationRunConfiguration,
      preparing remote debugging. Change the interface canRun() to be const,
      run() to create() (since it does not run anything), use references
      to the QSharedPointer<Foo>. Introduce d-Pointer and remove
      unneeded headers from ProjectExplorerPlugin and add missing includes
  20. Aug 17, 2009
  21. Aug 14, 2009
  22. Jul 20, 2009
  23. Jun 24, 2009