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#include "qtoutputformatter.h"

#include <texteditor/basetexteditor.h>
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#include <qt4projectmanager/qt4project.h>
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#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
#include <QtGui/QPlainTextEdit>

using namespace ProjectExplorer;
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using namespace Qt4ProjectManager;
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QtOutputFormatter::QtOutputFormatter(Qt4Project *project)
    : OutputFormatter()
    , m_qmlError(QLatin1String("(file:///.+:\\d+:\\d+):"))
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    , m_qtError(QLatin1String("Object::.*in (.*:\\d+)"))
    , m_qtAssert(QLatin1String("^ASSERT: .* in file (.+, line \\d+)$"))
    , m_qtTestFail(QLatin1String("^   Loc: \\[(.*)\\]$"))
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    , m_project(project)
LinkResult QtOutputFormatter::matchLine(const QString &line) const
    LinkResult lr;
    lr.start = -1;
    lr.end = -1;
    if (m_qmlError.indexIn(line) != -1) {
        lr.href = m_qmlError.cap(1);
        lr.start = m_qmlError.pos(1);
        lr.end = lr.start + lr.href.length();
    } else if (m_qtError.indexIn(line) != -1) {
        lr.href = m_qtError.cap(1);
        lr.start = m_qtError.pos(1);
        lr.end = lr.start + lr.href.length();
    } else if (m_qtAssert.indexIn(line) != -1) {
        lr.href = m_qtAssert.cap(1);
        lr.start = m_qtAssert.pos(1);
        lr.end = lr.start + lr.href.length();
    } else if (m_qtTestFail.indexIn(line) != -1) {
        lr.href = m_qtTestFail.cap(1);
        lr.start = m_qtTestFail.pos(1);
        lr.end = lr.start + lr.href.length();
    return lr;

void QtOutputFormatter::appendApplicationOutput(const QString &txt, bool onStdErr)
    // Do the initialization lazily, as we don't have a plaintext edit
    // in the ctor
    if (!m_linkFormat.isValid()) {

    QTextCursor cursor(plainTextEdit()->document());

    QString text = txt;

    int start = 0;
    int pos = txt.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\n'));
    while (pos != -1) {
        // Line identified
        if (!m_lastLine.isEmpty()) {
            // Line continuation
            const QString newPart = txt.mid(start, pos - start + 1);
            const QString line = m_lastLine + newPart;
            LinkResult lr = matchLine(line);
            if (!lr.href.isEmpty()) {
                // Found something && line continuation
                cursor.insertText(deferedText, format(onStdErr ? StdErrFormat : StdOutFormat));
                appendLine(cursor, lr, line, onStdErr);
            } else {
                // Found nothing, just emit the new part
            // Handled line continuation
        } else {
            const QString line = txt.mid(start, pos - start + 1);
            LinkResult lr = matchLine(line);
            if (!lr.href.isEmpty()) {
                cursor.insertText(deferedText, format(onStdErr ? StdErrFormat : StdOutFormat));
                appendLine(cursor, lr, line, onStdErr);
        start = pos + 1;
        pos = txt.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\n'), start);

    // Handle left over stuff
    if (start < txt.length()) {
        if (!m_lastLine.isEmpty()) {
            // Line continuation
            const QString newPart = txt.mid(start);
            LinkResult lr = matchLine(m_lastLine);
            if (!lr.href.isEmpty()) {
                // Found something && line continuation
                cursor.insertText(deferedText, format(onStdErr ? StdErrFormat : StdOutFormat));
                appendLine(cursor, lr, m_lastLine, onStdErr);
            } else {
                // Found nothing, just emit the new part
        } else {
            m_lastLine = txt.mid(start);
            LinkResult lr = matchLine(m_lastLine);
            if (!lr.href.isEmpty()) {
                cursor.insertText(deferedText, format(onStdErr ? StdErrFormat : StdOutFormat));
                appendLine(cursor, lr, m_lastLine, onStdErr);
                deferedText += m_lastLine;
    cursor.insertText(deferedText, format(onStdErr ? StdErrFormat : StdOutFormat));
    // deferedText.clear();
void QtOutputFormatter::appendLine(QTextCursor &cursor, LinkResult lr, const QString &line, bool onStdErr)
    cursor.insertText(line.left(lr.start), format(onStdErr ? StdErrFormat : StdOutFormat));
    cursor.insertText(line.mid(lr.start, lr.end - lr.start), m_linkFormat);
    cursor.insertText(line.mid(lr.end), format(onStdErr ? StdErrFormat : StdOutFormat));
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void QtOutputFormatter::handleLink(const QString &href)
        const QRegExp qmlErrorLink(QLatin1String("^(file:///.+):(\\d+):(\\d+)"));

        if (qmlErrorLink.indexIn(href) != -1) {
            const QString fileName = QUrl(qmlErrorLink.cap(1)).toLocalFile();
            const int line = qmlErrorLink.cap(2).toInt();
            const int column = qmlErrorLink.cap(3).toInt();
            TextEditor::BaseTextEditor::openEditorAt(fileName, line, column - 1);
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        QString fileName;
        int line = -1;

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        QRegExp qtErrorLink(QLatin1String("^(.*):(\\d+)$"));
        if (qtErrorLink.indexIn(href) != -1) {
            fileName = qtErrorLink.cap(1);
            line = qtErrorLink.cap(2).toInt();

        QRegExp qtAssertLink(QLatin1String("^(.+), line (\\d+)$"));
        if (qtAssertLink.indexIn(href) != -1) {
            fileName = qtAssertLink.cap(1);
            line = qtAssertLink.cap(2).toInt();

        QRegExp qtTestFailLink(QLatin1String("^(.*)\\((\\d+)\\)$"));
        if (qtTestFailLink.indexIn(href) != -1) {
            fileName = qtTestFailLink.cap(1);
            line = qtTestFailLink.cap(2).toInt();

        if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
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            QFileInfo fi(fileName);
            if (fi.isRelative()) {
                // Yeah fileName is relative, no suprise
                Qt4Project *pro =;
                if (pro) {
                    QString baseName = fi.fileName();
                    foreach (const QString &file, pro->files(Project::AllFiles)) {
                        if (file.endsWith(baseName)) {
                            // pick the first one...
                            fileName = file;
            TextEditor::BaseTextEditor::openEditorAt(fileName, line, 0);