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// NOTE: the sections are not ordered by their logical order to avoid
// reshuffling the file each time the index order changes (i.e., often).
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Qt Creator provides a cross-platform, complete integrated development

Leena Miettinen
environment (IDE) for application developers to create applications for
multiple desktop and mobile device platforms. It is available for Linux,

Leena Miettinen
Mac OS X and Windows operating systems. For more information, see
\l{Operating Systems and Supported Platforms}.
\note Please report bugs and suggestions to the
You can also join the Qt Creator mailing list. To subscribe,
send a message with the word \e subscribe to
{}. For more information about Qt mailing
lists, visit \l{}{}.
\raw HTML
<img border="0" style="float:right;" src="images/qtcreator-screenshots.png" />

Leena Miettinen
\o \l{Getting Started}

Leena Miettinen
\o \l{Building and Running an Example Application}

Leena Miettinen
\o \l{Creating a Qt C++ Application}

Leena Miettinen
\o \l{Creating a Mobile Application with Nokia Qt SDK}

Leena Miettinen
\o \l{Creating a Qt Quick Application}

Leena Miettinen
\o \l{Managing Projects}
\o \l{Creating a Project}
\o \l{Setting Up a qmake Project}
\o \l{Setting Up a CMake Project}
\o \l{Setting Up a Generic Project}
\o \l{Setting Up Development Environment for Maemo}
\o \l{Setting Up Development Environment for Symbian}
\o \l{Using the Editor}
\o \l{Finding and Replacing}
\o \l{Refactoring}
\o \l{Searching With the Locator}
\o \l{Pasting and Fetching Code Snippets}
\o \l{Configuring the Editor}
\o \l{Using FakeVim Mode}
\o \l{Using an External Editor}
\o \l{Developing Application UI}
\o \l{Optimizing Applications for Mobile Devices}
\o \l{Adding Qt Designer Plugins}
\if defined(qtquick)
\o \l{Developing Qt Quick Applications}
\o \l {Creating Qt Quick Projects}
\o \l {Creating Components}
\o \l {Creating Screens}
\o \l {Animating Screens}
\o \l {Adding User Interaction Methods}
\o \l {Implementing Application Logic}

Leena Miettinen
\o \l{Building and Running Applications}
\o \l{Building for Multiple Targets}
\o \l{Specifying Build Settings}
\o \l{Specifying Run Settings}
\o \l{Specifying Editor Settings}
\o \l{Specifying Dependencies}

Leena Miettinen
\o \l{Debugging the Example Application}
\o \l{Interacting with the Debugger}
\o \l{Setting Up Debugger}
\o \l{Using Debugging Helpers}
\o \l{Tips and Tricks}
\o \l{Keyboard Shortcuts}
\o \l{Known Issues}
\o \l{Glossary}
\o \l{Acknowledgements}
\page creator-overview.html
\nextpage creator-os-supported-platforms.html
\title Introducing Qt Creator
Qt Creator is an integrated development environment (IDE) that provides you with
tools to design and develop complex applications for multiple desktop and mobile

Leena Miettinen

Leena Miettinen
\image qtcreator-overview.png "Qt Creator overview"

Leena Miettinen

Leena Miettinen
One of the major advantages of Qt Creator is that it allows a team of developers
to share a project across different development platforms with a common tool
for development and debugging.
But why do you need projects? To be able to build and run applications,
Qt Creator needs the same information as a compiler would need. This information
is specified in the project build and run settings.

Leena Miettinen

Leena Miettinen
Creating a project allows you to:

Leena Miettinen

Leena Miettinen

Leena Miettinen

Leena Miettinen
\o Group files together

Leena Miettinen

Leena Miettinen
\o Add custom build steps
\o Include forms and resource files
\o Specify settings for running applications
You can either create a project from scratch or import an existing
project. Qt Creator generates all the necessary files, depending on the type of
project you create. For example, if you choose to create a graphical user
interface (GUI) application, Qt Creator generates an empty .ui file
that you can modify with the integrated \QD.
Qt Creator is integrated with cross-platform systems for build automation: qmake and
CMake. In addition, you can import generic projects that do not use qmake or CMake,
and specify that Qt Creator ignores your build system.

Leena Miettinen
\section1 Editors
Qt Creator comes with a code editor and an integrated \QD for designing and building
graphical user interfaces (GUIs) from Qt widgets.
\section2 Code Editor

Leena Miettinen
As an IDE, Qt Creator differs from a text editor in that it knows how to build and run
applications. It understands the C++ and QML languages as code, not just as plain text. This allows
it to:
\o Enable you to write well formatted code
\o Anticipate what you are going to write and complete the code
\o Display inline error and warning messages
\o Enable you to semantically navigate to classes, functions, and symbols
\o Provide you with context-sensitive help on classes, functions, and symbols
\o Rename symbols in an intelligent way, so that other symbols with the same name

Leena Miettinen
that belong to other scopes are not renamed

Leena Miettinen
\o Show you the locations in code where a function is declared or called

Leena Miettinen
You can use \QD to compose and customize widgets or dialogs and test
them using different styles and resolutions. Widgets and forms created with \QD are
integrated seamlessly with programmed code,
using the Qt signals and slots mechanism, that lets you easily assign behavior to
graphical elements. All properties set in \QD can be changed dynamically within the code.
Furthermore, features like widget promotion and custom plugins allow you to use your
own widgets with \QD.

Leena Miettinen
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