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// NOTE: the sections are not ordered by their logical order to avoid
// reshuffling the file each time the index order changes (i.e., often).
// Run the script to adjust the links to the index order.
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\nextpage creator-quick-tour.html
The goal of Qt Creator is to provide a cross-platform, complete Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) to develop Qt projects. It is available for
the Linux, Mac OS X and Windows platforms.
\note Please report bugs and suggestions to the
You can also join the Qt Creator mailing list. To subscribe,
send a message with the word \e subscribe to
{}. For more information on Qt mailing
lists, visit \l{}{}.
\raw HTML
<img border="0" style="float:right;" src="images/qtcreator-screenshots.png" />

Kavindra Palaraja
\o \l{A Quick Tour of Qt Creator}
\o \l{Creating a Project in Qt Creator}
\o \l{Writing a Simple Program with Qt Creator}
\o \l{The Code Editor}
\o \l{Navigating Around Your Code with Locator}

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\o \l{Session Management in Qt Creator}

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\o \l{CMake Support in Qt Creator}
\o \l{Support for Generic Projects in Qt Creator}
\o \l{Development of Qt for Symbian Based Applications}
\o \l{Qt Creator and Debugging}
\o \l{Qt Creator and Version Control Systems}

Kavindra Palaraja
\o \l{Tips and Tricks}
\o \l{Keyboard Shortcuts}
\o \l{Glossary}
\o \l{Supported Platforms}

Kavindra Palaraja
\o \l{Acknowledgements}

Kavindra Palaraja
\title A Quick Tour of Qt Creator
The labeled screenshot below shows some of the components of Qt Creator, in
\gui Edit mode.
When working in Qt Creator, you can be in one of six modes: \bold Welcome,
\bold Edit, \bold Debug, \bold Projects, \bold Help, and \bold Output.
Mode selectors allow you to quickly switch between tasks: editing, browsing
the Qt Creator manual, setting up the build environment, etc. You can
activate a mode by either clicking on its mode selector, or using the
\l{keyboard-shortcuts}{corresponding keyboard shortcut}. Certain actions also
trigger a mode change, e.g., \gui{Debug}/\gui{Start debugging} switches
\o \gui{Welcome mode} - Displays a welcome screen allowing you to quickly
load sessions or recent individual projects. This is the mode displayed
when Qt Creator is run without command line switches.
\o \gui{Edit mode} - Lets you edit both project and source files. A sidebar
on the left provides different views for navigating between files.
\o \gui{Debug mode} - Provides various ways to inspect the state of the
program while debugging. See \l{Qt Creator and Debugging} for a hands-on
description of how to use this mode.
\o \gui{Projects mode} - Lets you configure how projects can be built and

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
executed. Under the list of projects, there are tabs to configure the
build, run, and editor settings.
\o \gui{Help mode} - Shows all documentation registered by Qt Assistant,
\o \gui{Output mode} - Lets you examine various data in detail, for example
build issues as well as compile and application output. This information
is also available in the output panes.
The task pane in Qt Creator can display one of four different panes:
\gui{Build Issues}, \gui{Search Results}, \gui{Application Output}, and
\gui{Compile Output}. These panes are available in all modes.

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\section2 Build Issues
The \gui{Build Issues} pane provides a list of issues, e.g., error messages
or warnings that need to be fixed. It filters out irrelevant output from
the compiler and presents the issues in an organized way.
\image qtcreator-build-issues.png

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
The \gui{Search Results} pane displays the results for global searches such
as searching within a current document, files on disk, or all projects. In
the screenshot below, we searched for all occurrences of \c{textfinder}
within the \c{"/TextFinder"} folder.

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
The \gui{Application Output} pane displays the status of a program when
it is executed, and the debug output, e.g., output from qDebug().

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
The \gui{Compile Output} pane provides all output from the compiler. In
other words, it is a more detailed version of information displayed in the
\gui{Build Issues}
\section1 Qt Help Integration
Qt Creator comes fully integrated with all of Qt's documentation and
examples via the Qt Help plugin. To view the documentation, switch
to the \gui{Help} mode. To obtain context sensitive help, move the text
cursor to a Qt class or function and press \key{F1}. The documentation
is displayed in a pane on the right, as shown in the screenshot
below. If there is enough vertical space, it is shown in the
fullscreen help mode.
External documentation provided by the user can be used to augment or
replace the documentation shipped with Qt Creator and Qt.
\section1 Qt Designer Integration
Qt Creator is fully integrated with Qt Designer to help you design user
interface forms like you would with the standalone version. The Qt
Designer integration also includes project management and code completion.
\l{}{The Designer Manual}.
\image qtcreator-formedit.png
\section1 Keyboard Navigation

Kavindra Devi Palaraja

Kavindra Palaraja
Qt Creator caters not only to developers who are used to using the mouse,
but also to developers who are more comfortable with the keyboard. A wide
range of \l{keyboard-shortcuts}{keyboard} and
\l{Navigating Around Your Code with Locator}{navigation} shortcuts

Kavindra Palaraja
are available to help speed up the process of developing your application.

Kavindra Palaraja
\page creator-code-editor.html

Kavindra Palaraja
\title The Code Editor
Qt Creator's code editor is designed to aid the developer in creating, editing,
and navigating code. It is fully equipped with syntax highlighting, code
completion, context sensitive help, and inline error indicators
while you are typing.
\section1 Code Editor Configuration
The screenshots below show the various dialogs within
which you can configure your editor.

Kavindra Palaraja
\i \inlineimage qtcreator-texteditor-fonts.png
\i \inlineimage qtcreator-texteditor-behavior.png
\i \inlineimage qtcreator-texteditor-display.png

Kavindra Palaraja
\section1 Code Completion
The completion popup shows possible completions to a certain statement.
These completions include classes, namespaces, functions, variables,
macros and keywords. Listed below are the icons used in the completion box
and their meaning.
\i \inlineimage completion/class.png
\i A class
\i \inlineimage completion/enum.png
\i An enum
\i \inlineimage completion/enumerator.png
\i An enumerator (value of an enum)
\i \inlineimage completion/func.png
\i A function
\i \inlineimage completion/func_priv.png
\i A private function
\i \inlineimage completion/func_prot.png
\i A protected function
\i \inlineimage completion/var.png
\i A variable
\i \inlineimage completion/var_priv.png
\i A private variable
\i \inlineimage completion/var_prot.png
\i A protected variable
\i \inlineimage completion/signal.png
\i A signal
\i \inlineimage completion/slot.png
\i A slot
\i \inlineimage completion/slot_priv.png
\i A private slot
\i \inlineimage completion/slot_prot.png
\i A protected slot
\i \inlineimage completion/keyword.png
\i A keyword
\i \inlineimage completion/macro.png
\i A macro
\i \inlineimage completion/namespace.png
\i A namespace
\section1 External Editor
To switch to an external editor, select \gui{Open in external editor} from the
\gui{Edit > Advanced} menu.

Kavindra Palaraja
\page creator-project-pane.html

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\i \note This page describes Qt Creator's support for \c qmake.
For information on CMake support, see
\l{CMake Support in Qt Creator}.
To modify the project settings of your project, switch to the \gui{Projects}
\image qtcreator-projectpane.png
The project pane is divided into two areas. The currently active settings are
displayed at the top. The active build and run configuration for all projects
can be changed there. The bottom area allows you to quickly get an overview
of the build, run and editor settings as well as the dependencies between your
projects. It also allows you to edit those settings.
Build configurations allow you to quickly switch between different build
settings. By default, Qt Creator creates a \bold{debug} and a
\bold{release} build configuration. Both of these configurations use the
\l{glossary-default-qt}{default Qt version}. Action items to create, clone,
or delete build configurations can be found at the top. You can have as
many build configurations as necessary. To edit settings, click on the
\gui{Show Details} button. Here you can specify which
\l{glossary-project-qt}{Qt version} to use to build your project, or whether

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
to \l{glossary-shadow-build}{shadow build} the project, for instance.
\image qtcreator-ppbuildsettings.png
The build system of Qt Creator is built on top of \c qmake and \c make. The
settings for \c qmake and \c make can be changed. Qt Creator runs the
make command using the correct Qt version.
In the \bold{Build Environment} section you can specify the environment used
for building. By default, the environment in which Qt Creator was started
is used and modified to include the Qt version. Depending on the selected
Qt version, Qt Creator automatically sets the necessary environment
\image qtcreator-pprunsettings.png
Qt Creator automatically creates run configurations for your project.
These run configurations derive their executable
from the parsed .pro files. You can also create \bold{custom executable}
run configurations where you can freely set the executable to be run.
\section1 Dependencies
If you have multiple projects loaded in your session, you can configure
dependencies between them. This affects the build order of your
projects. To do this:
\list 1
\o Select the project for which you want to configure the dependencies.
\o Go to the \bold{Dependencies} section.
\o Check the checkboxes to select other projects as dependencies.
\note This is unrelated to the dependencies inside a qmake project.

Kavindra Palaraja

Kavindra Devi Palaraja

Kavindra Palaraja
\contentspage index.html

Kavindra Palaraja
\page creator-version-management.html

Kavindra Palaraja
\title Qt Version Management
Qt Creator allows you to use multiple versions of Qt installed on your hard
disk and switch between them easily.
Qt Creator automatically detects if \c qmake is in the environment variable
\c PATH. This \l{glossary-system-qt}{version of Qt} is referred to as
\bold{Qt in PATH}. If you use only one version of Qt and it is
already in your path and correctly set up for command line usage, you do
not need to manually configure your Qt version.
Otherwise, you can add your Qt version in
\gui{Tools > Options... > Qt Versions} on Windows and Linux or
in \gui{Qt Creator > Preferences... > Qt Versions} on Mac OS X.
The detailed settings depend on your operating system and on the targeted
tool chain.
\i \image qtcreator-qt4-qtversions.png
On Linux and Mac OS X, set the \gui{path to qmake}
to the \c qmake binary of the Qt installation. If a Qt is
On both platforms, the platform's GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
is used to compile Qt. On Mac OS, the GCC compiler is part of XCode.
On Linux, the Intel Compiler (ICC) is supported as a drop-in replacement
for GCC.
\i \image qtcreator-qt4-qtversions-win-mingw.png
If you are on the Windows platform and used MinGW
to compile Qt, you need to tell Qt Creator
where MinGW is installed. This is done by setting the
\gui{MinGW directory}.
\i \image qtcreator-qt4-qtversions-win-msvc.png
If your Qt version is compiled with Microsoft Visual C++'s
environment variables for compilation. The \gui{MSVC}
drop-down box indicates the internal version number of the
installed Microsoft Visual C++ tool chains:
\o \bold{7.1}: Visual Studio 2003
\o \bold{8.0}: Visual Studio 2005
\o \bold{9.0}: Visual Studio 2008
If you are using the \c{Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008}
instead of Visual Studio, it identifies as version 9.0.
\i \image qtcreator-qt4-qtversions-win-symbian.png
If you are using Qt for Symbian and your S60 SDK is registered
with \c devices.exe, Qt Creator detects the Qt version
It is shown in the \bold{Auto-detected} section in the options
You can also manually add Qt for Symbian versions. In this case
you need to tell Qt Creator the path to the S60 SDK
it is supposed to use with these Qt installations.
Add the path to your Carbide C++ install, version 2.0
or later, if you want to build for the emulator
(\c WINSCW tool chain).
If you want to use \c GCCE to build for your device,
you might need to add the path to the
\c{CSL ARM Toolchain} directory (\gui{CSL/GCCE Directory}),
if the compiler is not found in the \c PATH environment
\l{glossary-default-qt}{default Qt version}. You can override this in the
\page creator-creating-project.html
\nextpage creator-writing-program.html
\title Creating a Project in Qt Creator

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\i \inlineimage qtcreator-new-project.png
To create a new project, select \gui{New Project} from the \gui{File} menu.
You can create one of the following three projects:

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\o Qt4 Console Application
\o Qt4 Gui Application
\o C++ Library
In this example, we select a \e{Qt4 Gui Application} and click on \gui{OK}.

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\i \inlineimage qtcreator-intro-and-location.png
Next, we set the project's name and its path. Click on the \gui{Choose...}
button to browse and select your path.
Ideally, the path should not contain spaces or special characters.

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\i \inlineimage qtcreator-select-modules.png
Check the check box for each Qt module you want to include into
Since we started a Qt4 Gui Application, the QtCore and QtGui modules are
set by default, but you are free to add more.

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\i \inlineimage qtcreator-class-info.png
Specify the name of the class you want to create. The
\e{Header file}, \e{Source file} and \e{Form file} fields update
automatically according to the class name you choose.
Remember to select the base class for your class, either a
QWidget, QDialog or QMainWindow, from the drop-down list.

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\i \inlineimage qtcreator-new-project-summary.png
Finally, review the files that will be created for you. To generate your project,
click on \gui{Done}.

Kavindra Devi Palaraja

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\contentspage index.html
\previouspage creator-creating-project.html
\page creator-writing-program.html
\title Writing a Simple Program with Qt Creator
\o \note This tutorial assumes that the user has experience in writing
In this example, we describe the steps involved in using Qt Creator
to create a small Qt program, Text Finder. Inspired by the QtUiTools'
\l{}{Text Finder}
example, we write a similar but simplified version of it, as shown
\image qtcreator-textfinder-screenshot.png
\section1 Setting Up Your Environment
Once you have installed Qt Creator, it detects automatically if Qt's
location is in your \c PATH variable. If not, please follow the
instructions in \l{Qt Version Management}.
We begin with a Qt4 Gui Application project generated by Qt Creator. The
\l{Creating a Project in Qt Creator} document describes this process in

Kavindra Palaraja
detail. Remember to select QWidget as the Text Finder's base class. If
your project is not yet loaded, load it by selecting \gui{File} > \gui{Open}.
\o \c{textfinder.h}
\o \c{textfinder.cpp}
\o \c{main.cpp}
\o \c{textfinder.ui}
\o \c{}

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
The \c{.h} and \c{.cpp} files come with the necessary boiler plate code.
The \c{.pro} file is also complete.
We begin by designing the user interface and then move on to filling
in the missing code. Finally, we add the find functionality.
\c{textfinder.ui} file in the \gui{Project Explorer}. This launches the
Design the form below with:
\o \l{}{QLabel}
\o \l{}{QLineEdit} (named lineEdit)
\o \l{}{QPushButton} (named findButton)
\o \l{}{QTextEdit} (named textEdit)
We recommend that you use a \l{}{QGridLayout}
to lay out the label, the line edit and the push button.
The grid layout and the text edit can then be added to a
If you are new to designing forms with \QD, see the
\l{}{Qt Designer Manual}.
The \c{textfinder.h} file already has the necessary #includes, a
constructor, a destructor, and the \c{Ui} object. We need to add a private
slot, \c{on_findButton_clicked()}, to carry out our find operation. We
also need a private function, \c{loadTextFile()}, to read and display the
contents of our input text file in the
\l{}{QTextEdit}. This is done with
the following code:

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.h 0
\note The \c{Ui::TextFinder} object is already provided.
\section2 The Source File
Now that our header file is complete we move on to our source file,
\c{textfinder.cpp}. We begin by filling in the functionality to load a
text file. This is described in the code snippet below:

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.cpp 0
Basically, we load a text file using
\l{}{QFile}, read it with
\l{}{QTextStream}, and
then display it on \c{textEdit} with
which requires adding the following additional #includes to textfinder.cpp:

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.cpp 1
For the \c{on_findButton_clicked()} slot, we extract the search string and
use the \l{}{find()} function
to look for the search string within the text file. This is described in
the code snippet below:

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.cpp 2
Once we have both of these functions complete, we call \c{loadTextFile()} in

Kavindra Devi Palaraja
\snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.cpp 3
The \c{on_findButton_clicked()} slot is called automatically in
the uic generated \c{ui_textfinder.h} file by this line of code:
We require a resource file (\c{.qrc}) within which we embed the input
text file. This can be any \c{.txt} file with a paragraph of text.
To add a resource file:
\list 1
\o Right-click on \gui{Resource Files} in the \gui{Project Explorer}.
\o Select \gui{Add New File...}.
The wizard dialog below is displayed.
\list 3
\o Enter "textfinder" in the \gui{Name} field. Use the given \gui{Path}.
\o Click on \gui{Continue}.
This page is displayed:
\image qtcreator-add-resource-wizard2.png
\list 5
\o Choose to which project you want to add the new file. Select "TextFinder"
as the \gui{Project}.
\o Make sure that \gui{Add to Project} is checked.
\o Click on \gui{Done}.
Your resource file is now displayed in the resource editor.
\list 8
\o Select \gui{Add} > \gui{Add Prefix} from the drop-down list. The prefix we
require is a slash (\c{/}).
\o Select \gui{Add} > \gui{Add File} from the drop-down list.
\o Locate the text file you are going to use. We use \c{input.txt}.
Once the resource file has been successfully added, the following is displayed:
Now that you have all the necessary files, click the \inlineimage qtcreator-run.png
button to compile your program.

Kavindra Devi Palaraja

Kavindra Palaraja
\page creator-version-control.html

Kavindra Palaraja
\title Qt Creator and Version Control Systems
\caption Version control systems supported by Qt Creator
\i \bold{git}
\i \l{}

Kavindra Palaraja
\i \bold{Subversion}
\i \l{}

Kavindra Palaraja
\i \bold{Perforce}
\i \l{}
\i \bold{CVS}
\i \l{}

Kavindra Palaraja

Kavindra Palaraja
Qt Creator uses the version control system's command line clients to
access your repositories. To set it up, you must ensure that these command
line clients can be located via the \c{PATH} environment variable.
To specify the path to the command line client's executable, go to the settings
pages in \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...}.
\section1 Setting Up Common Options
The \gui{Version Control > Common} settings page features common settings for
version control systems, such as commit message line wrapping and checking
\gui{Submit message checking script} is a script or program that can be
used to perform checks on the submit message before submitting. The submit
message is passed in as the script's first parameter. If there is an error,
the script should output a message on standard error and return a non-zero
exit code.
\gui{User/alias configuration file} takes a file in mailmap format that
lists user names and aliases. For example:
Jon Doe <>
Hans Mustermann <> hm <>
Notice that the second line specifies the alias \e{hm} and the
corresponding email address for \e{Hans Mustermann}. If the user/alias
configuration file is present, the submit editor displays a context
menu with \gui{Insert name...} that pops up a dialog letting the user
select a name.
\gui{User field configuration file} is a simple text file consisting of
lines specifying submit message fields that take user names, for example:

Kavindra Palaraja
These fields appear below the submit message. They provide completion
for the aliases/public user names specified in the
\e{User/alias configuration file} as well as a button that opens the
aforementioned user name dialog.

Kavindra Palaraja
The version control sub-menus are in \gui{Tools} menu. The version control system
managing the current project is displayed here.
Each version control system adds a pane to the \gui{Application Output}
panes within which itlogs the commands it executes, prepended by a
timestamp and the relevant output.
\image qtcreator-vcs-pane.png
\section2 Addings Files
When you create a new file or a new project, the wizard displays a page
asking whether the files should be added to a version control system.
This happens when the parent directory or the project is already
under version control and the system supports the concept of adding files,
e.g., \bold{Perforce} and \bold{Subversion}. Alternatively, you can
add files later by using the version control tool menus.
With \bold{git}, there is no concept of adding files. Instead, all modified
files must be \e{staged} for a commit.
\section2 Viewing Diff Output
All version control systems provide menu options to \e{diff} the current
file or project: to compare it with the latest version stored in the
repository and to display the differences. In Qt Creator, a diff is
displayed in a read-only editor. If the file is accessible, you can
double-click on a selected diff chunk and Qt Creator opens an editor
displaying the file, scrolled to the line in question.
\image qtcreator-vcs-diff.png
\section2 Annotating Files
Annotation views are obtained by selecting \gui{Annotate} or \gui{Blame}.
This displays the lines of the file prepended by the change identifier
they originate from. Clicking on the change identifier shows a detailed
description of the file.
\section2 Committing Changes
Once you have finished making changes, you can submit them to the version
control system by choosing \gui{Commit} or \gui{Submit}. Qt Creator
displays a commit page containing a text editor, where you can enter your
commit message, and a checkable list of modified files to be included.
When you are done, click on \gui{Commit} to start committing. In addition,
there is a \gui{Diff Selected Files} button that brings up a diff view of the
files selected in the file list. Since the commit page is just another
editor, you can go back to it by closing the diff view. Alternatively, you
can view it from the editor combo box showing the \gui{Opened files}.
\image qtcreator-vcs-commit.png
\section2 Viewing Versioning History and Change Details
The versioning history of a file is displayed by selecting
\gui{Log} (for \bold{git}) or \gui{Filelog} (for \bold{Perforce} and
\bold{Subversion}). Typically, the log output contains the
date, the commit message, and a change or revision identifier.
Click on the identifier to display a description of the change including the diff.
\image qtcreator-vcs-log.png
\image qtcreator-vcs-describe.png
\section2 Using git-specific Menu Entries
The git sub-menu contains additional entries:
\i \gui{Stash}
\i Stash local changes prior to executing a \bold{pull}.
\i \gui{Pull}
\i Pull changes from the remote repository. If there are locally
modified files, you are prompted to stash those changes.
\i \gui{Branches...}
\i Displays the branch dialog showing the local branches at the
top and remote branches at the bottom. To switch to the local
branch, double-click on it. Double-clicking on a remote
branch first creates a local branch with the same name that
tracks the remote branch, and then switches to it.
\image qtcreator-vcs-gitbranch.png
\contentspage index.html
\page creator-navigation.html
With Qt Creator, navigating to different locations in your project or on
your disk, e.g., files, classes, methods, etc., is simple using
\gui Locator -- a smart line edit at the bottom left in Qt Creator
\image qtcreator-locator.png
For example, to open your project's \c{main.cpp} file:
\list 1
\o Click on \gui Locator or press \key{Ctrl+K} (Mac OS X: \key{Cmd+K}).
\o Type in the file name.
\o Press \key Return.
The file opens in the editor.
You can also type part of a file name and use the wildcard characters
\c{*} and \c{?} to match \e{any} number of \e{any} characters. A list
\gui Locator allows you to navigate files both on disk and in other
"locations", which are organized with \bold{Filters}. There are
filters for:
\o Files anywhere on your hard disk (browsing through the file system)
\o Files from a subdirectory structure defined by you
\o Files mentioned in your \c{.pro} files, such as source, header
resource, and \c{.ui} files
\o Any open document
\o Class and method definitions in your project or anywhere referenced
from your project
\o Help topics, including Qt's documentation
\o Specific line in the document displayed on your editor
Some of these filters require you to activate them by typing an assigned
\e prefix. This prefix is usually a single character followed by
\key{Space}. For example, to jump to the definition of the class
\l{}{QDataStream}, activate
\gui Locator. Then type a colon (\key{:}) followed by a \key{Space} and
the class name.
Below is a full list of \l{}
{QDataStream} related output:
\image qtcreator-navigate-popup.png
Filters can be added to provide quick navigation around files in a
subdirectory structure defined by you. This way, you can acccess files you
need that are not directly mentioned in your project.
\list 1
\o Click the button \image qtcreator-locator-magnify.png
\o Select \gui{Configure...} from the menu displayed:
\image qtcreator-locator-customize.png
\o To create a new filter, select \gui Add from the \gui Configure...
dialog (\gui Options on Mac Os X).
\o In the \gui{Filter Configuration} dialog below:
\o Give your filter a name.
\o Select your preferred directories.
\o Set file patterns with a comma separated list.
\o Specify a prefix string.
\image qtcreator-navigate-customfilter.png
\o Close the dialog.
\gui Locator searches the directories you selected for files matching
your file patterns. Information is cached. To update the cached information:
\list 1
\o Click the button \image qtcreator-locator-magnify.png again.
\o Select \gui Refresh.
\o Function
\o Key Combination
\o Screenshot
\o Ctrl+K, l, Space, and the line number
\o \image qtcreator-locator-line.png
\o Ctrl+K, :, Space, and the function name
\o \image qtcreator-locator-symbols.png
\o Ctrl+K, ?, Space, and the topic name
\o \image qtcreator-locator-help.png
\o Go to an opened document.
\o Ctrl+K, o, Space, and the document name
\o \image qtcreator-locator-opendocs.png
\o Go to a file in the file system (browse the file system).
\o Ctrl+K, f, Space, and the file name
\o \image qtcreator-locator-filesystem.png
\o Ctrl+K, a, Space, and the file name
\o \image qtcreator-locator-files.png
\o Ctrl+K, p, Space, and the file name
\o \image qtcreator-locator-current-project.png
\o Go to a class definition.
\o Ctrl+K, c, Space, and the class name
\o \image qtcreator-locator-classes.png
\o Ctrl+K, m, Space, and the method name
\o \image qtcreator-locator-methods.png
\note By default, if you press \key{Ctrl+K} and do not use a prefix to
specify a filter, three filters are enabled: \c{o}, \c{l}, and \c{a}.