- Sep 21, 2010
Christian Kamm authored
Introduced new Creator-specific qmake variable QML_IMPORT_PATH that lists the import paths required by the QmlJS engine. Done-with: Alessandro Portale
- Aug 26, 2010
Jarek Kobus authored
dt <qtc-committer@nokia.com>
- Aug 25, 2010
dt authored
That is tell the user that those files need not be added to any project, and show "<Implicitly Add>" for them on the last wizard page. This fixes Add/New for the QML/OTHER_FILES folder structure, except for the virtual folder itself. Reviewed-By:
Jarek Kobus <jaroslaw.kobus@nokia.com>
- Aug 16, 2010
Jarek Kobus authored
dt <qtc-committer@nokia.com> Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-125
- Aug 11, 2010
dt authored
Use the full path for folders to sort in the project tree. For virtual folders ensure that the path ensures the sorting we want. Reviewed-By: kkoehne
- Jul 07, 2010
ck authored
Reviewed-by: dt
- Jun 08, 2010
Jarek Kobus authored
Extract qrc paths from ui file by simple xml parsing. Reviewed-by:
dt <qtc-committer@nokia.com> Reviewed-by:
Friedemann Kleint <qtc-committer@nokia.com> Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-42
- May 12, 2010
dt authored
Reviewed-By: con Reviewed-By: Friedemann Kleint We now support renaming files. The version control system tries first to rename, if that doesn't support or can't rename the file we do a normal rename. (Note: git, hg, perforce > 2009.02 support renaming, cvs not. (perforce untested)). We correctly notify all editors of the renamed file and tell the project manager to rename the file in the project. Note: Only the qt4projectmanager knows how to rename files. Note: renaming folders, moving files to different folders, renaming .pro/.pri files is not supported. Those things can be later added after this has proven to work correctly in the simple case. Also we don't do any actions based on the renaming like renaming classes, changing include guards or #include lines.
- May 07, 2010
con authored
Symbian mkspec puts the package file into the build directory, not the destination directory.
- Apr 13, 2010
dt authored
The UI_DIR and MOC_DIR weren't added to the includepath for new projects, since at the time of parsing the directories don't exist yet. We now always add UI_DIR and MOC_DIR to the include path, without caring whether they exist. Task-Nr: QTCREATORBUG-1064 Reviewed-By: ossi
- Mar 29, 2010
dt authored
On windows when linking to a library via -L/some/path, the library is found in /some/path while linking. But running that app fails, since it can't find the library. We now adjust PATH to include all paths from LIBS and thus the library is found.
- Mar 22, 2010
con authored
Reviewed-by: dt
- Mar 10, 2010
dt authored
This is a big change touching almost all of our .pro file parsing. With this patch we only evaluate once exact for all needs and once greedy for the filelist. That is the qt runconfigurations don't have own evaluaters but reuse the project wide exact evaluation. We reevaluate if the user changes the build directory, the qmake buildconfiguration or the qmake arguments. That is if you open src.pro (or projects.pro) of qt with a shadow build you still don't get all the files, but after correcting the build directory, we reevaluate the .pro files and find all files. So for a suitable definition of fixed, that bug is now fixed. We now get the exact defines of all .pro files instead of all defines for all buildconfigurations. We still don't distinguish in which .pro file a DEFINE is set. So the code model now knows about all the defines set for the given configuration but not for which files it is actually set. Also that includes all DEFINES set in .qmake.cache or the mkspecs. This means all defines from .pro files should now work. The intial loading is still synchronous. I haven't looked into it to deeply, but it seems possible to make it also async.There are probably a few issues which need to be solved fist. Also due to the asynchronous nature of the code, the executable is updated a few seconds after actually changing the build configuration
- Mar 05, 2010
hjk authored
- Feb 26, 2010
Friedemann Kleint authored
Pass around contents as string, saving repeated invocation of FormWindowEditor::contents(). Remove dependency to FormWindowEditor. Reviewed-by:
dt <qtc-committer@nokia.com>
- Feb 17, 2010
dt authored
And port the Qt4ProjectManager to use that API for synchronization between editors and the .pro file tree. Reviewed-By: con
- Feb 02, 2010
Tobias Hunger authored
This is in preparation of the addition of "targets" in the sense of "platforms to develop for" into the codebase. Reviewed-by: dt
- Jan 25, 2010
Oswald Buddenhagen authored
that way the file formatting is better preserved.
- Jan 20, 2010
dt authored
Use the filemanager instead
- Jan 12, 2010
dt authored
QMake passes those headers directly to gcc, so the user doesn't need to include themselves.
- Dec 08, 2009
Oswald Buddenhagen authored
there is no point in throwing away and re-recreating invariant data over and over ... shaves off ~15% of the load time of Qt 4.6.
Oswald Buddenhagen authored
findProFileFor(), buildDir() and createProFileReader() make sense only in relation with an actual pro file anyway, so move them there.
- Dec 03, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
...making use of the new code model features. Move code to separate file. Make it possible to obtain path to generated header file from project manager.
- Oct 05, 2009
Friedemann Kleint authored
Also move Designer::Internal::FormWindowEditor -> Designer::FormWindowEditor.
- Sep 29, 2009
Oswald Buddenhagen authored
- Aug 21, 2009
Alessandro Portale authored
Let's not irritate MSVC
con authored
Also adding category folders for the different file types (source files, header files, resource files, form files, other files).
- Aug 14, 2009
hjk authored
- Jul 27, 2009
dt authored
- Jun 16, 2009
con authored
Reviewed-by: Trust Me Conflicts: src/libs/cplusplus/CppBindings.cpp src/libs/cplusplus/CppBindings.h src/libs/cplusplus/FastPreprocessor.cpp src/libs/cplusplus/FastPreprocessor.h src/plugins/cpptools/cppcurrentdocumentfilter.cpp src/plugins/cpptools/cppcurrentdocumentfilter.h src/plugins/cpptools/cppsemanticsearch.cpp src/plugins/cpptools/cppsemanticsearch.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljs.g src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsast.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsast_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsastfwd_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsastvisitor.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsastvisitor_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsengine_p.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsengine_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsgrammar.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsgrammar_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljslexer.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljslexer_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsmemorypool_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsnodepool_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsparser.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsparser_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsprettypretty.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/parser/qmljsprettypretty_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/rewriter/rewriter.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/rewriter/rewriter_p.h src/plugins/duieditor/rewriter/textwriter.cpp src/plugins/duieditor/rewriter/textwriter_p.h src/shared/cplusplus/ASTClone.cpp tests/manual/cplusplus/main.cpp
Jason McDonald authored
Reviewed-by: Trust Me
- May 25, 2009
dt authored
Makes the code nicer, we use the ProFileReader to parse the mkspec.
- May 13, 2009
dt authored
We run pkg-config --cflags-only-I $$PKGCONFIG in the background to find those includes. Task-Nr: 250195
- May 12, 2009
dt authored
This means, creating a new project, we immediately have completion for the ui file. Also adding stuff to the ui file now changes the codemodel immediately. Yet todo, are tests under windows and suppressing a warning if the form contains a toplevel spacer.
- Apr 28, 2009
dt authored
Qt Creator wouldn't find the correct target if shadow building a project that uses $$OUT_PWD, like for example itemviews-ng. We didn't set the necessary variable on the ProFileReader *, simplified the code to always use a ProFileReader created for the exact profilenode.
- Apr 03, 2009
dt authored
- Mar 26, 2009
dt authored
Rerun cmake and reparse the file. Add new files to the tree, remove old ones from th tree. Add/removing targets should also work.
- Mar 19, 2009
Thorbjørn Lindeijer authored
The name is used as the base for files like [project].creator, [project].files, etc. and is displayed in the Projects mode and the Projects tree.
- Feb 25, 2009