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** This file is part of Qt Creator
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#include "watchhandler.h"
#include "debuggeractions.h"
#include "debuggermanager.h"
#include "idebuggerengine.h"
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#include "modeltest.h"

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#include <utils/qtcassert.h>
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#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtCore/QEvent>
#include <QtCore/QtAlgorithms>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
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#include <QtCore/QTimer>
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#include <QtGui/QAction>
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#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QtGui/QLabel>
#include <QtGui/QToolTip>
#include <QtGui/QTextEdit>

#include <ctype.h>

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// creates debug output for accesses to the model
//#define DEBUG_MODEL 1
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#   define MODEL_DEBUG(s) qDebug() << s
#   define MODEL_DEBUG(s) 
#define MODEL_DEBUGX(s) qDebug() << s

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namespace Debugger {
namespace Internal {
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static const QString strNotInScope =
    QCoreApplication::translate("Debugger::Internal::WatchData", "<not in scope>");
static int watcherCounter = 0;
static int generationCounter = 0;

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class WatchItem : public WatchData
    WatchItem() { parent = 0; }

    WatchItem(const WatchData &data) : WatchData(data)

    void setData(const WatchData &data)
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        { static_cast<WatchData &>(*this) = data; }

    WatchItem *parent;
    QList<WatchItem *> children;  // fetched children

// WatchData
WatchData::WatchData() :
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bool WatchData::isEqual(const WatchData &other) const
    return iname == other.iname
      && exp == other.exp
      && name ==
      && value == other.value
      && editvalue == other.editvalue
      && valuetooltip == other.valuetooltip
      && type == other.type
      && displayedType == other.displayedType
      && variable == other.variable
      && addr == other.addr
      && saddr == other.saddr
      && framekey == other.framekey
      && hasChildren == other.hasChildren
      && valueEnabled == other.valueEnabled
      && valueEditable == other.valueEditable
      && error == other.error;
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void WatchData::setError(const QString &msg)
    value = msg;
    valueEnabled = false;
    valueEditable = false;
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void WatchData::setValue(const QString &value0)
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    value = value0;
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    if (value == "{...}") {
        hasChildren = true; // at least one...
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    // avoid duplicated information
    if (value.startsWith("(") && value.contains(") 0x"))
        value = value.mid(value.lastIndexOf(") 0x") + 2);

    // doubles are sometimes displayed as "@0x6141378: 1.2".
    // I don't want that.
    if (/*isIntOrFloatType(type) && */ value.startsWith("@0x")
         && value.contains(':')) {
        value = value.mid(value.indexOf(':') + 2);
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    // "numchild" is sometimes lying
    //MODEL_DEBUG("\n\n\nPOINTER: " << type << value);
    if (isPointerType(type))
        setHasChildren(value != "0x0" && value != "<null>"
            && !isCharPointerType(type));
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    // pointer type information is available in the 'type'
    // column. No need to duplicate it here.
    if (value.startsWith("(" + type + ") 0x"))
        value = value.section(" ", -1, -1);
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void WatchData::setValueToolTip(const QString &tooltip)
    valuetooltip = tooltip;

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void WatchData::setType(const QString &str, bool guessChildrenFromType)
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    type = str.trimmed();
    bool changed = true;
    while (changed) {
        if (type.endsWith(QLatin1String("const")))
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        else if (type.endsWith(QLatin1Char(' ')))
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        else if (type.endsWith(QLatin1Char('&')))
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        else if (type.startsWith(QLatin1String("const ")))
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            type = type.mid(6);
        else if (type.startsWith(QLatin1String("volatile ")))
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            type = type.mid(9);
        else if (type.startsWith(QLatin1String("class ")))
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            type = type.mid(6);
        else if (type.startsWith(QLatin1String("struct ")))
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            type = type.mid(6);
        else if (type.startsWith(QLatin1Char(' ')))
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            type = type.mid(1);
            changed = false;
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    if (guessChildrenFromType) {
        switch (guessChildren(type)) {
        case HasChildren:
        case HasNoChildren:
        case HasPossiblyChildren:
            setHasChildren(true); // FIXME: bold assumption
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void WatchData::setAddress(const QString &str)
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QString WatchData::toString() const
    const char *doubleQuoteComma = "\",";
    QString res;
    QTextStream str(&res);
    str << QLatin1Char('{');
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    if (!iname.isEmpty())
        str << "iname=\"" << iname << doubleQuoteComma;
    if (!name.isEmpty() && name != iname)
        str << "name=\"" << name << doubleQuoteComma;
    if (!addr.isEmpty())
        str << "addr=\"" << addr << doubleQuoteComma;
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    if (!exp.isEmpty())
        str << "exp=\"" << exp << doubleQuoteComma;
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    if (!variable.isEmpty())
        str << "variable=\"" << variable << doubleQuoteComma;
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    if (isValueNeeded())
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    if (isValueKnown() && !value.isEmpty())
        str << "value=\"" << value << doubleQuoteComma;
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    if (!editvalue.isEmpty())
        str << "editvalue=\"" << editvalue << doubleQuoteComma;
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    if (isTypeNeeded())
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    if (isTypeKnown() && !type.isEmpty())
        str << "type=\"" << type << doubleQuoteComma;
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    if (isHasChildrenNeeded())
        str << "hasChildren=<needed>,";
    if (isHasChildrenKnown())
        str << "hasChildren=\"" << (hasChildren ? "true" : "false") << doubleQuoteComma;
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    if (isChildrenNeeded())
        str << "children=<needed>,";
    if (source)
        str << "source=" << source;
    if (res.endsWith(QLatin1Char(',')))
        res.truncate(res.size() - 1);
    return res + QLatin1Char('}');
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// Format a tooltip fow with aligned colon
static void formatToolTipRow(QTextStream &str, const QString &category, const QString &value)
    str << "<tr><td>" << category << "</td><td> : </td><td>"
        << Qt::escape(value) << "</td></tr>";
static inline QString typeToolTip(const WatchData &wd)
    if (wd.displayedType.isEmpty())
        return wd.type;
    QString rc = wd.displayedType;
    rc += QLatin1String(" (");
    rc += wd.type;
    rc += QLatin1Char(')');
    return rc;

QString WatchData::toToolTip() const
    if (!valuetooltip.isEmpty())
        return QString::number(valuetooltip.size());
    QString res;
    QTextStream str(&res);
    str << "<html><body><table>";
    formatToolTipRow(str, WatchHandler::tr("Name"), name);
    formatToolTipRow(str, WatchHandler::tr("Expression"), exp);
    formatToolTipRow(str, WatchHandler::tr("Type"), typeToolTip(*this));
    QString val = value;
    if (value.size() > 1000) {
        val +=  WatchHandler::tr(" ... <cut off>");
    formatToolTipRow(str, WatchHandler::tr("Value"), val);
    formatToolTipRow(str, WatchHandler::tr("Object Address"), addr);
    formatToolTipRow(str, WatchHandler::tr("Stored Address"), saddr);
    formatToolTipRow(str, WatchHandler::tr("Internal ID"), iname);
    formatToolTipRow(str, WatchHandler::tr("Generation"),
    str << "</table></body></html>";
    return res;

QString WatchData::msgNotInScope()
    static const QString rc = QCoreApplication::translate("Debugger::Internal::WatchData", "<not in scope>");
    return rc;

QString WatchData::shadowedName(const QString &name, int seen)
    if (seen <= 0)
        return name;
    return QCoreApplication::translate("Debugger::Internal::WatchData", "%1 <shadowed %2>").arg(name).arg(seen);

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WatchModel::WatchModel(WatchHandler *handler, WatchType type)
    : QAbstractItemModel(handler), m_handler(handler), m_type(type)
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    m_inExtraLayoutChanged = false;
    m_root = new WatchItem;
    m_root->hasChildren = 1;
    m_root->state = 0;
    m_root->name = WatchHandler::tr("Root");
    m_root->parent = 0;
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    switch (m_type) {
        case LocalsWatch:
            m_root->name = WatchHandler::tr("Locals");
            m_root->name = WatchHandler::tr("Watchers");
            m_root->name = WatchHandler::tr("Tooltip");
    delete m_root;

WatchItem *WatchModel::rootItem() const
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void WatchModel::reinitialize()
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    int n = m_root->children.size();
    //MODEL_DEBUG("REMOVING " << n << " CHILDREN OF " << m_root->iname);
    QModelIndex index = watchIndex(m_root);
    beginRemoveRows(index, 0, n - 1);
void WatchModel::emitAllChanged()
    emit layoutChanged();

void WatchModel::beginCycle()
    emit enableUpdates(false);

void WatchModel::endCycle()
    emit enableUpdates(true);
    // Prevent 'fetchMore()' from being triggered
    m_inExtraLayoutChanged = true;
    emit layoutChanged();
    QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(resetExtraLayoutChanged()));

void WatchModel::resetExtraLayoutChanged()
    m_inExtraLayoutChanged = false;

void WatchModel::dump()
    qDebug() << "\n";
    foreach (WatchItem *child, m_root->children)

void WatchModel::dumpHelper(WatchItem *item)
    qDebug() << "ITEM: " << item->iname
        << (item->parent ? item->parent->iname : "<none>")
        << item->generation;
    foreach (WatchItem *child, item->children)

void WatchModel::removeOutdated()
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    foreach (WatchItem *child, m_root->children)
    //(void) new ModelTest(this, this);
void WatchModel::removeOutdatedHelper(WatchItem *item)
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    if (item->generation < generationCounter) {
        foreach (WatchItem *child, item->children)
void WatchModel::destroyItem(WatchItem *item)
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    WatchItem *parent = item->parent;
    QModelIndex index = watchIndex(parent);
    int n = parent->children.indexOf(item);
    //MODEL_DEBUG("NEED TO REMOVE: " << item->iname << "AT" << n);
    beginRemoveRows(index, n, n);
static QByteArray parentName(const QByteArray &iname)
    int pos = iname.lastIndexOf('.');
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    if (pos == -1)
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    return iname.left(pos);

static QString chopConst(QString type)
   while (1) {
        if (type.startsWith("const"))
            type = type.mid(5);
        else if (type.startsWith(' '))
            type = type.mid(1);
        else if (type.endsWith("const"))
        else if (type.endsWith(' '))
    return type;

static inline QRegExp stdStringRegExp(const QString &charType)
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    QString rc = QLatin1String("basic_string<");
    rc += charType;
    rc += QLatin1String(",[ ]?std::char_traits<");
    rc += charType;
    rc += QLatin1String(">,[ ]?std::allocator<");
    rc += charType;
    rc += QLatin1String("> >");
    const QRegExp re(rc);
    return re;

static QString niceTypeHelper(const QString typeIn)
    static QMap<QString, QString> cache;
    const QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it = cache.constFind(typeIn);
    if (it != cache.constEnd())
        return it.value();
    QString type = typeIn;
    type.replace(QLatin1Char('*'), QLatin1Char('@'));

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
        int start = type.indexOf("std::allocator<");
        if (start == -1)
        // search for matching '>'
        int pos;
        int level = 0;
        for (pos = start + 12; pos < type.size(); ++pos) {
            int c =;
            if (c == '<') {
            } else if (c == '>') {
                if (level == 0)
        QString alloc = type.mid(start, pos + 1 - start).trimmed();
        QString inner = alloc.mid(15, alloc.size() - 16).trimmed();

        if (inner == QLatin1String("char")) { // std::string
            const QRegExp stringRegexp = stdStringRegExp(inner);
            type.replace(stringRegexp, QLatin1String("string"));
        } else if (inner == QLatin1String("wchar_t")) { // std::wstring
            const QRegExp wchartStringRegexp = stdStringRegExp(inner);
            type.replace(wchartStringRegexp, QLatin1String("wstring"));
        } else if (inner == QLatin1String("unsigned short")) { // std::wstring/MSVC
            const QRegExp usStringRegexp = stdStringRegExp(inner);
            type.replace(usStringRegexp, QLatin1String("wstring"));
        // std::vector, std::deque, std::list
        const QRegExp re1(QString::fromLatin1("(vector|list|deque)<%1, ?%2\\s*>").arg(inner, alloc));
        if (re1.indexIn(type) != -1)
            type.replace(re1.cap(0), QString::fromLatin1("%1<%2>").arg(re1.cap(1), inner));
        QRegExp re6(QString::fromLatin1("stack<%1, ?std::deque<%2> >").arg(inner, inner));
        if (!re6.isMinimal())
        if (re6.indexIn(type) != -1)
            type.replace(re6.cap(0), QString::fromLatin1("stack<%1>").arg(inner));
        QRegExp re4(QString::fromLatin1("set<%1, ?std::less<%2>, ?%3\\s*>").arg(inner, inner, alloc));
        if (!re4.isMinimal())
        if (re4.indexIn(type) != -1)
            type.replace(re4.cap(0), QString::fromLatin1("set<%1>").arg(inner));
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        if (inner.startsWith("std::pair<")) {
            // search for outermost ','
            int pos;
            int level = 0;
            for (pos = 10; pos < inner.size(); ++pos) {
                int c =;
                if (c == '<')
                else if (c == '>')
                else if (c == ',' && level == 0)
            QString ckey = inner.mid(10, pos - 10);
            QString key = chopConst(ckey);
            QString value = inner.mid(pos + 2, inner.size() - 3 - pos).trimmed();
            QRegExp re5(QString("map<%1, ?%2, ?std::less<%3 ?>, ?%4\\s*>")
                .arg(key, value, key, alloc));
            if (!re5.isMinimal())
            if (re5.indexIn(type) != -1) {
                type.replace(re5.cap(0), QString("map<%1, %2>").arg(key, value));
            } else {
                QRegExp re7(QString("map<const %1, ?%2, ?std::less<const %3>, ?%4\\s*>")
                    .arg(key, value, key, alloc));
                if (!re7.isMinimal())
                if (re7.indexIn(type) != -1)
                    type.replace(re7.cap(0), QString("map<const %1, %2>").arg(key, value));
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    type.replace(QLatin1Char('@'), QLatin1Char('*'));
    type.replace(QLatin1String(" >"), QString(QLatin1Char('>')));
    cache.insert(typeIn, type); // For simplicity, also cache unmodified types
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    return type;

QString WatchModel::niceType(const QString &typeIn) const
    QString type = niceTypeHelper(typeIn);
    if (!theDebuggerBoolSetting(ShowStdNamespace))
        type = type.remove("std::");
    IDebuggerEngine *engine = m_handler->m_manager->currentEngine();
    if (engine && !theDebuggerBoolSetting(ShowQtNamespace))
        type = type.remove(engine->qtNamespace());
template <class IntType> QString reformatInteger(IntType value, int format)
    switch (format) {
    case HexadecimalFormat:
        return ("(hex) ") + QString::number(value, 16);
    case BinaryFormat:
        return ("(bin) ") + QString::number(value, 2);
    case OctalFormat:
        return ("(oct) ") + QString::number(value, 8);
    return QString::number(value); // not reached

static QString formattedValue(const WatchData &data, int format)
    if (isIntType(data.type)) {
        if (format <= 0)
            return data.value;
        // Evil hack, covers 'unsigned' as well as quint64.
        if (data.type.contains(QLatin1Char('u')))
            return reformatInteger(data.value.toULongLong(), format);
        return reformatInteger(data.value.toLongLong(), format);
    if (0 && !data.addr.isEmpty()) {
        if (format == BaldPointerFormat)
            return data.value;
        bool ok = false;
        const void *addr =
            reinterpret_cast<void *>(data.value.toULongLong(&ok, 0));
        if (!ok || !addr)
            return data.value;
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        // FIXME: add a round trip through the debugger to prevent crashs?
        if (format == Latin1StringFormat)
            return QString::fromLatin1(static_cast<const char *>(addr));
        if (format == Local8BitStringFormat)
            return QString::fromLocal8Bit(static_cast<const char *>(addr));
        if (format == Utf8StringFormat)
            return QString::fromUtf8(static_cast<const char *>(addr));
        if (format == Utf16StringFormat)
            return QString::fromUtf16(static_cast<const ushort *>(addr));
        if (format == Ucs4StringFormat)
            return QString::fromUcs4(static_cast<const uint *>(addr));
         return data.value;
bool WatchModel::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &index) const
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    return !m_inExtraLayoutChanged && index.isValid()
        && !m_fetchTriggered.contains(watchItem(index)->iname);

void WatchModel::fetchMore(const QModelIndex &index)
    if (m_inExtraLayoutChanged)
    QTC_ASSERT(index.isValid(), return);
    WatchItem *item = watchItem(index);
    QTC_ASSERT(item, return);
    QTC_ASSERT(!m_fetchTriggered.contains(item->iname), return);
    if (item->children.isEmpty()) {
        WatchData data = *item;

QModelIndex WatchModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
    if (!hasIndex(row, column, parent))
        return QModelIndex();

    const WatchItem *item = watchItem(parent);
    QTC_ASSERT(item, return QModelIndex());
    if (row >= item->children.size())
        return QModelIndex();
    return createIndex(row, column, (void*)(item->;

QModelIndex WatchModel::parent(const QModelIndex &idx) const
    if (!idx.isValid())
        return QModelIndex();

    const WatchItem *item = watchItem(idx);
    if (!item->parent || item->parent == m_root)
        return QModelIndex();

    const WatchItem *grandparent = item->parent->parent;
    if (!grandparent)
        return QModelIndex();

    for (int i = 0; i < grandparent->children.size(); ++i)
        if (grandparent-> == item->parent)
            return createIndex(i, 0, (void*) item->parent);

    return QModelIndex();
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int WatchModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &idx) const
    if (idx.column() > 0)
        return 0;
    return watchItem(idx)->children.size();

int WatchModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &idx) const
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    return 3;

bool WatchModel::hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const
    WatchItem *item = watchItem(parent);
    return !item || item->hasChildren;

WatchItem *WatchModel::watchItem(const QModelIndex &idx) const
    return idx.isValid() 
        ? static_cast<WatchItem*>(idx.internalPointer()) : m_root;

QModelIndex WatchModel::watchIndex(const WatchItem *item) const
    return watchIndexHelper(item, m_root, QModelIndex());

QModelIndex WatchModel::watchIndexHelper(const WatchItem *needle, 
    const WatchItem *parentItem, const QModelIndex &parentIndex) const
    if (needle == parentItem)
        return parentIndex;
    for (int i = parentItem->children.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
        const WatchItem *childItem = parentItem->;
        QModelIndex childIndex = index(i, 0, parentIndex);
        QModelIndex idx = watchIndexHelper(needle, childItem, childIndex);
        if (idx.isValid())
            return idx;
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void WatchModel::emitDataChanged(int column, const QModelIndex &parentIndex) 
    QModelIndex idx1 = index(0, column, parentIndex);
    QModelIndex idx2 = index(rowCount(parentIndex) - 1, column, parentIndex);
    if (idx1.isValid() && idx2.isValid())
        emit dataChanged(idx1, idx2);
    //qDebug() << "CHANGING:\n" << idx1 << "\n" << idx2 << "\n"
    //    << data(parentIndex, INameRole).toString();
    for (int i = rowCount(parentIndex); --i >= 0; )
        emitDataChanged(column, index(i, 0, parentIndex));

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QVariant WatchModel::data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role) const
    const WatchItem *item = watchItem(idx);
    const WatchItem &data = *item;
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    switch (role) {
        case Qt::DisplayRole: {
                    if ( == QLatin1String("*") && item->parent)
                        return QLatin1String("*") + item->parent->name;
                case 1: {
                    int format = m_handler->m_individualFormats.value(data.iname, -1);
                    if (format == -1)
                        format = m_handler->m_typeFormats.value(data.type, -1);
                    //qDebug() << "FORMATTED: " << format << formattedValue(data, format);
                    return formattedValue(data, format);
                case 2: {
                    if (!data.displayedType.isEmpty())
                        return data.displayedType;
                    return niceType(data.type);
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                default: break;

        case Qt::ToolTipRole:
            return theDebuggerBoolSetting(UseToolTipsInLocalsView)
                ? data.toToolTip() : QVariant();
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        case Qt::ForegroundRole: {
            static const QVariant red(QColor(200, 0, 0));
            static const QVariant gray(QColor(140, 140, 140));
                case 1: return !data.valueEnabled ? gray : data.changed ? red : QVariant();
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        case ExpressionRole:
            return data.exp;

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        case INameRole:
            return data.iname;

        case ExpandedRole:
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            return m_handler->m_expandedINames.contains(data.iname);
            //FIXME return node < 4 || m_expandedINames.contains(data.iname);

        case ActiveDataRole:
            qDebug() << "ASK FOR" << data.iname;
            return true;
        case TypeFormatListRole:
            if (isIntType(data.type))
                return QStringList() << tr("decimal") << tr("hexadecimal")
                    << tr("binary") << tr("octal");
            if (!data.addr.isEmpty())
                return QStringList()
                    << tr("Bald pointer")
                    << tr("Latin1 string")
                    << tr("UTF8 string")
                    << tr("UTF16 string")
                    << tr("UCS4 string");
            return m_handler->m_typeFormats.value(data.type, -1);
        case IndividualFormatRole:
            return m_handler->m_individualFormats.value(data.iname, -1);
        case AddressRole: {
            if (!data.addr.isEmpty())
                return data.addr;
            bool ok;
            (void) data.value.toULongLong(&ok, 0);
            if (ok)
                return data.value;
            return QVariant();
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    return QVariant();

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bool WatchModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
    WatchItem &data = *watchItem(index);
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    if (role == ExpandedRole) {
        if (value.toBool()) {
            // Should already have been triggered by fetchMore()
            //QTC_ASSERT(m_handler->m_expandedINames.contains(data.iname), /**/);
    } else if (role == TypeFormatRole) {
        m_handler->setFormat(data.type, value.toInt());
    } else if (role == IndividualFormatRole) {        
        const int format = value.toInt();
        if (format == -1) {
        } else {
            m_handler->m_individualFormats[data.iname] = format;
hjk's avatar
hjk committed
    emit dataChanged(index, index);
    return true;

hjk's avatar
hjk committed
Qt::ItemFlags WatchModel::flags(const QModelIndex &idx) const
con's avatar
con committed
    using namespace Qt;

    if (!idx.isValid())
        return ItemFlags();

    // enabled, editable, selectable, checkable, and can be used both as the
    // source of a drag and drop operation and as a drop target.

    static const ItemFlags notEditable =
con's avatar
con committed
        | ItemIsDragEnabled
        | ItemIsDropEnabled
        // | ItemIsUserCheckable
        // | ItemIsTristate
        | ItemIsEnabled;

    static const ItemFlags editable = notEditable | ItemIsEditable;
con's avatar
con committed

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    const WatchData &data = *watchItem(idx);

    if (data.isWatcher() && idx.column() == 0)
        return editable; // watcher names are editable
    if (data.isWatcher() && idx.column() == 2)
        return editable; // watcher types are
    if (idx.column() == 1 && data.valueEditable)
        return editable; // locals and watcher values are sometimes editable
    return notEditable;
con's avatar
con committed

hjk's avatar
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QVariant WatchModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
con's avatar
con committed
    if (orientation == Qt::Vertical)
        return QVariant();
    if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
        switch (section) {
hjk's avatar
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            case 0: return QString(tr("Name")  + QLatin1String("     "));
            case 1: return QString(tr("Value") + QLatin1String("     "));
            case 2: return QString(tr("Type")  + QLatin1String("     "));
con's avatar
con committed
con's avatar
con committed

struct IName : public QByteArray
    IName(const QByteArray &iname) : QByteArray(iname) {}
bool iNameLess(const QString &iname1, const QString &iname2)
    QString name1 = iname1.section('.', -1);
    QString name2 = iname2.section('.', -1);
    if (!name1.isEmpty() && !name2.isEmpty()) {
hjk's avatar
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        if ( && {
            bool ok1 = false, ok2 = false;
            int i1 = name1.toInt(&ok1), i2 = name2.toInt(&ok2);
            if (ok1 && ok2)
                return i1 < i2;
bool operator<(const IName &iname1, const IName &iname2)
    return iNameLess(iname1, iname2);

static bool iNameSorter(const WatchItem *item1, const WatchItem *item2)
    return iNameLess(item1->iname, item2->iname);
static int findInsertPosition(const QList<WatchItem *> &list, const WatchItem *item)
    QList<WatchItem *>::const_iterator it =
        qLowerBound(list.begin(), list.end(), item, iNameSorter);
    return it - list.begin(); 
void WatchModel::insertData(const WatchData &data)
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hjk's avatar
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    //qDebug() << "WMI:" << data.toString();
    //static int bulk = 0;
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    //qDebug() << "SINGLE: " << ++bulk << data.toString();
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    if (data.iname.isEmpty()) {
        int x;
        x = 1;
    QTC_ASSERT(!data.iname.isEmpty(), qDebug() << data.toString(); return);
    WatchItem *parent = findItem(parentName(data.iname), m_root);
    if (!parent) {
        WatchData parent;
        parent.iname = parentName(data.iname);
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        MODEL_DEBUG("\nFIXING MISSING PARENT FOR\n" << data.iname);
        if (!parent.iname.isEmpty())
hjk's avatar
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    QModelIndex index = watchIndex(parent);
    if (WatchItem *oldItem = findItem(data.iname, parent)) {
        // overwrite old entry
        //MODEL_DEBUG("OVERWRITE : " << data.iname << data.value);
        bool changed = !data.value.isEmpty()
            && data.value != oldItem->value
            && data.value != strNotInScope;